Postings in Seeking Justice
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Saturday Night Live vs. , February 13, 2005, 16:41
Out of the Mouths of Babes....
Namely, the Babe Tina Fey: "Macaulay Culkin will be testifying that Michael Jackson never molested him. And I will be testifying in favor of Robert Blake because he never murdered me."
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Research, February 4, 2005, 15:04
Info on Cult/Child Custody Issues
I have noticed some people posting about their efforts to get custody of their children. This is an article about the legal issues when cults are involved:
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 | Research, February 4, 2005, 15:09 More on Custody (reply to this post)
Viewer, April 20, 2004, 12:31
"Renee and I"
This weekend I saw the short film "Renee and I" and was wondering if anybody else had the chance to see it. "Renee and I" tells the story of twins orphaned in the Nazi Holocaust who survived Auschwitz and Mengele's experimentation. The film left me speechless. Sunday was Holocaust Martyrs Remembrance Day, or Yom Shoah.
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 | GEZ, June 28, 2004, 09:26 RENEE & I I also saw that film and thought it was unbelievable! I was telling everyone about it and wanted to know how I could view it again. Do you have any more information on it so I can research? Thanks GEZ (reply to this post)
glorena, November 3, 2003, 23:30
parental responsibility
On the subject of parental responsibility: I feel that this is indeed a very delicate matter that certainly touches on our emotional side. The question of how much our parents were to blame for the abuse we suffered as children. When I desperately struggle to find an answer for my parents "acceptance" of things I would never condone as a parent myself, one word comes to mind....ignorance. But, is ignorance something that can be blamed? After all, isn't knowledge power and freedom. Some of our parents were more ignorant than we are today, because they chose to be, they chose to "drop out" and "shut off" the outside world by embracing Berg's teachings. They were then indeed ignorant. But is willful ignorance (which is the only term I can come up with right now)a crime? In a way I think so, but I also feel that the love I feel for my parents has overshadowed much of the wrong they did to me with a sort of shield and I find I have chosen to make excuses for them and feel sorry for their ignorance, as they no doubt have seen the stupidity of their mistakes now. I only wonder what it must be like to have parents that still stubbornly hold on to their ignorant ways and they themselves are the ones in denial.
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 | commentator, November 3, 2003, 23:59 A Key Word You used a key word here, "chose." You stated: "Some of our parents were more ignorant than we are today, because they chose to be, they chose to "drop out" and "shut off" the outside world by embracing Berg's teachings." Chosing to be ignorant implies that you realize there is something to ignore, and you choose to do so. There is "will" in "willful ignorance." And while "Willful ignorance" may not sound so bad to some (though it sounds bad to me), but rephrase it and you can get to concepts like "recklessness" and "callous disregard." All the adults (in addition to the kids) had to read the Letters, and live them. To continue to raise kids in that environment may be called "willful ignorance," I suppose, but I submit that it can also be called "callous disregard" and "recklessness" of the most extreme sort. (reply to this post)
Newshound, October 6, 2003, 22:16
"Mom" & "Dad," Where RU?
Here are excerpts from an article I came accross (By DIANE SCARPONI, Associated Press Writer). If cases like this became more common, I wonder if TF would change anything? A paragraph that struck me (so much that I'm pasting it first): "There are those who may disagree, but it is our position that parents are responsible for the care and welfare of their children and must ensure their basic medical, emotional and psychological needs are satisfied," prosecutor James Dinnan said. MERIDEN, Conn. - A woman was convicted Monday of contributing to the suicide of her 12-year-old son, who hanged himself in his closet with a necktie after being picked on for months at school over his bad breath and body odor. Judith Scruggs, 52, was found guilty of one count of risk of injury to a minor for creating a filthy home that prosecutors said prevented J. Daniel Scruggs from improving his hygiene. She faces up to 10 years in prison when she is sentenced next month. Legal experts said the case may mark the first time a parent has been convicted of contributing to a child's suicide. Prosecutors said they took no joy in bringing charges against a grieving mother, but felt a jury should decide whether Scruggs' actions contributed to the boy's death. Judith Scruggs acknowledged Daniel would sometimes have body odor or bad breath and would soil himself to get out of going to school. She said she frequently told Daniel to take showers, but said she could not force him to do so. Scruggs told police Daniel was afraid of bullies who had kicked and punched him, and he kept knives in his closet out of fear before killing himself in January 2002. Prosecutors presented evidence that showed there was barely room to move around her home because of clothes, boxes, papers and other debris that littered the floor. The kitchen was full of dirty dishes and spills and stains. The bathroom floor and the bathtub were covered with clothes, and the toilet, sink and tub were soiled. Prosecution witnesses also described a foul odor. "I definitely didn't think she did enough. You just don't let things go," juror Vinny Giardina told The Associated Press after the verdict. [defense attorney] Norris said prosecutors never provided evidence linking the condition of the home to the suicide. He portrayed Judith Scruggs as a loving single mother who worked two jobs — one full-time as a teacher's aide in Daniel's school and the other part-time at a Wal-Mart.
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