Getting Through : In Remembrance
Eulogy for Cherish Lloyd, 3 August 2003 | from Eulogy - Saturday, August 16, 2003 accessed 12534 times Eulogy for Cherish Lloyd, 3 August 2003 (as read by her parents at her memorial service) A wise man once said; “Death is not extinguishing the light; it is putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.” The dawn has come for our dear Cherish. We believe that life is eternal and love is immortal, that death is only a horizon. And that just on the other side of that horizon—one which we are all limited by at this time—is greater happiness than ever and God’s love that is beyond description. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 2:9, touched on the indescribable beauties that await the Christian on the other side of that “horizon” when he said, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.” And we believe that Cherish is now beginning to see and experience this. In the Gospel of John, the third chapter and sixteenth verse it says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” And like many, Cherish received God’s gift of salvation as a child, and because of this we believe she is in that wonderful heavenly place where God’s love reigns. Cherish had the soul of an artist. She showed this through the delicious foods she would prepare, the pictures she would take, her unconforming and unique way of dress and behavior. Her work was meaningful and had great depth of feeling and expression. Like one of my art professors told me in university, if you want to be a true artist, one that is not directed by the business concerns of the day, then you will probably starve to death; for most of history’s true artists were not appreciated and rewarded in this life until after their death. Many of them starved to death, had unconforming life styles, weren’t able to put bread on their tables, nor bring sustenance to those they loved. They were in a large part misunderstood and had a hard time conforming. Cherish was like this. Her artwork, was the _expression of her life’s struggles, questions and longings. She tried controversial and seemingly out-of-character “experiments.” Though it saddens all of us that her life seemed to be “cut off” when she was so young and had much to offer to others and her whole life ahead of her, on one side I am glad that she didn't have to go through the struggles and pains that many artists have had to go through. We admire and appreciate the paintings of Vincent Van Gogh, for his depictions of many beauties and sights of his day. Yet, many of us forget the anguish of his soul, and how, as some historians account, he cut off his own ear in order to experience pain. And while many of us are aware of some of the struggles Cherish faced in her life, for one, I personally am glad that she didn't have to get through what Van Gogh did, nor suffer to that extent. We believe, because of our deep faith in Jesus, that God in His all-knowing and all-understanding Love allowed her to pass onto that better place, that Heavenly one, in His perfect time. This is a sober day, a day of meditation and reflection. Even though by faith we know and believe in the absolute reality of the spirit world, and we are trusting in God’s plan and care, still times like these are difficult to go through. Departures like hers are times of testing, of breaking, and of softening. Our tears flow and our hearts are heavy, knowing that in this life we will no longer be able to experience with her, her joys and struggles, her laughter and tears, her thirst for understanding—those “special” things about Cherish which did us all a lot of good, and we’re sure that we will all remember and reflect upon them in the days, months and years to come. Yet our assurance and strength through this time is that Cherish is enjoying Heaven, that beautiful place which is full of God’s love and peace. We know that the Lord holds Cherish in His arms, and as He talks with her and comforts her, answering her questions, He calms all of her fears and soothes her emotions. Now she has found peace. Now there is relief. Now there is rest. Now she is free. Now she is blessed with all of the things her heart desired. God does all things well. And as His Word teaches us, He causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him. He brings light where there is darkness, healing where there is hurt, relief where there is pain, clarity where there is confusion, peace where there is turmoil. And all of life’s joys and blessings come from Him, and these do not end when this life ends, but rather they continue and abound in the life which lies beyond the veil. Cherish has gone ahead of us and will await us on that other side. And in God’s perfect time, when each of our times come, we will be reunited with her and those we love, and together we will share in the delights of paradise for all eternity. We’d like to close now with a story about our angel, Cherish: There was once a little angel in Heaven who decided to come down to Earth. In order to leave Heaven she had to give up her wings, full well knowing that being bound to Earth's physical laws would be a great weight and a challenge. Nevertheless she went, knowing she would touch many lives with love. This little angel touched many lives with love. She brought sunshine to her family and to many others. Earth life was a great challenge, and this little angel encountered difficulties along the way, as do all angels who come to Earth, but she soldiered on. She missed being able to fly above the complexities of life. But it was at night, in her sleep, that she once again donned her angel wings and soared above the earthly realm, reveling in the soft breezes only found above the clouds. One day this little angel was done with her time on Earth. She missed her wings, and her Heavenly Father missed her too. He called her Home again, meeting her at the door of Heaven with her cherished angel wings, which she donned immediately. Now this little angel dances in the skies above us. She blows us kisses and whispers to us that the sun is still shining above the clouds, and that the stars still faithfully twinkle even when they are blocked from our sight. She is light as a feather now, with no more weights and cares, surrounded only by the all-encompassing love of Heaven. Our hearts are with you, little angel. Thank you for braving the challenges of Earth to bring love to us, and thank you also for watching over us now. You will always be a reminder to us that our wings are also waiting, and someday we will soar together again, like we did once upon a time before our Earth lives. It's only a matter of time before we are all together again in the light of a heavenly new day. Then there will be no regrets, no tears, only love and happiness, hugs, and heavenly music, times of fellowship and joy, and the spending of all eternity, together once again. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Wanttoknowthetruth Friday, August 19, 2005 - 09:11 (Agree/Disagree?) If she did not die from spinal meningitis, what did she die from? Besides a broken heart? Was there another disease she had? Please don't say natural causes. (reply to this comment)
| from SeanSwede Wednesday, August 17, 2005 - 13:18 (Agree/Disagree?) In your wet dreams pal. Keep on dreaming. (reply to this comment)
| from tiahogan Thursday, January 13, 2005 - 08:49 (Agree/Disagree?) Excuse me, but is this Cherish who used to be married to Miguel (the snowflake's shepherd in the kiddy movie), they had 3 children together. Then she got with Sam Lloyd. Is this the same woman??? How did this happen??? If this is the same woman, my condolences to Sam. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from R Sunday, April 25, 2004 - 11:10 (Agree/Disagree?) OK, I have heard that The Family is spreading a version about Cherish's death. Does anybody have access to any publication this is in? (reply to this comment)
| from Siolo Saturday, December 20, 2003 - 21:06 (Agree/Disagree?) I found this site today, this is the first time I have logged on. I knew Cherish in Peru, I remember when she left, I remember her mother calling her a liar on television. Sammi and Angie, if your out there I'm sorry that you've lost your sister, I hope you guys are okay. (reply to this comment)
| from Dani Monday, November 10, 2003 - 15:09
    (Agree/Disagree?) She did mention having ‘spinal meningitis’ in Peru and ‘not’ being ‘taken to the doctor’. Must be nice to for her parents to live in such a deluded world (then again most of them were acid addicted junkies, when they joined the cog, p.s. after seven taps of the stuff one is clinically insane). (reply to this comment)
| from jicici Saturday, August 30, 2003 - 10:12 (Agree/Disagree?) Not to be disrespectful in anyway but is this section dedicated Cherish Lloyd the photography student at CCAD? I do not really want to say to much. I have been looking for her for quite sometime. I wanted to make sure she was ok. Please let me know. This is a friend of hers from Columbus. (Jerry) jicici@yahoo.com (reply to this comment)
| from Mir Friday, August 22, 2003 - 07:20
    (Agree/Disagree?) I wonder if the death of their daughter is going to wake them up? I doubt it. I believe that years and years of living an evil and immoral life actually eats up people's brains and emotions so that they no longer function and react as normal human beings. I'm just glad that they can't hurt her anymore. They can't get her where she is, and believe me, if they don't REPENT and BEG God to forgive them, they aint going where she is either. What a shock that will be! That's one of the things that I LOVE about being a Christian! The knowledge that God is a God of JUSTICE and that one day He is going to judge us (gulp, I better quit smoking and swearing!;-) Remember in Matthew 24 towards the end of the chapter Jesus says that He will separate the sheep from the goats? He concludes by saying to those on the left: "Depart from Me you cursed; into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry and you didn't feed me... etc I don't want to be in their shoes on that day. (reply to this comment)
| | | from xhrisl Wednesday, August 20, 2003 - 07:21 (Agree/Disagree?) I wish that I had words to express which could somehow convey the loss that each feels, when those with whom we have endured a legacy pass from our midst. In rememberance, the Artist much like her art leaves for each of us a seperate interpertation of her life. Those among us who knew her as she manifested herself in our midst can do no discredit to remember that (reply to this comment)
| from Nancy Tuesday, August 19, 2003 - 15:41 (Agree/Disagree?) It seems a bit like a two-edged sword. I just commented on the lack of comment from the Family when one of their children die, and now, it seems they have commented, yet in their own manner. I understand the anger of those who knew Cherish well and feel as though her memory is being exploited. Yet, the Family should acknowledge the death of their children. I guess I just wanted them to do so more above board, admit the realization of the struggle their children endure. I suppose, I expected too much. Cherish struggled and suffered because of the Family. So many others have and do, as well. I would just like to see them take responsibility and admit the pain they caused. They would have my respect if they did. One thing is to be learned in this tragedy. If you are not on good terms with your personal family, such as mother, father or siblings, you desperately need to make a will to outline your wishes. Otherwise, your parents will be able to make all your final decisions, receive all your property and plan your services if you die because they are your heirs. You must have a will if you wish differently. If you're like me and your friends are family to you, then you must make your wishes known. Otherwise, your friends will not be able to make decisions for you or receive things you would want them to have or plan your services the way they would know you would want. If your parents are still in the Family, then your belongings and your services can end up being determined by the organization that you have fought so hard to be free of, as most of our parents still in the Family do as their leadership direct. (reply to this comment)
| from Jovi Monday, August 18, 2003 - 23:19
    (Agree/Disagree?) I just finished reading what you told your mother...wow... I remember when you left our home in Peru, you felt so unloved, you left with a stranger, sorry we weren't there for you! but I'm so glad I got to tell you how I felt about the whole thing just a year ago and you understood me, you knew I was young. I don't have funsy words to tell you right now nor could I make a story up about angels and butterflies, all I know is that you are somewhere else, happier?? I hope so. hope you can find all the love you lacked, and that you can forgive the parents and friends who let you down. I'm sure you see life from a better view now I can't remember the food you cooked, but I remember you. This is defenitly a time of reflection, reflection on what kind of parents we want to be, my prayer is that my children can be proud of me. Cherish,this is from deep in side my heart, rest in peace...cya some day! (reply to this comment)
| from Jules Monday, August 18, 2003 - 00:01
    (Agree/Disagree?) How dare you post this here? While you may try to dishonour and violate Cherish’s memory within the Family with "prophecies" from her, and even at her own funeral, she will not be dishonoured here. From what I understand, Cherish’s mother, Palestina, was the woman in the basement of Zerby’s house who came up with the Vandari prophecy". She abandoned her child and left her to suffer, and would not respond to her questions or pleas for answers. Cherish’s mother lied to her face on national television, and told her that the Davidito book was a figment of her imagination. Here is what Cherish herself had to say to her mother: http://www.movingon.org/article.asp?sID=1&Cat=21&ID=1097 http://www.movingon.org/article.asp?sID=1&Cat=21&ID=1163 Cherish did not just struggle or suffer because she was an artist. She suffered because she was abandoned by her family, who should have been there for her, and who now claim to love her. She suffered because she was one of the thousands of children sacrificed for the god of the family. Where were you when she needed you? I believe that people should tell their own stories, but Cherish cannot. Cherish never kept quiet about the Family. You may try to erase Cherish’s work and do away with everything she stood for, but as long as we are here, you cannot entirely succeed. She would not be silenced in life, and we will not let her be silenced in death. She lives on in the hearts and memories of those who truly loved her and those that have suffered as she had. Her pain and her joy, her love and her anger lives on in us. You can burn your publications, attempt to discredit those who speak out and try to rewrite your own history, but we know what happened. The scars on our bodies and our souls bear witness to your legacy. You cannot silence us and you cannot erase what you have done. (reply to this comment)
| from . Sunday, August 17, 2003 - 19:17 (Agree/Disagree?) Why does this anger me? The angel story would have been beautiful if it had been read by parents who had loved and protected their child until the very end. Considering the circumstances, this whole thing feels like a slap in the face. Not just to Cherish but to all of those among us who have died needlessly and whose parents did nothing to help them in their struggle to make it after leaving the Family. (reply to this comment)
| From ; Monday, August 18, 2003, 00:46
    (Agree/Disagree?) Not only did nothing to help us in our often arduous struggle, but so often made it harder. Lied to us and about us, tried to make us crazy. So supposedly now they don't try to terrorize their children about leaving, but those of us who left when they still used to, like Cherish, suffered immensely for years because of their attitude back then. All their changes did nothing to help those of us in the first crop. We still carry the burdens until we find ways to deal with bits and pieces. And even now they will pray for the Lord to take us out of the way before we do any more damage to their "work" if we plan to speak out. Who do they think they're kidding. They knew she was writing her book, getting ready to tell her story, and after reading Vandari I somehow doubt they were praying for her to thrive on THIS earth, which is the one SHE dug, she had NO use for their "spirit world" (they actually used that term!) and unlike them did not live in a holding pattern for it. I have no words for my fury. They say "She missed being able to fly above the complexities of life." This is a dead giveaway that their story is off. They are the ones who cannot take the complexities of live so flee to a spirit world cooked up by a sick con man and that they keep alive by telling each other it's true. Cherish was no such coward or dummy, she hungered for experience, ideally first hand! She did not shirk at the complexities of life, she rode her razor right into them and laughed. She threw them in your face and challenged you to respond. And they can rest assured that the accoutrements of any Heaven of hers would send them praying in tongues for protection. I have no words for my loss.(reply to this comment) |
| | From afflick Wednesday, August 17, 2005, 17:03
    (Agree/Disagree?) Cherish: It has been two years since you past. It has been nearly two decades since I saw your freckled face, your burnished hair, your intensity, your smile. We have not given up, Cherish. We continue to fight and continue to live out our dreams. I know you would be proud, tell us not to let them get get under our skin. I didn't appreciate you fully when you were here, but your absence leaves a hole in movingon.org that resonates more loudly as time goes by.(reply to this comment) |
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