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Character Assasination No More | from cassy - February 11, 2003 accessed 19963 times This Article is not in the Trailer Park. Go To Article |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Rain Child March 22, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| from evanman November 12, 2004 - This comment is in the main site
| from Moshu October 26, 2004 - This comment is in the main site
| from fragiletiger March 1, 2004 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | | | from ursa March 29, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| from meh February 19, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| from Anonymous Family Member(for obvious reasons) February 18, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | | from Mir February 13, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | from David D February 13, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| | from placebo February 13, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| | from emi February 12, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | | | | | | From MGP Saturday, February 22, 2003, 17:23 (Agree/Disagree?) Yes, you are. I wrote this song for you back in '69 when I was in 'Nam. Its about your drug habit.
Dear Jules have you lost your way, Or like denim and leather are you faded and frayed, Institute lackies with hot bourbon breath, White coats and needles Jules like to scare you to death, Dear Jules do you feel your best, When you're strung out at night on your morphine and meth, Jackknife Jules you're a floor moppin' flunkie, Tool of a dagger's drawn world, From the tone deaf hearing of the draft board game, You were washing cars down in Dallas, when the holocaust came, Dear Jules your excuse was lame, All your friends sleep in boxes while, you sleep in chains, Jackknife Jules you're a bad jungle monkey, Tool of a dagger's drawn world, Jackknife Jules welcome to our world.
(reply to this comment) |
| | From Ajen Friday, March 28, 2003, 04:09 (Agree/Disagree?)
Your words may seem cunning to some... but alas, forlorn. What, may I ask, do you attempt to prove? Or better yet, what it is that you seek to elude? Your attempt to degrade and downplay the right of any individual to freely communicate and express his past on this site, begs to question your own intelect. Most importantly, in so doing, you've blatantly missed Jules' very intention and finite purpose in creating this public information gateway. Jules has demonstrated his responsibility by taking an active stand against the immorality, injustice and ultimate insanity that is the COG. Nothing you do or say will be able to thwart, hinder, disrupt or discredit the massive outcry these very pages will put forth. So, go on attempting to display your vulgar exhibit of 'briliance'. Hopefully others will also be able to read through your foulplay of words. The truth is, the only "floor moppin flunkie" is you... 'MGP'. Ajen EG (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From PompousJohn Friday, February 21, 2003, 08:38 (Agree/Disagree?) I know what you mean, MGP. As much as my childhood sucked, it is the raw material and the creation process of who I am and I wouldn't trade with anybody. If I did, I would be someone else. This is what we have to work with, and we just have to find something in all this crap that we can use to our benefit. Sure it takes some adjustments, but we can't turn our backs on who we are.
There were a couple of recent articles about throwing or not throwing the baby out with the bathwater, the “baby” being God and belief systems, but I think this is a misuse of the metaphor. If there is a proper interpretation of this tired metaphor, then the “baby” is us, and the real danger we face is throwing ourselves out.
I know so many who deny and reject themselves in the same way they deny and reject their past, and manifest all sorts of neurosis and social dysfunction as a result. I think if people are so un-evolved that they lack the ability to distinguish between their own identity and the circumstances that forged them then they should at least to seek to make peace with their past if it is the only way they will have peace with themselves. Obviously this is not ideal, and it would be infinitely better to drain the filthy bathwater and keep the baby only, that’s why I say only for those who lack the ability, or for whom the bathwater has become so murky that they can’t find anything resembling a baby in there.
I guess maybe that’s the real function of this website, we are draining the bathwater here. Yeah the bathwater is dirty and smelly, yeah it’s leaving a black greasy ring around the tub, and yes we’ve had to fish a lot of hair and crap out of the drain to keep it flowing. (There’s a lot of goddamn water in here.) Sure some of the brattier babies have been splashing and dunking each other, but we’re making progress and soon we’ll be powdering our own asses and changing our own diapers. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Isislively Monday, May 19, 2003, 10:24 (Agree/Disagree?)
I have to agree with you there. I've been out for over 10 years now, and though I went through my stage of hating anyone and everyone who had anything to do with the Family, and blaming all my problems on them, I wouldn't change who I am for anything, and with all the hardships and crap, they did make me who I am. I think any of us who have been out for a while, and have "found" ourselves, would have to agree with the saying, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger. I only occasionally come to this site, mainly to check and see if anyone I know has popped in, but, though I know it's a necessary part of the leaving process (having gone through it myself, though with nowhere like this to vent it), the whining and "my life sucks because of them" does get to me too. I, of course, still disagree and am disgusted by everything the Family stands for, but at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself and decide what you'll do with what you were given. It's called growing up. (Now if I could just figure out how to impart that to my daughter, I'll be set. Oh well, she's young yet. She'll learn. :)) (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from EyesWideShut February 12, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| from snowhite February 12, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
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