In Loving Memory of Ricky Rodriguez (1975-2005)
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Ricky Rodriguez (1975-2005)

Memories of Ricky :: Fond memories

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By Genty - May 21, 2005

My name is Genty. I am 32 years old & an ex-member of The Family. I left in the summer of 2000, and in January 2001, I had the privilege of meeting Richard Rodriguez. I'd like to begin by giving a little history on how we came to know each other.

One fine winter morning in January I received a phone call from James Penn. He and I had been pen pals of sorts while I was living in Russia. A group of us started a center for homeless children there, and James Penn (bless his heart) was one of our supporters. He proceeded to tell me that he had a friend that was leaving the Family, and was planning to get on the fishing boats. James asked if I wouldn't mind letting his friend stay with me, since I lived in the greater Seattle area. Of course I was more than happy to have a visitor since I had just recently left The Family myself, and didn't have many friends. A day or so later James and Rick showed up at my door.

Rick and I would often sit and talk about the different things we experienced in The Family. We both lived in Russia and had some things in common. Naturally we did some venting since I had just recently left and he was in the process of leaving. All the while I had no clue who he was. He had asked James not to say anything, and stayed with me for awhile without disclosing this to me.

One afternoon I was in the bathroom putting make-up on, and Rick was standing in the bathroom door chatting with me and he said, "You have no idea who I am, do you?" He proceeded to tell me, and boy was I surprised. He asked that I didn't treat him any differently than anyone else. He was tired of being treated like some sort of celebrity, and just wanted people to like him for who he was, not who they (Karen and her posse) had made him out to be. Naturally I respected his wishes.

After his months of hell on the fishing boats he returned to my apartment and asked if it would be okay if he and Elixcia stayed with me until they got set up. Of course, I was more than happy to help anyone leaving The Family, so she flew up a couple days later.

My sister-in-law and I were the only ones to attend their wedding, and I think we were only there because they needed witnesses! It was a very small, private ceremony performed in the home of an ordained pastor. Shortly thereafter they moved into their first apartment.

I had recently worked in an employment agency (my first job at age 27), so I helped Rick do a resume and got him started looking for work. We (Rick, Elixcia and a few other ex-members that live in this area) would "hang out" together. We loved going to parks and barbecuing, taking nature walks, hikes, etc.

Rick had a way of making people feel special. He was soft-spoken, kind-hearted and considerate of those around him. He put others' happiness before his own, and made sure that everyone else was taken care of before even thinking about himself. He wasn't overbearing with his opinions, and was always willing to listen.

Rick, I love you and hope with all my heart that you are at peace. God rest your soul.

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