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rgwhtv, April 13, 2007, 22:00
Anyone see Rose McGowan on Craig Freguson the other day? I remember last time I saw her on this show she was like [yes, "like"] "what me, di-ffe-rent? Please ignore facts" Granted, interviewer had asked about a "cult" childhood. This time she was like "I was raised in a commune with 150 hippies" and if you asked what is home, its "any place where you could house 150 hippies". Selah
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Merciless, December 14, 2002, 01:02
You all are a bunch of fucking retards
Sorry I don't usually use language like that but wtf?! You have a problem with someone that says they make over 75 thousand??? What's the big deal? Yes it is quite possible. No it's probably not a lie. And as a matter of fact it's quite normal. So madmax has succeeded in life (at least finacially). You guys need to get a fucking grip. It's that kind of envious thinking that gets you nowhere. Madmax probably left The Family, moved on right away, and started applying himself to real life immediately, and thus has gotten as far as he has. I'm on my way there, and if any little shitwipe had the gall to insult me for having succeeded, I'd kick them in the balls, in the hopes that maybe it'll get some of their brains cells moving. Grow up and get a life.
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 | madmax, December 14, 2002, 21:11 Kudos!! Finally, someone who can understand my rhetoric! I guess we are in a class of our own, but not necessarily because we want it that way. M. (reply to this post)
|  | MGP, December 15, 2002, 14:45 Eat shit $75 canadian maybe... (reply to this post)
|  | neez, December 14, 2002, 22:14 we're just jealous.. but u already knew that.. (reply to this post)
|  | Sunny, December 14, 2002, 04:15 Jingling my pockets My husband makes over $75,000 a year. And me, well, I'm an artist. I'm expected to be broke most of the time--until I make it big, that is ! (reply to this post)
|  | JoeH, December 15, 2002, 01:29 getting annoyed I think you should post some of your music already so we can see if you're any good, and in the meantime, stop bragging about how talented you think you are! (reply to this post)
|  | bintoro, December 15, 2002, 07:06
oh Sunny. Lay back a bit.And don't post your music on a threat. It's too early. (reply to this post)
|  | SunnyJames, December 15, 2002, 23:17 Enough already! You keep saying, "don't post you music", but what you forget is that I don't have any finished music to post! Even if I did, I hope you don't take me for a fool. Haven't you noticed that I rarely reply to arbitrary madness? People who have only nasty things to say wouldn't be appeased by a sample of my music anyway. They get their kicks by being mean to people they've never met. If this site has started teaching me anything it's that everybody's oppinion DOESN'T count. I have nothing to prove. I just want to do what I love. People don't seem to want to accept that. So what! (reply to this post)
Holon, December 11, 2002, 00:16
Money poll cont....
It's been said that if you make less than $50,000 a year than you are at poverity level or below.
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 | xhrisl, December 11, 2002, 02:12 U.S. Census /Poverty Statistics According to the U.S. Census data for 2001, the poverty threshold for an individual is $9,039. This same measure when applied to a family of 4 persons is $20,812. Poverty Statistics (reply to this post)
|  | albs, December 11, 2002, 01:27 well maybe in LA or in hollywood (reply to this post)
|  | JoeH, December 11, 2002, 01:03 wtf? where did you hear that? (reply to this post)
Jerseygirl, December 10, 2002, 10:05
Money poll
So far there are a lot of rich people on this site---or liars!Too bad there aren't any higher catagories, then I'd be able to participate.
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 | sarafina, December 10, 2002, 16:23 It is pretty high Well I'm in the $25,-$45, category which I think is pretty normal for someone who is 28 and left 10yrs ago. It's pretty average but it 's the $75,+ that I don't get. Unless they are married and combining income or started thier own business or received a inheritance. I guess it is possible. (reply to this post)
|  | Auty doesn't feel like logging in, December 16, 2002, 00:15 As a dancer I brought in between 75-100 depending on location & hours worked. I guess a lot of it has to do with what you do & where you live. (reply to this post)
|  | madmax, December 11, 2002, 21:32 money is like sex. Some people get it, and some don't I believe you are right, from what I have seen. Usually the average is higher for the males though (and I am not being sexist). There are a number of factors that come into play though, geography, experience, talent, and education etc. For some of us it is innate, part luck and a lot of hard work, plus if you are good at what you do it will always pay...capitalism works! I just happen to do something that pays descent, and will top out at six figures this year, (not including my wife’s income). M. (reply to this post)
|  | Jerseygirl, December 11, 2002, 21:40 It's funny... How some people really need to say how much they make. (reply to this post)
|  | JoeH, December 12, 2002, 17:16 right And to extend that thought, it's the people who aren't getting money (or sex) that feel the need to brag about it. (reply to this post)
|  | madmax, December 11, 2002, 22:12 duhh and your comment did not alude to it? (reply to this post)
|  | Jerseygirl, December 12, 2002, 10:32 Sarcasm 101 No it did not. Don't get me wrong--Success and money are sweet things. I am very pleased for you madlittlemax and your high income. (reply to this post)
|  | madmax, December 12, 2002, 15:25 what did you mean by: "Too bad there aren't any higher catagories, then I'd be able to participate." (reply to this post)
|  | MGP, December 13, 2002, 15:24 Go eat shit MadMax Your a fucking liar that u make over 75 & I'll tell you why...if you made that much you certainly wouldnt have time to post yr bull shit on this site or give a damn about your exer comrades. I've got a better idea for a poll; Is MadMax a liar? (reply to this post)
|  | madmax, December 13, 2002, 18:55 HA! You are so right...I just come here see how far I've come, and feed my narcissism. As for your poll, you'd be surprised that some of us have made something out of our lives and have succeeded, to a certain extent. My comment was only meant to relay the fact, and not fiction that some have done decently at their jobs in society. Hey, I am not Bill Gates and certainly don't make his kind of money, but I don't bitch at him or am jealous of his success every time Forbes comes out with his income statement. Like I said: money is like sex, some get it and some don't. Why you may ask, well karma only knows, so I am not going to sit around wondering why and waste my life in the process. M. (reply to this post)
|  | Jerseygirl, December 12, 2002, 17:20 "We don't seem to speak the same language" Max--let it go! Never mind. Enjoy your money. (reply to this post)
|  | MGP, December 10, 2002, 14:51 I agree What a load of fucking liars - do we actually need liars? What is the point? (reply to this post)
|  | madmax, December 11, 2002, 22:46 aren"t we all? We were all indoctrinated to think we were better than the rest of the world, so when we end up making what we may consider an inferior wage, or end up feeling like one in six billion like we really are, and not the person in the level of society we thought we were, there is bound to be some exaggeration and misleading info given on who we really are. (reply to this post)
|  | madmax, December 11, 2002, 22:45 aren We were all indoctrinated to think we were better than the rest of the world, so when we end up making what we may consider an inferior wage, or end up feeling like one in six billion like we really are, and not the person in the level of society we thought we were, there is bound to be some exaggeration and misleading info given on who we really are. (reply to this post)
|  | curious, December 14, 2002, 22:34
so what is it you do mad max....??? what is your eduation level....??? if you're going to tell us that u make 75+, you may as well let us know that much. (reply to this post)
|  | madmax, December 18, 2002, 21:06 look it up! If you would look up my name under the user directory you would see...but I will help you out. I work in Advertising and marketing as a Creative Director for a software company, plus I do some brand consulting as well for small start-ups. As for education, probably less than most people, but as I said in one of my last comments, for some it's just innate. M. (reply to this post)
|  | neez, December 12, 2002, 15:58
so much for u'r 6 figures.. (reply to this post)
|  | MGP, December 15, 2002, 14:48 Tell us Yeah tell us do u make yr money? Are you like albatross who makes 100k a year in tips? (reply to this post)
|  | madmax, December 18, 2002, 21:07 $$ look up my previous answer. M. (reply to this post)
|  | madmax, December 13, 2002, 19:03 I knew someone would say that.. only problem is that figure is a fact, but lets be honest, this site is about seeing where we have all gone in life since "moving on." There is bound to be some manipulation of stories on all sides, lets be real is all I am saying. M. (reply to this post)
|  | PompousJohn, December 11, 2002, 08:17 Yes we do We need liars, we need them oh so very badly, because the truth is so godawful boring. We give the good ones money too, every time we rent a movie or buy a book. (reply to this post)
|  | ruf, December 12, 2002, 00:27 wait a min.. I see somewhat of a difference between honest and dishonest fiction...only dishonest fiction is lie, no? (reply to this post)
|  | PompousJohn, December 14, 2002, 08:25 I was going to go off on a tyrade... But in fact you're right, I was just trolling to start a discussion but not enough people are biting to make it worth it. (reply to this post)
|  | JoeH, December 10, 2002, 19:19 better idea instead of calling them liars, let's suck up to them, and maybe they'll share the wealth! (reply to this post)
|  | waiting to be sucked, December 16, 2002, 02:58
sounds good to me big boy. lol (reply to this post)
|  | waiting to be sucked, December 16, 2002, 02:58
sounds good to me big boy. lol (reply to this post)
|  | Holon, December 11, 2002, 00:10 Why would anyone want to share there wealth with you? Give me one good reason Joe. (reply to this post)
|  | JoeH, December 11, 2002, 02:23 let's see... I'm a really nice guy, or in need of therapy, depending on who you talk to. I'm also really great in bed (again, depending on who you talk to), but that wouldn't really constitute "giving" would it? (reply to this post)
|  | JoeH, December 11, 2002, 02:26 also.... I know the difference between "there," "their," and "they're," which you apparently don't. (reply to this post)
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