Getting Through : In Remembrance
Settle for nothing? | from AndyH - Tuesday, October 10, 2006 accessed 1404 times I was listening to this song, and I thought of Ricky. "A jail cell is freedom from the pain in my home Hatred passed on, passed on and passed on A world of violent rage But it's one that I can recognize Having never seen the color of my father's eyes Yes, I dwell in hell, but it's a hell that I can grip I tried to grip my family But I slipped To escape from the pain in an existence mundane I gotta 9, a sign, a set and now I gotta name Read my writing on the wall No-one's here to catch me when I fall Death is on my side....suicide! A jail cell is freedom from the pain in my home Hatred passed on, passed on and passed on A world of violent rage But it's one that I can recognize Having never seen the color of my father's eyes Yes, I dwell in hell, but it's a hell that I can grip I tried to grip my family But I slipped To escape from the pain in an existence mundane I gotta 9, a sign, a set and now I gotta name Read my writing on the wall No-one's here to catch me when I fall Caught between my culture and the system....genocide! Read my writing on the wall No-one's here to catch me when I fall If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face Yeah! If we don't take action now We settle for nothing later Settle for nothing now And we'll settle for nothing later If we don't take action now We settle for nothing later We'll settle for nothing now And we'll settle for nothing later If we don't take action now We'll settle for nothing later We settle for nothing now And we'll settle for nothing later If we don't take action now We settle for nothing later We'll settle for nothing now And we'll settle for nothing later" RIP Ricky |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Oddman Saturday, October 14, 2006 - 16:32
    (Agree/Disagree?) Sorry to be the class asshole, but does anybody note this article is posted in "in remembrance", and is a nice short note by AndyH stating that a certain song made him think of Ricky? Holy Vandari. What happened to respect? Could we just take the hats (idiot hat for one) off for a nanosecond and have a silent moment to remember Ricky? There's got to be a more appropriate location for bitchfighting. I say bitchfighting, because a certain character here fights like a midget crack whore in a bikini top and diapers, with a tampon up his nose and a scud missile up his anus. Some comments are so base, they'd make a pre-election polititian puke. Why not start a thread in TP titled shit sling ring, or petty insult arena. Oh, and I have no beef with anonymous posting, but hijacking someone elses nic is retarded. AndyH, nice post. (reply to this comment)
| from Reallynow. Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 16:02
    (Agree/Disagree?) Oh shit AnnaH. Why didnt I figure it out earlier. Damn it girl you are only 21 yrs old. No wonder you and Andy dont get anything. You have no real experience to go by. You guys are still babys. Come back in about 10 years and then maybe someone will take your criticizms more seriously. Untill then, STFU! You can mouth all the "smart ass" talk all you want. You are still delusional. When did you leave TFI? You havent been thru nothin`. You are the lucky ones. I`m sorry but you guys arent really in that honourary book of paddle and demerit chewin`veteran roughnecks like we are. You havent seen the light yet. you are still wondering in the friggin` dark. You just dont cut it. You never ever will know what it really was like for us second gens. You never have been broken before. Im talkin about seriously in the god damn forsaken rough like we in the TFI. You should be ashamed of your self uttering your mouths amongst these veterans of true and raw degeneration. You are still a "psychological virgin" in our book. (reply to this comment)
| From Oddman Saturday, October 14, 2006, 23:25 (Agree/Disagree?) I didn't really read this comment when I first saw it, but now that I do, I find it incredibly offensive to us younger SG's. I was born in 1982. Does this mean I missed the abuse? I don't think so. I was beaten, exposed to pornographic literature, and deprived of an education. My spirit was broken, while my mind was raped, and any sense of self respect systematically destroyed. I got the paddle well into my early teens. Your argument would hold, only if TF's argument that they stamped out abuse were true. I wouldn't for a moment make the assumption that TF is any safer to live and grow up in now than 20 years ago. Not as long as D.B.Berg is their prophet. Not until all first hand abusers (which would include their entire leadership) repent and repay their debts to society. When Mama and Peter say "Yes, there were abuses based on and encouraged by our teachings. We now renounce these. Specifically, the XXXXX doctrine in MO letters number 123, 456, and 789. To our knowledge, these 3000 members were adults and may have broken the law. Here are records of those complaints, and here are the last known locations of these people. Mama and I will now turn ourselves in for questioning." Maybe then. Then I'd say TF would be safer. Not yet. Not now. Not one bit. Why do you think some parents are fighting for the custody of their children? Would you testify "Nah, it wuz bad when we demerit chewin`veteran roughnecks wur there, but now it ain`t half bad." Yes, I agree that the older SG's would likely have suffered worse than we did. But in no way should the suffering of us younger SG's be discounted. Some older SG's participated in abuse as well, but we don't discuss that often. Let's be fair here. We are all survivors of an evil that should not have been. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | From Samuel Friday, October 13, 2006, 18:50
    (Agree/Disagree?) What in the world is your problem, dude? Yeah, Thank God she's only 21 and she missed some of the abuse that had happened, but cut the young people some slack! Does the word "Fleebag" mean anything to you? How about "Decievers Yet True" where we were asked to lie for The Family? "Victory in Babylon"? There's a lot of abuse in the world, kids, but that doesn't happen here in our beautiful wonderful Family. And if you're taken away from your Mommy and Daddy by the bad authorieies this is part of the Anti-christ's plan because he really hates us and we are the only ones who are really doing anything to expose him. They're going to have scary looking adults there to interview you and you shouldn't tell them anything, you should demand to speak to a lawyer, even if you're a minor and haven't been charged with any crimes. And be careful because they have lesbian care takers there too that just happen to be fond of teenage girls. Brainwashing happened to everyone in The Family. I was hardly ever in communal homes, but they managed to brainwash me through the MO letters. I spent a summer vacation doing a "Word Project" on Foolishness. "The Hamburger Boat", "The Christmas Eve Massacre", "Teen Terrors", I read it all. At least some of them had condensed versions in the Daily Bread! Anna, I don't know what to say, just humor this guy. Cheers! (reply to this comment) |
| | From AnnaH Friday, October 13, 2006, 21:29
    (Agree/Disagree?) Samuel, you are a class act. As much as I've been a total bitch to you, you still stick up for me. I've been noticing that for a while. You do that with everyone who gets on your case, not just me. I disagree with most everything you believe in and I do think you're misinformed, but you turning the other cheek really shows the quality of your character and I appreciate that. I'm sorry for being such a bitch. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Saturday, October 14, 2006, 05:52 (Agree/Disagree?) Well, Anna H, he was clearly in the wrong. Plus I read down and saw that the person who owned the authentic name wasn't happy about someone else using his name with a dot at the end. Then I read that it was probably Sean Swede, which I thought was quite possible. Too bad I didn't read your comment and see that you're actually 24, which makes matters even worse. A child born into The Family in 1982 would definitely have been subjected to the kind of oversexualized lifestyle that The Family had through the mid 80's until the media found out. And in your most impresionable years too. That someone was blaming you for being born when you were is ridiculous. You didn't have any control over that.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Samuel Saturday, October 14, 2006, 08:00 (Agree/Disagree?) I never accused you of blaming AnnaH for ebing born into The Family. I said you were blaming her for WHEN she was born, not WHERE. You were SO blaming her for when she was born, in making fun of her age. Can you pay attention, or do I need to start typing in Swedish for you? : o ) I can do that, by the way. Altavista has a website called "Babelfish", and it's free. But it's not that accurate.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | From AnnaH Saturday, October 14, 2006, 09:55
(Agree/Disagree?) Haha, you're too funny Samuel? Is it wrong that I'm flattered? Should I be offended? It is pretty insulting to ugly, brainy people, or to assume that people who are good-looking are dumb, but I'm just glad to prove that wrong. BTW, on a whole, I've noticed that most of the people on this site are really good-looking and smart. I've always thought it must be a Family thing. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Samuel Saturday, October 14, 2006, 18:20 (Agree/Disagree?) I don't know how it happened, but there were a lot of good looking people in The Family. I'm glad to see that some of them are out. I guess I was following the old cliche that people are either smart or good looking. My favorite clip on "Yes, Dear" is when Jimmy and Christine are trying to home school Dominick so Christine can spend more time with him. Christine is working with him on his math and he can't get it. She finally gives up and Jimmy steps in. He says "If we can't get you into college that way, let's try this way", and throws him a football. : o ) Cute. As far as many people on this site being good looking and smart, I don't usually look at the pictures. But when someone says you look cute, it's enough to spark my curiosity. As far as being smart, I think the lack of education in The Family pushes us to pursue it once we leave. The reason why most of us are smart, is because most of us are probably in college. And of course when people from The Family come over and try to defend their leaders, we look like Einsteins compared to them There is nothing wrong, by the way, with being a nerd. You can usually get tips on good books from them, and there's one at work that is good at science. I'm not talking about the kind of nerds you only find on TV. If you go around dressed like Steve Urkel, expect to be thrown into trash cans, given wedgies, or rolled into the opposite sex locker room in a towel basket. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From AnnaH Thursday, October 12, 2006, 20:36 (Agree/Disagree?) OK, I'm gonna address this bullshit one turd at a time. I'm Fucking 24. Shut the fuck up if you don't know shit. Paddles and Demerits? Again, Fuck you. You don't fucking know me, don't pretend you do. I don't have to prove shit to you. There are plenty of people that will speak for me. Who will speak for you? Who are you? You think that these "alter-id's" are getting you anywhere? You don't think it's painfully fucking obvious that you're that painfully obnoxious fucker, that we all know so well? What is your fucking trip Sean? Seriously? What the fuck are you on about? You're a dick. People have waved the "be nice to him, he's just an idiot" -- flag for you, and you always piss on it. You're the problem, Sean. You're the troll. You're the asshole. You think you can get a dig on me? Forget it. Fuck you. Virgin? Again, you don't know me. Again, Fuck you. Fuck you, you pissy, awkward asshole. (reply to this comment) |
| | From SeanSwede Friday, October 13, 2006, 00:29
(Agree/Disagree?) First off I am only giving you a taste of your own medicine. So how does it taste? Lots of people will speak for me. You dont know me either and incase you didnt know...I DO know you but you dont remember me...Look I dont wanna get into it. Its funny but you said that you are intellectual but you are the only one swearing at us all on this site. Oh are you choking there? Uhh let me help you pull your foot out of your mouth. Dont talk to me about maturity cause you wouldnt know the first thing! Do you kiss your boyfriend with that mouth too? (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | From AnnaH Thursday, October 12, 2006, 20:29 (Agree/Disagree?) The irony about you trying to insult me with my age, is that it's just making you look bad. I attack you with intelligence; you attack me with petty insults and attack my personal life. You're just living proof that age doesn't necessarily equal wisdom, or maturity. And posting under my name and other people's just continues to support my theory that you are a twelve year-old girl. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from SeanSwede Thursday, October 12, 2006 - 15:41
(Agree/Disagree?) yeah you two AndyH and AnnaH are really somethin`. (reply to this comment)
| from AnnaH Wednesday, October 11, 2006 - 11:49 (Agree/Disagree?) Where are you? (reply to this comment)
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