Getting On
Getting on our feet and succeeding in our new lives.
5 Articles in Getting On
Article in All My Politics: Students to be taught there isn't a God from neezy - January 27, 2009 (read article) (2 comment/s on this article)
Article in All My Politics: Is America's Love Affair with Stupidity Finally Over? from neezy - January 25, 2009 (read article) (17 comment/s on this article)
Article in All My Politics: searching contact with Eva Disciple from Poland. from cold_gin70 - January 19, 2009 (read article) (1 comment/s on this article)
Article in All My Politics: Repatriation or “Huddling with the Masses” from Heraclitus - January 18, 2009 (read article) (40 comment/s on this article)
Article in All My Politics: Seattlites from emski - January 12, 2009 (read article) (1 comment/s on this article)
5 Comments in Getting On
- Comment on Repatriation or “Huddling with the Masses”
comment from rainy - January 30, 2009, 01:32 I like what you're saying about many second gens going into sales. For me, witnessing was ... (read comment)
- Comment on Repatriation or “Huddling with the Masses”
comment from rainy - January 30, 2009, 01:24 Hmmm. I'm an American citizen but I haven't chosen to live there yet. Now that ... (read comment)
- Comment on Students to be taught there isn't a God
comment from rainy - January 30, 2009, 01:14 Strangely, I find myself uneasy with teaching my child that there ISN'T a God, even though I ... (read comment)
- Comment on Is America's Love Affair with Stupidity Finally Over?
comment from rainy - January 30, 2009, 01:06 Yeah, whatever Fish. Sounds like you've been watching too many Paul Hogan movies.[br]As far as ... (read comment)
- Comment on Is America's Love Affair with Stupidity Finally Over?
comment from exfamily - January 29, 2009, 09:00 "Mate" is used all the time in the UK as well. Took me awhile to get used to the idea of ... (read comment)
5 posts in Getting On
Posting in Faith | In Reply to Me.: Steer Clear |  | Me., January 28, 2009, 1/1/1900 8:00:00 PM Please Delete the Above Post Webmaster/coordinator, please delete my post above. Thank you. (reply to this post) | Posting in Faith | In Reply to White Horse: Hi! |  | exfamily, January 22, 2009, 1/1/1900 7:12:00 AM WTF Ha what a load of shite! (reply to this post) | Posting in Faith |  | Me., January 21, 2009, 1/1/1900 10:16:00 PM Steer Clear OK, just wanted to put this out there in case it saved even one person from what I had to go through. This guy who currently seems to go by "Daniel Solari" as a frontman for some "Christian-rock" group called "Zaga", sexually abused me when I was a minor growing up in the sex cult sometimes called "The Family" or "Children of God". All I can say is, if you are a female or care about one, steer clear from this sexual abuser, whose real name is Anibal Claudio Solari, although in the cule he used a number of pseudonymys as they all do. He took advantage of a number of girls, many underage, and also worked compliantly with our other slave labor leaders. Steer clear. (reply to this post) | Posting in Faith | In Reply to White Horse: Hi! |  | You have got to be kidding!, November 3, 2008, 1/1/1900 6:51:00 AM you are either joking or brainwashed "what to do to avoid the Mark of the Beast coming with also some witnessing tips.." Ha! What a crock of shit! Go away loser! We have put up with you people long enough. LEAVE US ALONE!! (reply to this post) | Posting in Faith |  | White Horse, November 1, 2008, 1/1/1900 8:04:00 PM Hi! I'm new too on Movingon.org. My name is Joshua or White Horse or Joshua White Horse.[br][br]I have a Forum Board where you can come talk about anything freely called "The Freedom and Survival Board" where anyone is welcome without pressure at all to talk about politics, non-violent activism and what's weird in the injustices and abuses to denounce in our Governments and authorities and what to do to avoid the Mark of the Beast coming with also some witnessing tips... Here's the link:[br][br]http://boards2go.com/boards/board.cgi?&user=whitehorse (reply to this post) |