Getting Through : Dealing
A ? for the Tarot lovers! | from Gypsy - Thursday, July 06, 2006 accessed 906 times I've recently been dabbling into Tarot and have honestly found it quite interesting yet somewhat questioning. In a way, I'll have to admit, it is intriguing and sometimes can get quite addicting...which has brought me to this question: Coming from a past where we were deprived from making our own choices and were always forced to "council with others", I have now made the conscious decision to think for myself, and it has led me to question: Isn't Tarot acknowledging that there's a "higher power" which, in a way, knows our past, present and future? Isn't Tarot admitting that we are weak and require some help from "up above"..."or down below", which ever it is? Isn't Tarot leaning on "the powers that be" to help us make the right choices, being what they may, life, love, relationships, financial, job related, educational, etc.? Isn't Tarot trying to beat your fate and always be one step ahead on life itself? I understand that that's not all Tarot enholds, and many people do it just for recreational purposes. But when you're at a crossroad in life and instinctively find yourself pulling out the cards, don't you stop to wonder? When you boil it down, is that what Tarot is about? Tarot lovers... enlighten me! |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from s'curious... Friday, September 08, 2006 - 20:52 (Agree/Disagree?) I don't know anything about Tarot, so I looked it up on Wikipedia. The entry says that: "Most modern tarot decks consist of 78 cards with allegorical representations today used for divination. A typical tarot deck consists of: - The major arcana , consisting of 22 trump cards (sometimes referred to as keys)[...]"
This left me wondering whether whatever Family "prophet" invented the "keys" had an erstwhile tarot interest. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Xeena Thursday, September 07, 2006 - 21:31 (Agree/Disagree?) As someone who enjoys a good tarot reading every now & again I figured I'd throw in my two cents worth. I find it to be more of a way to look within myself. You use your own energy & spiritual lifeforce to guide you. You're not supposed to just read what the card means & take it at face valu, but you're supposed to look at what it means to you personally. I believe that there is energy all around us. Not necessarilly a supirior being, so to speak. But just energy, energy that you can absorb & connect with in order to empower yourself & those around you. But, that could just be me. Good luck, & blessed be. (reply to this comment)
| from Rain Child Friday, July 07, 2006 - 05:24 (Agree/Disagree?) You've got it. It's just another face on the same old thing- a comfort for people that there is something greater than themselves out there. All ideologies are essentially the same, like the cold virus, which has millions of guises. We just have an innate need to know that everything's going to be alright and there's someone (or some force) looking out for us. (reply to this comment)