Getting Out : The Trailer Park
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What next? | from Albatross - August 22, 2002 accessed 2284 times This Article is not in the Trailer Park. Go To Article |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Anna February 26, 2004 - This comment is in the main site
| | from Charly September 22, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | from aboveboard September 11, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | From Andrew Thursday, September 12, 2002, 11:26 (Agree/Disagree?) Uh, Hello Daniel, knock, knock! she already is--but of-course you know that already since you posted at 11:09 & she had already posted at 11:03 just a few lines below! But hey, we still all marvel at your wit, nit, & your amazing understanding of the very spiritually deep Chinese proverbs! There is spirituality in you after all! That is so good to hear!! (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | From Andrew Thursday, September 12, 2002, 08:31 (Agree/Disagree?) And before the US military, so extolled in recent days by members of this site, goes & tries to bomb the shit out of another 100,000 thousand Iraqi civilians, maybe they should consider the potential reprecussions that there will NEVER be another day when US citizens can live in complete (not counting of course the "false sense of", which many find comforting) security anywhere in the world where there are still people who believe in justice & the rule of law, rather than the rule of the jungle of might is right! The US is so much more guilty of so many more greater heinous crimes that they'll never atone for it even when "her smoke ascends up forever & ever". Rev.19:3 And before anyone is so quick to complain about me harping on the same old thing, what is the US doing harping on the same old thing about iraq & weapons inspectors. The world is sick of hearing about it! The US has such a HUGE arsenal of weapons of mass destruction & has used them as well, & yet they get so heavy on Iraq's case about having a few. Goodness me! They just want an excuse to strip that land of any dignity it may have left & draw attention from it's own problems in it's own back-yard!!! How lang can anycountry go on that is built on such strong feelings of selfishness & self-love (in other words NARCISISM for those like Lauren who are so good at spotting it!) & has an economy that is built on war (in other words the suffering of the poor who have to endure it)???!!! When the fuck are they gonna wake-up to the fact that there's not that much blood left on earth for them to devour??!!! Pretty soon there won't be enough life left on earth to keep feeding the hungry US war machine!!! "Don't worry there's always babies being born in the third world countries so there's plenty to go round"!! God is going to have to do something really soon or he's not going to have any reputation left! Don't be too quick to have a round of choruses that He doesn't have any now....He has to put up with all the wicked who "enjoy their sin & excess" (quote from Joe in one of his recent posts) until their cup of iniquity is full & HE can show himself truly Fair & Just...in just ONE hour! And to tell you the truth, this business of harping on the "abuses of the Family" has gone on WAY too long as well! If you don't have anything better to do than to sit around on your asses thinking up ill-conceived plans to get back at the Family for it's mistakes because it gives your lazy American asses something to do & gives you all a common enemy to whom you can direct your hatred & excess agression, & posssibly because it maybe makes you feel better about yourselves, because you can notice somebody else's faults, then you're no better than you calim they aren't. Sorry to have to break it to you Daniel, but your a SR bespectacled little shit, & though I've tried hard, that (& the slightly more charitable comment comparing you to Voltaire) is the only "due respect" that I can find for you as promised! Anyone can criticise! You don't have to be a genious to find fault & it in NO WAY makes YOU a better person for doing so, just as I'm under no illusion that it makes me a better person for saying this! Somebody's GOT to say it though! I think you would have made a good little bolshevik revolutinary...so damn idealistic & yet without a single fucking clue as to what really goes on in the world outside of your perception of how the "perfect" world should looki like! The "cause going ahead full steam"..(to borrow from your post the other day)....?! Yeah, right off the rails into the sand bank! No matter, you can still break out the shovels & see if you can dig your asses out of that pile of shit! Good luck there mate...Oh, & while YOUR world starts crumbling around those hoity-toity little ears of yours!!! (reply to this comment) |
| | From monger Thursday, September 12, 2002, 10:44 (Agree/Disagree?) Andrew/7*, honestly now, I'd like to see things from your point of view, but I can't seem to get my head that far up your ass. Especially with your head already so far up there you could probably chew your food again on the way down. You're so blatantly one-sided and perverted here in your views on "the state of the world" that I don't even see a point in getting into that, as nothing needs to be said at all after your glorious take on it. But even if I could manage to swallow your view that God would somehow save his reputation by killing millions of people, does any of that makes child abuse any less of a crime??--(which was the original point here.) Besides the fact that you fit the stereotype of the "_Family member who's favorite tactic when they have no defense is to just change the subject_" perfectly, what point are you really trying to make here? Your argument on what should be done with top leaders who were involved in this stuff must be pretty damn weak, because you managed to change the subject even before your first sentence. And please: "Bolshevik revolutionary"??? Oh you're such a smart-ass I bet you could sit on a tub of ice cream and tell me what flavor it is. Your dogma and attachment to the most offensive and twisted beliefs would make any sick cult proud of you. You have a nasty speech impediment, Andrew/7*....your foot. But please, keep talking. I always yawn when I'm interested. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Andrew Thursday, September 12, 2002, 11:20 (Agree/Disagree?) Then go back & read the post, & the one that I wrote to accompany it a little further down, slowly & carefully & you might see (or might not--seeing as your half asleep in more ways than one) that actually most of those things were actually already answered, even if they weren't answered to your satisfaction or with the answers that you'd like to see, they're answered all the same. That should keep you busy for awhile while I pay a quick visit to the loo to see if I acn flush yo' perverted ass out of mine! Sorry (not), but it's just getting to damn itchy!! As far as God destoying the Whore, He's not gonna do it Himself directly; He's already arranged for ten hit men to "take her out" & do a nice tidy job for Him--Rev.17:16,17! He's even got it arranged for someone (The Lamb--& the Fam) to "take out" the "patsies" & clean things up--Rev.17:12-14! In the bargain He's aranging for a little rejoicing for His holy apostles & prophets--Rev.18:20! Isn't that nice?! And they all live happily ever after forever!! Now lie down & close your eyes & drift off to the land of Winkin' & Blinkin' & Nod! I'm gonna go get me some Ice-cream!! (reply to this comment) |
| | From N Thursday, September 12, 2002, 10:02 (Agree/Disagree?) Just when I thought things were getting dull, the Family brings us another one of their Bible-thumping fanatics who attempt to rail on the U.S. for their policies all the while demanding the Family be forgiven for its crimes. Well, if anyone is going to hell, it's the Family and their lot of pedophile conspiracy theorists. If anyone is going to be taking Bible prophecy literally, which is quite a stupid endeavor, let's try and find the most similarities with the "whore" of Revelations. Hmmm? We don't have to look too far for a whoring lot of religious prostitutes which offered up their children to Moloch, beat, abused, exploited and raped them. Not to mention doing so in the name of Christ! Now who's turned away from the God of their fathers'? Andrew, you give me great joy to saddle you with my new favorite quotation "What you are shouts so loudly in my ear that I cannot hear what you say." -Edward Arlington Robinson. Now go on back to Mama and uncle and tell them the other side isn't buying their dog and pony show anymore. Their "children" are "all grows up" and planning on shining light under the rug the Family has hidden like the roaches they are for far too long. I relish the irony that from their own ranks were born the children who will bring them down. Quick call on the keys or the spirits of delusion or pink elephants or whatever motivates your fanatic little bean head cause they only world coming down around anyone's ears is yours. Funny how you people find the need to pray to inanimate objects. Maybe cause God stopped taking your calls years ago. (reply to this comment) |
| | | From Andrew Thursday, September 12, 2002, 10:32 (Agree/Disagree?) No wonder your post is so short there jp, you're supposed to use your FINGERS to hit the keys, not your BREATH!!! It's a whole lot easier, believe me! And while we're on the subject of education get this--you don't know what I think & I definately DON'T think I stand for the "one true way to eternal life"!! If you want to know who carries that awsome responsiblity look up Jn.14:6! But if you meant that I stand for Him (as being the one true way to eternal life), then in a way you were right, & I have about 1 billion "alter-egos" around the world who agree with me! Not bad heh?! (reply to this comment) |
| | From Andrew Thursday, September 12, 2002, 10:11 (Agree/Disagree?) Why don't we just wait on that one & give it a little time........we could all be surprised on how life takes strange & wonderful turns!! Whaddya think?! It's obvious that you didn't hear what I said cause you're so busy looking at the faults (yes I like everybody else, including the Family, on this planet am human) of the messenger to excuse yourself from hearing the message! Well, I've got news for you...NO messenger is perfect or ever has been except for CHRIST! Does that mean anything to you??!! Heed the message or don't heed it....it's up to you! But you won't be able to claim that it wasn't delivered! They used to kill messangers in the olden days that brought bad news....that didn't make the bad news go away!! Ignore it at your own peril!! But dopn't make any predictions that your gonna have to eat later on......you could get terrible indigestion!!! (reply to this comment) |
| | From Albatross Thursday, September 12, 2002, 09:26 (Agree/Disagree?) Did you miss your medication today Andrew? Here is the perfect world I hope for: ~ A world were I would not be "bespectacled." ~ A world where those who base their world view on an at least 2000 year old religious manuscript are not the same people raving on that my views are unrealistic. ~ A world where those throwing around the words "bolshevik revolutionary" are not the same ones espousing a religion that has communal living as a basic doctrine. ~ A world where Andrew could articulate his points without resorting to scatological crutches. To sum up my reply: I am not really a moralist. I enjoy hedonism as much as the next person. But I have just a few thinks I don't like: This cult getting away with sexual/physical/educational abuse and neglect of children. I also don't like being compared to Voltaire. Quite honestly Andrew, if I was to get any "due respect" from you, I'd begin to wonder what I had done wrong. "Let him rave on that men/women should know him mad." Daniel. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Andrew Thursday, September 12, 2002, 09:51 (Agree/Disagree?) Thank you for your kind permission, & if you don't mind, & out of respect for the "men/women",let them make up their own mind as to whether I'm mad or not! I don't give a s**t! You could be as sane as Hannibal Lecter for all I care! That still doesn't make you right! Of-course the things that you are propogating are right! I'm taking issue with the wider picture--YOUR PLANS!! The Family already acknowledges the things you're still harping on & cleaned up their act YEARS ago (try about 10-15!) & you're WAY behind the times! But, heck--if it gives you a reson for living.....what difference does it make if you make a bloody great fool of yourself in the mean-time; not to mention of in the "long run"! You refuse to acknowledge that the fAmily has changed because what would that do to your "great cause"...."how would we have any respect anymore if we couldn't accuse the Family of such heinous crimes"! A little paralel which you may not appreciate....many important people didn't want to face up to the fact that there was no need to continue the cold-war arms race & had JFK killed when he was getting too close to accomplishing that goal! Why, because that was their excuse for existence or at least for power, prestige, fame, purpose or whatever their reasons were! The FAmily has changed a lot. Ok, so there were some strange things that went on....ok so maybe a lot of it was a mistake......well the FAmily was breaking away from the system, they were radicals, they defied convention (which isn't always a bad thing to do) so of-course there were gonna be somne mistakes made. Ok, so some feel like they've come out of the goop of the Family & never want to go back agin. Well, a bably is born out of goop from the womb with a whole lot of other things that are no-longer necessary to it's life, but some of them were necessary & without which the life couldn't have been born. of-course the baby doesn't want to go back in. i't gotta get on with life. So, does thaqt mean it should start to attack & devour it's mother for the months it was kept in the womb without an opportunity to get some good head or a drink or complain that the mother maybe over-did it in her pregnancy or maybe took a few pills she shouldn't have to ease the pain. Well some do, buyt without that the baby wouldn't have been born. Cna't the mother be excused for a few little faults or does the baby have some higher moral right than the mother now to castigate her for her mistakes??!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! OK??!! Yes, the Bible is a 2000 year old document & it has been fulfilled with un-erring accuracy, even if you "can't" see that & don't acknowledge it. Just like the US seems to think it's absolutely right abaout everything & can't see there's anything wrong in flouting international law & world opinion in throwing it's weight around & being a big bully!! The "beauty" of your position is that if the US has it's way you won't be around for me to say "See, I told you so!" (reply to this comment) |
| | From moonmental Sunday, September 15, 2002, 22:59 (Agree/Disagree?) Andrew, I've got a lot of friends that are still in the family, I see them alot and therefore I generally 'agree to disagree' and leave the yelling and screaming to others. Hearing you rant and rave however, is just like getting all this junk thrown in my face. Honestly it makes me want to sit up and correct what I see to be continued blatant intolerance and blind bigotry. As for the family changing it's ways, as far as sexual abuse is concerned, crime is a crime is a crime. I don't recall the last time I saw anyone in the 'real world' say they apologized for abusing a child and get away with it. Some of you just need to poke your head out of that little 'paradise' that you're in and realize that no matter how 'sorry' and apologetic the family may be about the past, IT STILL HAPPENED. It was criminal and as such is punishable by law. Those who commited these crimes are not going to be given a 'get out of jail free' card just cause the family changed it's position. They are in the same boat as the sex offender in prison who is rehabilitated but still must serve out his 'debt to society' (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | from Regi September 4, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Anthony August 24, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from MagicGreenPants August 24, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | from jpmagero August 23, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | from C August 22, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
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