Every now and then I'll change the goofy
page effects just to irk you.

I'm not a misanthrope, just don't like having my picture taken much.

¤ €®Ævéñ Ðé Kµré
í§ ½ çr@Z¥ ¡¡ ©
I became insane, with long intervals of
horrible sanity. During these fits of absolute
unconsciousness I drank, God only knows how
often or how much. As a matter of course, my
enemies referred the insanity to the drink
rather than the drink to the insanity.- EA Poe
From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were — I have not seen
As others saw — I could not bring
My passions from a common spring —
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow — I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone —
And all I lov'd — I lov'd alone —
Then — in my childhood — in the dawn
Of a most stormy life — was drawn
From ev'ry depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still —
From the torrent, or the fountain —
From the red cliff of the mountain —
From the sun that 'round me roll'd
In its autumn tint of gold —
From the lightning in the sky
As it pass'd me flying by —
From the thunder, and the storm —
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view —
E. A. Poe
I'm @m€®ican thØugh I'm cu®®€ntl¥ £iving in ß®
@zi£ wh€r€ I tæch Engli§h @nd ®un §Øme ßuisne§§
inte®e§t§. I h@ve £iveÐ in 1Ø cØunt®ies (my p@
®ent§ @®e mi§§ion@®ie§). I @m inte®e§teÐ in EVE
®YTHING. ßut e§peci@££y, ®e@Ðing (I w@s ß®Øught
up withØut anÐ cØntinue tø nØt u§e televi§iØn),
mu§ic (eclectic, with @n @dver§iØn tø @n¥ "nø
-t@lent" mu§ic), @®t (ßØth it§ @pp®eci@tiØn @nÐ
it§ c®e@tiØn), peØp£e (I t@£k tø peØp£e fØ® @
£iving), PØ£itic§ (MÆyße I £ike tø get f®ust®
ated ߥ the incØmpetence), new§ (just hæ®Ð m@n
h@s ßeen tø the mØØn!), humØu® (then the p@®®Øt
§@iÐ, "§ø i§ it ®eÐ ø® i§ it ߣue?"
H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@H@), wit, t®@ve£, cu£tu®e§,
£@ngu@ge§ ( I h@ve ÐedicÆted m¥ £ife tø them),
®e£igiØn (I'm @n Æthei§t §Øn øf mi§§iØn@®ie§),
histØ®¥ (@ m@n whø is nØt inte®esteÐ in hi§tØ®¥
i§ @ £æf th@t ÐØe§n't knØw th@t it i§ @ p@®t ø
f @ tree), p§¥chØ£og¥, fØØd (I h@ve Æten §Øme
STRÆNGE dishe§), d®ink§ (mÆyße tØo much £Ø£), §
ex (whø i§n't? ßut in @ ßehÆveÐ m@nne® plæ§e, n
ø neeÐ tø t®æt the §ubject £ike @ fienÐ, th@t'§
wh@t §ep@®Æte§ men frØm lu§t Юiven @nimal§.
Eve® §een a ßu££ whø w@nt§ tø mÆte? I'Ð hÆte tø
be the human ve®§iØn), ßut mاt øf @ll I £ike
tø H@VE FUN. @fte® @££ wh@t @®e we he®e fØ®? Ce
®t@in£¥ it i§ nØt fØ® c@®ee® §uce§§.
My £ife i§ £iveÐ fØ® fun, @nÐ I cØunt my§e£f t®
u£¥ ߣe§§eÐ th@t I §ince®e£¥ finÐ £ife fun in @
££ it§ @§pect§. Even the ß@d øne§.
Actually, I just like to use funny symbols and
give you a headache §;-þ....
Craven de Kere
