Getting On : Catching up
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Jules, October 10, 2001, 20:35
Wipe with Bin Laden
http://www.wipewithbinladen.com/http://www.wipewithbinladen.com/">http://www.wipewithbinladen.com/> You could probably use a lot more than three sheets of this.
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| Holon, October 13, 2001, 09:26 RE: Wipe with Bin Laden My ass is too fine to rub his nasty mug all over it.LOL! (reply to this post) |
Jules, September 11, 2001, 10:37
To anyone in the US
I think the entire world is stunned by the horrific events of this morning. My thoughts are with you in this difficult time.
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| Cosmicblip, September 11, 2001, 12:18 RE: To anyone in the US completely shocking!! i woke up to it this morning. was all worried about my friend in ny. although, i finally heard she is ok. was on her way to work on the subway when it happened. she works near the empire state building. on a different note, how come no one in the cult got a prophecy about this? they've been so specific about things before (they weren't right though). was there a week link in the chain? i mean surely the lord's endtime warriors would have been warned. or was david berg too busy "fucking phoebe?" well, i guess the whole country is pretty much on alert right now. airports are closed, nuclear power plants on heightened security here, & the emergency operation center is activated. hopefully, we won't have to use it. (reply to this post) | | Holon, September 11, 2001, 13:27 RE: To anyone in the US This is unbelieveable! I heard this woman on the radio said that a woman here in Tampa has a son who works at the world trade center, and she couldnt called him at work so she sent an E-mail to him to see if he was OK,and he E-mailed her back and said "Yes Mom I'm ok ,I love you! They are working on getting people out of here but they wont let me leave yet it could be awhile" 2 min later the building went down.I just am in shock. (reply to this post) | | Deb, September 12, 2001, 00:03 RE: To anyone in the US It's really hard to put this situation into words. I have family in D.C. and it just makes me really nervous knowing that they are there right now. How can someone do something like this??!!! What the fuck is wrong with them??!! There's a total lockdown of all military personnel here in Korea. It's a really unstable situation already. I can't even begin to imagine what people in the States are going through right now. My prayers are with you and yours. God bless. (reply to this post) | | Eman, September 12, 2001, 11:20 RE: To anyone in the US yeah, I was on the way home from a trip and we heard the news on the car radio minutes before the towers collapsed, it's f**kin' insane, world war three, here we come! (reply to this post) |
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