Getting Through : ARTicles
Prayer | from Craven de Kere - Sunday, September 22, 2002 accessed 1411 times This one has 3 illusions embedded. You won't find them at this resolution. 
This is inspired by some comic book character that I can't remember. I added the illuions and hidden names (only visible with the full size drawing and only when you look at the drawing at a certain angle). If you can find one of the hidden objects in the drawing at this resolution I'll let you spot my sniper shots from now on. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Jerseygirl Wednesday, September 25, 2002 - 14:36 (Agree/Disagree?) Umm,think I've had enough freaky TK art to last a lifetime. (reply to this comment)
| | | From Jerseygirl Wednesday, September 25, 2002, 16:34 (Agree/Disagree?) Eman had some good stuff and so did Laban, as well as few others. Unfortunately, a lot of TK art was amateur at best, with most of it being downright crappy.One thing I detested the family for was grabbing any Tom,Dick or Harry,whether actually an artist/singer etc. or not, and making us all audience to their "talent" I'm sure you realise that not everyone is going to like your art or style-that doesn't particularly mean it's bad. Good luck!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from jpmagero Monday, September 23, 2002 - 09:09 (Agree/Disagree?) Robert? (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | From Craven --- Monday, September 23, 2002, 15:23 (Agree/Disagree?) Yeah that's the one that becomes more visible when at this resolution. When I scanned it it becomes more visible (I couldn't scan at a good resolution for the web) and when it's shrunk it's even more so. I normally don't care about what resolution altering does to my art but in this case I do. In the original the you can't see it from above, you have to tilt the picture and look at it from an angle (the name is long and thin but becomes thinner and fatter at an angle, lots of the hidden objects work with angles to contort the lines back into what they are supposed to look like).(reply to this comment) |
| | from monger Sunday, September 22, 2002 - 13:52 (Agree/Disagree?) What kind of hair treatment is he using?--Whatever it is, it looks damn cool, CravenDC! Oh, and I luv the effect of his evil cape thing blowing the opposite direction of his hair. Perfect title, too. I'll have to look for your hidden objects another day though, sometime when it's not 3 in the morning here. Cheers mate. Looking forward to seeing more of your work here; I luv the style used on this one and 'unicorn.'. :) (reply to this comment)
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