Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from exister Thursday, October 11, 2007 - 07:28
    (Agree/Disagree?) I think a key question in this matter is whether or not anyone cares. If people care about your story enough to buy it, then go for it. As for whether or not it will be therapeutic for you, that is debatable. There is ample evidence supporting the idea that relating your story orally to another human being is therapeutic, but the glaring spotlight that publication would bring would likely cancel out any therapeutic benefits from telling your story to the whole world. I don't agree with the conventional wisdom that equates not shouting your story from the rooftops with bottling it up inside. I don't pester those who don't care with my past, but I express it and act it out in so many other ways. It informs my politics, my passion, my rage and most of my life choices. My life is a testament to what I have survived and a living, breathing indictment of my erstwhile oppressors. Those who pay attention can see this and those who aren't paying attention aren't worth talking to in the first place. (reply to this comment)
| | | from wind Thursday, October 11, 2007 - 06:19 (Agree/Disagree?) If you are strong enough to go through the pain of remembering I think it can be very therapeutic to get it all out, also its important that the world knows the crimes that were committed by the COG. Silence causes insanity, but not everyone can talk about it, it takes a lot of courage. I recommend yoga or meditation or just a long walk or lunch with a friend as a way to clean your head after writing so you don't dwell on it all day , and write for a hour or two at a time so you don't let the trauma take over your whole life again. The more we speak out the better the chances will be the COG will be brought to justice. The fact that the world has become fascinated is maybe strange but you have a better chance of being heard because of it, and if you make money off of it a little shopping therapy never hurt anyone. You are now free to choose, its your life - Wind (reply to this comment)
| from sar Wednesday, October 10, 2007 - 02:46 (Agree/Disagree?) I don't think anyone can tell you to or not to write a book. I think it depends on your personality. I wouldn't as I wouldn't want someone to know more about me than I know about them and I wouldn't want complete strangers knowing about my life. I would worry about people trying to use information about me against me. Complete strangers would know your weak spots, and I wouldn't want that. If the book is widely published, it would also make it difficult to shake your past completely. On the other hand it might give you closure. You could always find out if this works from someone who has written a book of the sort. And if you don't mind people knowing stuff about you, why not get whatever benefit or profit you can out of your upbringing? I think it just depends on what you value, how sensitive the issues are to you and what career path you choose or think you will choose. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | from my opinion Tuesday, October 09, 2007 - 14:42
    (Agree/Disagree?) "Dana will be expected to perform an emotional striptease and deliver up every graphic detail of her abuse for public consumption." If you have a story that needs telling. Tell it. but not through force- other than ones self. (reply to this comment)