Getting Support : Safe Passage Foundation
Postings in Safe Passage Foundation
your opinion to this board
Sharon, March 15, 2004, 22:44
To Jules
Jules, Can you please let me know which of your e-mails is working. You probably told me but I can't remember. Thank You.
(reply to this post)
 | Jules, March 17, 2004, 13:29 The best bet... ... is jules@movingon.org (reply to this post)
jez, March 9, 2004, 07:00
name and shame
If we are serious about taking TF to court, then legal names are helpful. Naturally only those of top rankers/wankers. My contribution would include: Mr. Grant Montgomerry Mr. P. Peloquin and Mr. Kleinefelter. Hosannah (of MWM) Paul (of Marianne) and Eli (of Love/Alma)
(reply to this post)
 | Joe H, March 10, 2004, 20:58 Interesting! Fascinating idea, jez! Could this be why we have a section called "Creeps" subtitled "name them and shame them"? Could it also have something to do with the fact that 2 of the 3 creeps you mention have already been named and (subsequently) shamed? (I'm not trying to be mean, actually, you have a good idea, the fact that someone else already thought of it only proves the old saying about great minds thinking alike) Just having a little fun while pointing it out. :-) (reply to this post)
|  | jez, March 14, 2004, 17:14 interestiing glad 2 hear it's been done (reply to this post)
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