Getting Through : ARTicles
Angel of Psychedelic Trance | from monger - Wednesday, September 25, 2002 accessed 2758 times Different style completely. Soft edges are just so nice & easy to add on computer. (Title by Sunny: Hindialienangelovepsychidelicho) 
She’s in there...keep looking :-) (If ya need some help, try cocking your head 90 degrees to the left. There’s some kind of claw on her cheek, and a bone showing through the forehead of her triangular head.) |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Tea Thursday, September 26, 2002 - 05:21 (Agree/Disagree?) Excellent. I see a complete "Psychedelic Trance Collection": (randomly suggested titles in random order) -- Bill and Monica -- Waterloo -- Hiroshima/Nagasaki -- Yoko Ono -- The Crucifixion -- The Industrial Revolution -- The Origin of Species -- ENRON -- Led Zeppelin -- San Francisco -- UNHCR -- Save the Children -- Bruce Lee -- Randomly Suggested Titles in Random Order (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | From faeriraven Thursday, September 26, 2002, 16:40 (Agree/Disagree?) Sorry, yeah Texan...ok so you really want me to try to explain where these things are?? Geeez, you're the one that did this trance... why get analytical over it...ha. No, really, if you want I will point them out to you... but I don't see some of the things you mention. As for your mushroom, it looks nothing like a mushroom - maybe you could get away w/ the chili, but it's obviously a carrot! lol(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From monger Thursday, September 26, 2002, 10:50 (Agree/Disagree?) Aw, screw that...here're the other 5 I see: - big lips - a mushroom that actually looks more like a chili come to think of it - a fish obento box (it's a Japanese thing) - an extra set of spare tits - and some kind of very depressed looking alien that seems to be crossed with an ostrich judging by the feathers on its head ...But the dragon's much cooler than the other ones (it's not super clear--if you think it looks a bit like a dragon's head you've probably got the right one--if you do I'll tell ya). All of them are clearly visible at this size.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | from faeriraven Wednesday, September 25, 2002 - 13:24 (Agree/Disagree?) I love this piece... I wish I had it in an oil painting above my bed, in those exact colors...It's beautiful! You should sell some of these! (reply to this comment)