In Loving Memory of Ricky Rodriguez (1975-2005)
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Ricky Rodriguez (1975-2005)

Memories of Ricky :: my heart breaks

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By nina - Mar 25, 2008

I find myself obsessed with the poor children that were raised in this cult. I stumbled on these websites related to the cult when I was helping my 12 year old son do his social studies project on the holocaust.
I have read their stories on forums and followed their stories on Montel, 60 Minutes and Dr. Phil.
It is just killing me that these poor souls have known only misery and abuse and sorrow in their lives, yet NOTHING is being done effectively to stop it. Why doesn't the U.N. step in? The U.S. Embassy???? What the HELL????? Doesn't our government see that this is OUR problem? These lunatics originated in the U.S. Why the hell are we more worried about the governing of these third world countries and giving them foreign aid when we have children born of American nationals in foreign countries going through this torturous upbringing. Why are we not trying to rescue these children from these lunatics????? The rate of the 20-30 year old suicides of former members is just alarming. How many do we not know about? Something needs to be done, and it needs to be done NOW! I wish someone would tell me which direction to take to help these poor kids. I would take the bull by the horns if I only knew how. This cult needs to be shut down and there needs to be prosecutions, MANY, MANY presecutions. Even posthumous prosecutions. That is the only retribution these kids will have, and even then it won't be enough. The government itself should be held accountable for not stopping this psychotic group of self serving idiots way back in the early 70's.
I'll close by saying that my prayers are with all of you survivors and with your siblings that are still in the "family", stay strong. You are to be admired.
If there is anyone that can tell me what I can do or give me direction on how to stop this group of misguided idiots, please inform me. I would love nothing more than to have a hand in stopping these pedopheliac child abusers.
R.I.P. Ricky, Josh, Cherish, Abu and all of the others that I can't recall right now, but have read about.

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