Getting Out : The Trailer Park
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Silence | from Albatross - December 6, 2002 accessed 8073 times This Article is not in the Trailer Park. Go To Article |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from the-prophet November 1, 2004 - This comment is in the main site
| from the-prophet November 1, 2004 - This comment is in the main site
| from exotik tom-boy February 13, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| from KD January 21, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| from conan January 21, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| from Tiger January 8, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| from goth88 December 29, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from Dana December 27, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | from JackFlash December 25, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | | | | | From Remembers Wednesday, January 22, 2003, 03:38 (Agree/Disagree?) David G, is that you? Hey, proof read this: "DICKHEAD"!! - & if you think the all-caps was a mistake there's also plenty "COCK-SUCKER" in memories of you, you "FUCK-WIT". You should save any indignance you have left for yourself, try taking it as a suppository on account of all those who had to take it up the ass from you when you were in "The Family" you flaming homosexual PISS-ASS WANKER! (reply to this comment) |
| | From David G Thursday, January 23, 2003, 02:30 (Agree/Disagree?) My secret is out, now at last I can come out of the closet. Any suggestions on what to tell the wife and kids? My wife after reading your comment said it sounds to her like you enjoyed our time together "Remembers". Next time you're in FL you should stop by and we can reminisce. Personally, I'm just impressed you came up with such "BIG" words. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Another one who Remembers Thursday, January 23, 2003, 22:24 (Agree/Disagree?) It seems your wife already knows what you get up to Dave, her support of you lends you no credibility worth speaking of. For suggestions on how to tell your kids, I know maybe contact Oprah, 'cause when they're old enough you might want to let them in on the little secret behind your bad breath. By the way, any hair left on top? Down to the last few strands I'd guess. You'd probably stand to gain by having a few transplanted from your ass, might make you look prettier. - Seriously, all the best! (reply to this comment) |
| | From Mary Tuesday, January 28, 2003, 13:46 (Agree/Disagree?) BTW - I'm his wife Mary, who are you "Another one who Remembers"? I do fully back my husband up and take issue with anyone who says otherwise. As with the hair comment, you have to be talking about a different David G because he is doing just fine with his. For your informantion there were a few David G.'s in TF. In fact, I know another one that is a good friend of our family who lives up north. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From Fox Wednesday, January 22, 2003, 04:58 (Agree/Disagree?) hay Jack ass! opininos are like assholes every-one has one and your's? well lets just say zip up your pants. Buy the way we don't need your help to bring down the cog. I hope not to live up to your family crap!You haven't seen the real world yet:( they will do much better than you. so go cry to grandpa you fuck. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | from MGP December 17, 2002 - 15:27 Still faithfully masturbating Dan. Didnt the King and Queen reject your previous letters? (reply to this comment)
| from SaraMarie December 9, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from PompousJohn December 9, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from bubba December 8, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From AUSSIE Friday, December 13, 2002, 03:24 (Agree/Disagree?) It would seem, PompousJohn, that as your name implies, you have some minor character flaw regarding the size of your head...of course you are entitled to your misconcieved notion that you are, some how, a superior being. Perhaps you were dropped on your head as a child, or maybe you have been endowed with some physic ability which immediatley allows you to to judge a persons character by some hastily written comment, or maybe its just that your inflated ego attempts to compensate for your own lack of ahmmmm....admirable qualites.... by the way, your writing style is well articulated, and you do have some skill, but unfortunatly you head is just so big that it will undoubtly cause you to suffer from severe spinal damage in the future... Please note that you do yourself an injustice by presuming that anyone would, for some miguided reason, be seeking your approval, maybe it's just that this website has somehow filled your obvious desire to be recognised and respected, admiration can not be gained by putting others down....or havent you figured that out yet? and no, actually you don't inspire terror to any degree, infact humor would be a more appropriate definition, perhaps you should rename yourself Jester John.... later, King John, i salute you. (reply to this comment) |
| | From PompousJohn Friday, December 13, 2002, 16:39 (Agree/Disagree?) Aussie, WARNING TO EVERYONE WHO IS NOT AUSSIE: THIS IS A LONG AND OFF-TOPIC TYRADE DIRECTED AT AUSSIE AND OF INTEREST ONLY TO ME, HIM, THE ANONYMOUS SCUMBAG POSTERS THAT I AM WHINING ABOUT AND PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO READ MY SHIT. Thanks for the salute. It's good to know there are people out there who still recognize the fact that I’m the king. As soon as one of them can figure out what I’m the king of, we’ll be in business. You’ll even be on my list for a Lordship. It seems you got a little riled by the fact that I made make hasty assumptions about posters based on the short snippets of their thoughts that they post. It may comfort you to know that when I do this, I am not making a permanent or even lasting value judgment against an individual, but rather I am stating a reaction to the thought process implied by what they said. As you no doubt observed, I have nothing to go on aside from their short comment, which may be little more than transference of their anger at being halfway through the last beer in the fridge, and the last half of the last beer always getting warm so fast. (On the other hand, you may not give a rat’s ass, in which case you can skip the rest of this post) This brings me to the point that my previous post was intended to make, and this is that anonymous posts are frustrating and annoying. Regardless of the content of the post, the fact that it was made by a faceless coward makes it all but impossible to credit. I can understand telling embarrassing tales of abuse and horror without wanting to reveal your identity. But logging on anonymously just to tell someone else to “go to hell” is just lame. Anyone who lacks the moral fiber to identify themselves might even be slimy enough to log on as a slightly different anonymous coward to back themselves up in the following manner: Someone: You suck, don’t post here anymore Someone else: Yeah, you are a clueless dipshit and I don’t like you either! Someone totally different from the first two who doesn’t even know them: I think you suck too, and I don’t even know those other two guys. In fact they might not even be guys, because I don’t know them. In fact I might know them, because I don’t know who they are, but I don’t know if I know them. Do you see the kind of anarchy that we are up against? Even a fake identity would be ok, as long as it was consistent. The purpose is not to be able to hunt the individual down and burn him in his bed, but just to cross-reference his comments with other comments made in the past to get an idea what kind of character you’re dealing with. For instance if the same poster had previously posted the observation that he or she didn’t think the family was all that bad, or that he or she likes to put mustard on peanut butter sandwiches, then we could disregard their other comments, because we know they come from a warped and twisted mind. (Obviously my driver’s license doesn’t say Pompous John on it and yours doesn’t say Aussie – I hope.) In closing I’d like to say that my post was pure trolling flame bait, and I was hoping to get the anonymous cowards to step forward and identify themselves, there is always a chance that they are family members on an unauthorized patrol trying to stand up for their faith by making it seem that Daniel’s attempts to rouse a response from our parents to their crimes and neglect are not of interest to the rest of us, Which I don’t believe is true. I should apologize for the name, it’s purpose is to bait petty and un-insightful halfwits into taking cheap shots without thinking their arguments through very well. The fact that it got a response from someone of your caliber shows that maybe it’s an ineffective tool…no wait…oh damn. (reply to this comment) |
| | From AUSSIE Monday, December 16, 2002, 23:28 (Agree/Disagree?) ok, i expected someting of this calabre....you have not dissappointed me, king John.... point taken, in fact i have even created a fake identity so you can track my faceless comments, thus allowing you to direct your tiresome TYRADE's to a registered user. Note that i have only recently begun reading this page, and at the time of my comment i had not yet had the opportunity to create a profile. I would like to point out that even registered posters are still anonymous, but i shall attempt to be consistant. Later, King John. AUSSIE (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From AUSSIE Thursday, December 19, 2002, 02:07 (Agree/Disagree?) yeah thanks mate, pleasure sparring with you. btw, i have posted an err...thing...i wrote, called LOVE OR LUST?? Be a sport and give me an educated critique would ya... note that i am not seeking approval from your inflated sence of self importance, i only want your perspective.... also, i have added a picture to my profile, just so you can put a face to my anonymous person. later, King John AUSSIE (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | from Prisma December 8, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Mercyagrees December 8, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Heather December 7, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Ony December 7, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from thepersoniamnow December 7, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Hanna_Black December 7, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from EyesWideShut December 7, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from dave December 6, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Reg December 6, 2002 - This comment is in the main site