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Getting On : The Trailer Park
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Responding to posts | from GenBethlehem - July 16, 2006 accessed 3163 times Hey guys… Miss me yet? Yee ha! Anyway, it’s a very frustrating task scrolling through 84 (yes, I counted it) pages of text to find the latest additions…I don’t know how you guys do it is there a faster way? Call me troll if you like, but the blood lust is running through my veins again. To the dirt-blown killing fields we go, I say, again and again if that is what is required by either fate or our stubborn resoluteness to stand by what we stand by—may God curse those who trod their desert-worn boots upon this hallowed, blood-stained arena for pure reason of provocation of the opponent that waits in the midst or for whatever goddamn fuck reason that reeks or dishonor or ignorance of the reason to which they reason to unreasonably these pages disgrace with their cur. Those slick, oiled sixers on our hips—let’s draw them. Too long have they been cursed to taste the cold of disuse. On my mark, gentlemen. Last man standing takes all. May God have mercy on our souls. :) I’m just kidding people…you know I love you! LOCH, I don’t anything against you or anyone on this site, or any ex-member, be they friend, contact, supporter, apostate, or downright devil-filled. I really don’t. You never did anything to me or anyone I remotely love and care about, and even though you hold in the highest disregard some of the very things that I base my life around, I cannot and will not hold you for that because seriously, it’s your own choice. If God deems you to receive well-merited recompense, let Him decide and execute. Though I occasionally violate these pages with personal attacks and slander, give me the benefit of the doubt in saying that they were let loose through moments of passion or foolishness or a combination of both. I say again, I’ve got nothing personal against any of you (even those I DO know personally), and hope you will award me the same merit. Now. Honky? Hey, I’d send you a photo…but…yeah. Anyway, I’m neither honky nor chink nor nigger. MIA, I do apologize for my barrage against you. I mean, you did call me names, but aloha! One bad turn does not deserve another. Anyway, I hope you’ve re-read my initial statement on this thread and better understand what I was trying to implicate. ANDYH, now against you I hold a personal vendetta. You’ve done nothing but make crude, crass, personal attacks against me, usually concluding your collection of words with neither head nor tail, and more often than not, saying, in the figurative sense, nothing. I want not to pick a fight with you, but “If he wants a war! I’ll give him! A war!” –General Bethlehem, The Postman. RAINCHILD, you’re sweet. At least you don’t fail to see common sense and logic when it confronts you. Whenever I see your name I’m reminded of Evye from V for Vendetta (the whole “God is in the rain” concept). That’s meant in a good way. J JOHNNIEWALKER, you’re a good guy too. We’ve had our spats, but honestly, you’re more level-headed and logical than I am. Ha. However…as for your thread on “confronting the leaders,” what do you purpose with that? What would that achieve? No, I don’t feel that they’re innocent, not most of them anyway, but again…what would stirring shit do other than perhaps causing it to hit the fan? And when shit hits the fan, everyone gets dirty. Anyway…I don’t believe that between people like you and I there’s a “line in the dirt.” Far as I see we’re all still working in the same company, playing the same game, albeit different roles and our eventual participation in fate either taking form presently or yet to be discovered. I don’t know. I guess time will tell. SHAKA, torture and kill all child molestors? I don’t mind, but it’s way too much work. I’d advocate it, though. I’ll excuse your foul mouth and unreasonable rage as a reaction to some hidden trigger of something I said, perhaps linked to a deep dark and bottled bitterness over some long-since-passed wrongdoing committed directly or indirectly upon yourself or members of your family or circle of affection, or acquaintance. No need to attack my mother, though. If you’re an SGA, your mother and I have a whole lot more in common that you’d probably like. And PS, could you order me a takeaway while you’re at BK? I hear their Whoppers are pretting whoppin’ good! Ah! REDNECK!! You again! Didn’ git enuf luvin’ frerm yer sisters or stepma wassit? Aww shucks datz cuz they in the penitentiary, getting’ boned by them nigger wardens. Ne’er mind it, but p’rhaps ye shuld look up yer own said homewerk bufor askin’ sumone else t’ do’it. Or didja wanna me to explain it ta ya? Well, let meh translayt it fer ya. Erg bugger it. The mailman wuld have ta read it to ya anyway, and that’ wuldn’t be gud security, no would it? Nah, I reckon ye just drop by my house wit a coupla molsons and we’ll see if darn shit can’t be sorted out. If so, lawd be praised. Naht, I’ll just get my M16 and we can use yer hide to strain peas come winter. RANDI…well, we’ve had our good days and our bad days. Yet I quote…”I suspect that you or your family left or were told to leave a while ago, in which time you got some education etc...you later rejoined, got back into your comfort zone.” Well, not to nit pick, (poor old redneck ladies who did all the knitting and picking), but I had an extremely—and I wouldn’t say marginally, but extremely—successful stint during my years working for the government of the country in which I am now residing. They worship those few of us left on this planet who can offer differing opinions and can speak outside the box without fear of being locked away in a black bag (providing said opinion is said with utmost respect and without reference of any kind to their leading heads). I was not offered the world, no, or any large portion of it, but I was offered a place in what they claimed was “the future.” Sure, there are a lot more potentially comfortable positions one can attain in the system, but $50-80k a year, with the direct recommendation an appraisal of a brigadier general and lieutenant-colonel isn’t that bad either—considering I’d only worked under them for 1 year. No, I’d have to disagree with you when I say that I returned to my bubble of existence. I live in a home where I toil and boil to keep it afloat, I don’t have a gf, and other than sex with outsiders, the only other available option is a bitch who hates my guts and would rather entertain affairs with married men than give me the time of day. Everyone’s life is different, yes, so I won’t generalize, but in my case I slaved away and the system put on…and hey, they sure went to town. I’m not in TF cuz it’s easy, hell no. I’m here cuz it’s my calling. It’s where I belong. I’m sorry you chose to leave, I really am. Brilliant minds are always a plus. In fact, so many of you guys here on this site are real awesome and it’s too bad we’re not working together striving for the same goals. Differences aside, I’d love to work alongside the most of you. PS—LJ stuff? Erm…hehe…guilty as charged. PPS—“If this sight isn't helping you to re think your life choices....I suggest you get off it. It is rather amusing for us to have you here...at least we have a laugh...but what does it do for you?” On contraire, this site really has made me think things out, I went through an extremely difficult week when I first discovered this site and read some of the stories, many kind of which were a first for me. I’m not going to bother to give my reasons, but the storm is passed, and I’m just as resolute as I was before. What does it do for me, oh I don’t know. I like to think it settles some issues that might otherwise come up when I’m unprepared, and, of course, it helps me get a little intellectual buffet—something that’s kinda hard to find anywhere, be it TF or outside. HYDRA. Para 3—I take personal offense on that one. Reading comprehension, command of my goddamn mother tongue, and manipulation of syntactical structure is what I was put on this planet to do, dearest. People like you are what I practice on. I know SAT’s are debatable, but how many people do you know who scored a PERFECT SCORE for language arts? Para 4—oh dear. Trip fall stumble bit tongue bleed and beg for forgiveness. I know what I know because I am working as an intern in Merrill Lynch (perhaps, dearest dear, you’ve heard of us), assisting the director of the IRA department. Hmmm. PS—I never said United States. Where I come from, a 1040 is what I used during my military days to send serviceman to prison. Para 6—I do. You, however, if you are an American, DID NOT CHOOSE to be a citizen. Furthermore, as for you scholastics, how many public schools have you personally attended? Say, are you teacher? Yes, I am. Well, not any more, but I was, and I have extensive experience dealing with schools, namely international schools—not so much in the government sector, although I believe I’ve seen more than you do. I’d have to had seen more, judging but what you’re spouting. Definition of “teacher,” in my lingo, anyway, is someone who has attended a officially recognized course, passed, and is certified to educate children of a certain age bracket, and who possesses the necessary documentation to back this claim. Yes, I do have all of this. No, I’m not going to try to prove it to you. No, I don’t mean a 4-year master’s or such long and lengthy crap, most of which teaches you nothing. No, I don’t mean to imply that 4 adults stayed home to teach 5 children. I am stating such. RAINCHILD again…your adieu was received most cordially and returned with what I hope is an equal measure of affection. As for insults, we’ve all sullied our hands slinging our own shit, dontcha think? J You’re a little biased…hehe (“It's not easy to go up against this lot (truth and logic being on their side and all)”), but aren’t we all? Anyway, I just thought I’d share the revelation with you that I have found truth and logic…I hope you’ve found yours too…and I also hope one day our views will be more alike than opposing, and definitely more alike than they are now. Perhaps you’d like to keep in touch? ANDY! Hey, I think you’re an asshole too! Cool, no? You’re either dumping shit, getting fucked, or in the cases of those sickos like me, getting fucked while you’re trying to dump shit. I you’re your life stops spiraling downwards and just leaps straight off the banister. However, some points remain to be straightened out (like the rod of judgment I intend to share with you should we ever meet). 1: No, I would not stand idly by as a kid gets raped—even if that kid was yours. Even if that kid was you! I’d probably severe said tool of rape and feed it to him. Or, wait a minute, naw, you’re right! I’d give him your address and ask him to so kindly give me 14% commission of what you’ll pay him to have your shit-dripping anus reamed! With all that said, let me close with the words of one who holds the rather hallowed position of “Temporary Almost Near Favorite Artist:” “What’s the worst thing I can say, things are better if I stay: So long and good night, so long and good night. We have to carry all this weight, things are better if I stay: So long and good night, so long and good night.” |
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Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Nelson Muntz July 19, 2006 - 10:28 The following ha-ha is not from amusement, but an exression of contempt. HA-HA! [sic] (reply to this comment)
| | | from roughneck July 18, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| | | from mia1 July 18, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| from AndyH July 18, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| from roughneck July 18, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| | from shikaka July 17, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | | | | | | | | from loch July 17, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| from AndyH July 17, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | | | | | | | | from Mr.T July 17, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| | | from placebo July 17, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
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| from mia1 July 17, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| from weegirlie July 17, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| from Rain Child July 17, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| | | from Randi July 17, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | from JohnnieWalker July 16, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | from Nancy July 16, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| from GetReal July 16, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| from Shaka July 16, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| from Sga Reader July 16, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| from Big Sister July 16, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
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