Getting Through : Dealing
Brainwashed??? | from Gypsy - Wednesday, November 09, 2005 accessed 2416 times ... i just have a question? this may sound silly, but hey: How do i UNBRAINWASH myself??? i mean... i recently left TF, well almost like a year ago (never been happier) but it just seems i cant get the fucking "Family" out of my head! its like they fucked our brains up in such a way that just everything that happens i relate it to my pathetic past! i cant get it out of my head! i try not to think about it, but somehow its just always there! or maybe its just something were all going to have to deal with, thanks to our "common upbringing", but well, i just wished there was someway to erase all those things i now see so differently, but that even now have such a grip on me. ... maybe i should try and get one of those mind eraser things, ha! |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Siolo Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 21:15 (Agree/Disagree?) In time perhaps you will learn to own yourself. It's been ten years and I still think about the family everyday. I wish you luck, you'll need it. siolo (reply to this comment)
| from tuneman7 Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - 22:19
    (Agree/Disagree?) Education is very key. It provides basis for comparison and introduces a lot of ideas and data that wouldn't easily come to you on their own. Friendships and relationships are also very important, provided that they're healthy. At the end of the day when a relationship ends, as many tend to, you're left with a few things, but two major items of data: 1. More information about yourself. 2. More information about other people with different backgrounds. Of course, analyzing that information is what gives you insight and helps you have a more meaningful relationship with, and deeper understanding of, yourself which will usually result in more meaningful relationships with others. Try to take time to analyze the information. A lot of people don't take the time to analyze what was right, wrong, good/bad, about a situation, themselves in that situation, others in that situation and thus repeat the same mistakes over and over again. This is kind of bogus. Look for positive patterns and repeat those. Look for negative patterns and avoid those. While young try not to stay in personal relationships for too awfully long. Don't even consider settling down with anyone until you really understand yourself, which usually won't happen until you're in your late 20s or early 30s, sometimes even later than that. Avoid people who are too emotionally co-dependent or overly insecure, being around them too much could cause you to foster those same traits in yourself. Avoid people who claim to have no insecurities or try to over-compensate for their insecurities. If someone suggests to you that they don't have any insecurities you've learnt something about that person and the thing that you've learnt isn't that they don't have insecurities, but rather that they're dishonest with themselves and others. If friendships or relationships seem bogus, walk away. Believe me, the world has plenty of cool people in it, don't waste the time you could spend meeting them being hyper-focused on some clown that doesn't have the capacity to grow with you, or is just a bogus character of some sort. Try to conclude every relationship or friendship that you have to walk away from in a manner that allows you to respect yourself and have no regrets. Life is too short for regrets. Choose your friends very carefully. Choose people who are going positive places in their own lives and who will bring out the best in you. Choose people who treat you with respect. Question everything you've been taught or may believe is true. Don't pressure yourself to come up with the answers. There are many things that I don't know about myself, about the world, about others. There are plenty of issues and subjects on which I don't feel qualified to have an opinion. On the issue of faith, believe whatever you want to believe. Explore belief systems in an academic setting first, and then take it other places. A secure person is comfortable with the uncertainty of not knowing. We were raised with the notion of absolute truths. I think this is a massively bogus notion. Most of us try to find an identity, something we weren't allowed to develop while growing up. In other words, the only thing we could aspire to was cultism. Many survivors tend to be desperately looking for that sense of identity. Many adopt counter-identities, which aren't identities at all, but rather a perpetuation of and compensation for whatever sense of lack of identity they suffer from. Eventually your identity will come to you, and be recognized by others. This will probably happen more quickly if you avoid the counter-identity route. Don't think for one minute that you're inferior to anyone who had a "normal" upbringing. If you take the time to understand and respect yourself you'll be better off than 90% of those rappers out there. When engaging new friends, understand that anyone who makes you or others feel small or lacks respect for others or who it is that you are, probably disrespect themselves at some fundamental level. Avoid people who disrespect themselves and project that disrespect onto others. They're very uncool characters to be around in the long run. Resign yourself to the fact that there are things and situations that you will fail at. Prepare yourself to analyze the circumstances of those failures, so that they aren't repeated. Try to always act as an observer to your own emotions as opposed to simply reacting to them. If you come up with some general "feeling", but aren't quite sure what is at the root of it, do not react to that feeling. Rather, take the time to sit down and articulate to yourself what it is that you are feeling. Articulating your feelings to yourself will do several things, two of which are; 1. It will enable you to understand what it is that you're feeling. At that point you can either accept or reject that emotion. 2. If you choose to accept that emotion, you experience it more profoundly than if you hadn't articulated it to yourself. Time spent worrying about how your past affects you today is probably wasted. Time spent understanding how your past affects you today is probably well-spent as long as it doesn't become an obsession. A few ideas/rules/dogmas I've found to work for me are as follows: 1. Expect no one to give you anything. 2. Whatever you have in this life, will be what you've earned. 3. If you make the mistake of trusting the wrong person you will have to pick up the pieces for it. Secrets of success: 1. Be honest. You can pull off dishonesties here or there, but eventually they will catch up with you. Dishonest people are uncool and generally get found out. 2. Be on time. No matter how good it is that you are at what you do, or how wonderful your company is, if you're not on time delivering your work, or you show disrespect for the time of others by not being on time, it'll catch up with you. 3. If someone at work or even in your personal life who is important to you asks you to do something and you agree to do it; Do that thing then just a little more. -- This will make them feel as if they "owe" you, unless they're a manipulative "user" type character. Long and rambly enough. All the other things too. ... Use condoms. ... Avoid debt except that incurred for education, or a mortgage, etc. ... All of life's answers are in the movies. ;-) If you feel you want to do something, don't let fear hold you back. Life is too short to have any regrets. Carpe Diem. (reply to this comment)
| From Benz Wednesday, November 23, 2005, 03:00
    (Agree/Disagree?) You'll pardon me if your words of advice made me feel sick... too long to answer in disagreement to your diatribes so I'll just point out the obvious fallacies: "While young try not to stay in personal relationships for too awfully long." - WTF? Seriously that is NOT relevant to everyone & reeks of conclusions brought on by your own circumstances. "Eventually your identity will come to you, and be recognized by others. This will probably happen more quickly if you avoid the counter-identity route." - Anyone with half a brain and a beginners guide to philosophy/ psychology knows that the concept of a fixed "identity" is bogus. "Try to always act as an observer to your own emotions as opposed to simply reacting to them." - WTF? - Ever heard of spontaneity dumbass? "Whatever you have in this life, will be what you've earned." - Guess that applies to my winning lottery ticket too huh? And this my friend is yet another: "Time spent worrying about how your past affects you today is probably wasted." versus: "take the time to sit down and articulate to yourself what it is that you are feeling" - Seeing as most of those who leave are dealing with the immediate effects of the past (ie feeling the effects of the past rather than the present/future), which of those to words of wisdom are you actually trying to impart. Seriously dude, read "If" by Rudyard (or copy and past like you do Tupac & Shakespeare) and you'd be miles ahead...- Consider this my follow-on in a more appropriate venue!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | from SeanSwede Monday, November 21, 2005 - 12:05
    (Agree/Disagree?) Well, to start off you could start going thru all of my articles. They should get your mind going for awhile. What you are going thru from my experience is what you could call "withdrawles". Do you ever have nightmares about you being in TF or are on your way there etc? Its totally normal. But I`ll warn you that the dreams may come and go from time to time for the next at least 3-5 years. Another tip is STAY AWAY FROM ANY AND ALL TF LITTERATURE for the next few years and I`ll promise you that when you pick up one of those old MO books for example or GN`s, you`re gonna laugh your freakin`brains out. Thats including your bible if you still have it. I did sort of a ritual once where I took action and burned my bible bit by bit. It felt very good and relieving. I just left it all behind me and started getting into watching alot of nature and science programs. I got into alot of astronomy and watched alot of those types of documentaries. It really got my mind thinking about alot of stuff. Believe me it really, REALLY works! I know you may have fears once in awhile about the BS brainwashing threats about what will happen if you leave TF or if things don`t always work out right for you sometimes. DON`T blame it on any of that! What ever happens, happens thats just life and its normal. Just try to learn from it and keep fighting. Don`t give TF the pleasure. What you may experience now is that you will be searching for awhile for your identity. You may try out alot of different things out there which is all very good. When it comes to wondering what you are gonna do with your life as in what to educate yourself in, I would recommend that you don`t get to hasty in your decision. Dont be afraid to try different jobbs and in the mean time you can check out the different lines of work that are out there in normal society. Most of all, follow your heart. There are 2 choices that you make 1. You wanna get educated for a job that will give you as much money as possible. 2. You get educated to work with the job of your dreams. That is when you will be happiest. -End (reply to this comment)
| | | | | From SeanSwede Tuesday, November 22, 2005, 06:56 (Agree/Disagree?) Ive done that Vicky for years and had it good money-wise, but I just couldn`t hack it any longer so I`ve chosen a new line of work of which i`ve had intresst in since I was a teen - Medicine. I feel alot more fulfilled and I``m doin` just great in my studies. Straight "A" student. If you love your work, then you`ll do a better job which will bring you esteem and greater benefits in your line of work.(reply to this comment) |
| | From vixen Tuesday, November 22, 2005, 11:55 (Agree/Disagree?) That's great, Sean, good for you! I definitely think that people should go for the dream and that any one of us can accomplish almost anything we put our minds to, if we are determined enough. I also think that job fulfilment is *very* important, although it's not high on everyone's list - Some people prefer to work at jobs they can't stand if in return they can earn enough to pursue a great deal of expenisve interests and hobbies in their spare time. I don't think there's anything wrong with that approach, but I do know it wouldn't work for me. I wasn't actually disagreeing with you, I just thought I'd mention that when you first leave TF, education doesn't only have to be about what you'll actually end up doing in a career, but can also be about studying for the sake of intellectual fulfilment and feeling pride in oneself and one's ability, opening up one's mind and learning better critical thinking skills, and so on, with career prospects as more of a secondary aspect. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from Sir Rantalot Friday, November 18, 2005 - 04:04 (Agree/Disagree?) Another point: You don't have to be nice to people all the time. Stand your ground. If you're at work and someone is an incompetent idiot, tell them so in clear terms. Remember you don't have to 'be a good sample' or ingratiate yourself with potential provisioning contacts. (reply to this comment)
| | | From Sir Rantalot Saturday, November 19, 2005, 08:50
    (Agree/Disagree?) I wasn't referring to common courtesy or vulgar behaviour, I was referring to the humble attitude we put on in front of most of the outside world ever since childhood, from street busking to provisioning contacts. An example, you're in a restaurant and the food you ordered is not cookd to your liking. There is a polite way to request that your food be sent back and cooked the way you want it to be cooked, if provisioning, we wouldn't have dared to say anything.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From gragon Friday, November 18, 2005, 07:06 (Agree/Disagree?) If you don't stand up for yourself no one will. Plus there are polite ways of telling someone to kindly fuck themselves. Such as the three finger salute accompanied by the line, "Please feel free to read between the lines." Gee, if only I had thought of that one during devotions. I would have used that one all the time and felt better about it! (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from Bones Thursday, November 17, 2005 - 20:29
    (Agree/Disagree?) I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that you are in for a long ride, which is also the good news if you like long rides. My first tip is don't be in such a hurry to cure yourself. Over analysis will drive you insane. That was a step in the process that in retrospect I wish I would have bypassed somehow. Am I right, am I wrong, is this good, bad......it's dismal. There are so many things they told you would happen when you left and alot were true. Welcome to the real world my love. It's like taking a country boy and sticking him in freeway traffic in San Fransisco at 5:00. Yeah it sucks, it's stressful, it may scare you at times, and it's stressful. Look you have been out of the loop, real life's smallest details will stress you out. But like country boy you get used to it, and before you know it you dont freak out anymore. You just come home' throw your keys on the counter, say "whatever" and go about your life. TF has managed to remove the rigors of daily life and replace them with monotonus routine: wake up, pray, brush teeth, wash hands, make bed, pray, wash hands, pray, eat, wash hands, JJT time, etc........... They remove lifes variables like decision and choice. So yes you will see daily life occourances as strange and unframilliar, but it fades away and you will find joy in chance. Most important, find yourself! You spent ( I don't know how many ) years denying yourself, your pride, your goodness, your will, hell you have no idea who you are. Who you are lies between the best you can do and the worst you can be. Go out and live! Stop surviving and live. Drink way to much today and save a kitten from a tree tomorrow. Tell someone you wish they would die, suggest way's they could accomplish it, then hold a friend in your arms & left them cry about something trivial and try to understand how they feel. Just live. It will be strange at first, should I be having this much fun, yes! Should I be this scared, yes! Do I deserve to feel this good, yep! If you can find a soul to trust (that's a tough one) tell them how you feel. Or drive 100 miles to the woods and yell as loud as you can, then leave promptly because someone probably heard you and thinks your'e being killed. Stop worying, do what you must, but find time to do what you want. Sorry I wrote a manifesto here, hope it helps. Oh yeah, It's cliche but you are not alone. (reply to this comment)
| from exister Thursday, November 17, 2005 - 07:31
    (Agree/Disagree?) I'd have to disagree with the previous posters regarding a conscious effort to purge your mind. At this point your mind is inside of a pathological moral construction imposed upon you during your childhood. The surest path to freedom is to step outside of this construct and deconstruct it so that you can move on. This takes a conscious effort, specifically a conscious effort to destroy all the dogma that is currently polluting your thought processes. Like I have said before a mental blank slate is your best bet. Break everything down to the point where nothing is sacred, least of all God. During this vulnerable phase you run a very real risk of becoming a criminal, but with a little common sense and a healthy fear of large caliber side arms you should manage to avoid any criminal detours. Once you have achieved the blank slate what you write on it is up to you. Hopefully it will be something that is interesting but also keeps you alive and out of jail. I chose to populate my slate with the likes of Foucault, Tillich, Sartre and Nietzche along with a healthy dose of Dostoyevsky, Marquez and Kerouac for artistic well roundedness. This is still a work in progress though, and my slate is by no means full. If I were to offer a single suggestion it would be to engage in very risky activities and take God's name in vain while doing so. If you survive you will be free of any notion of an omnipotent God. If you don't then your passing will have had the unfortunate effect of reaffirming religious ignorance in the minds of those who know you, but that won't be your problem, you'll be worm food. Cheers, exister (reply to this comment)
| From Lance Thursday, November 17, 2005, 12:41 (Agree/Disagree?) Can I just write off my opinion by agreeing whole-heartily with yours? In any case, yes, I feel the same way. I still feel like I haven't plunged deep enough into the intellectual soup that you just mentioned and I've up until now only had a superficial knowledge of philosophy. I believe that there is a detox period when people leave, and it can take longer for some people to completely detox then it does others; thus far I feel as if I've rid myself of all the cult's garbage, but I'm not completely resolved in my own personal philosophy -though I've come a long way. There was a line in one of the cults propaganda mags from berg about how you need to empty your worldly vessel and then fill that vessel back up again with the "word". I of course understand the paradox of referring to berg when making such a statement but part of the detox period is realizing just how full of shit he was. In this case you have to rid your(excuse the term) "vessel" of all the cult garbage, this can be a little troubling down the line when some interesting fact comes up and you have to ask yourself if it is a real fact or if is something some crazy family uncle told you, or that you might have read in a family mag. The joys of google, and a few handy dictionaries and encyclopedias should clear those little facts right up though, but it sure as hell can be annoying. If you're like me, the fact that you never really believed in most of what TF was all about is still not going to cure you of the fact that you spent twenty years doing nothing but processing garbage through a mind that was never expected to live up to its potential. A lot of people here have recommenced reading; Mortimer J. Adler was a professor of philosophy at the university of Chicago and is the largely responsible for making the great classics of literature, math, science and philosophy accessible to the average reader in his compilation of The Great Books of the Western World. He writes of act of reading, that it should be an enlightening experience more then an entertaining one. In other words: pick up a book that you would otherwise consider too academic, or ambiguous for your limited vocabulary and general reading aptitude. Read it, study it, mark the pages with definitions and notes. After awhile your vocabulary will grow, your knowledge and understanding of the world will be strengthened and you’ll be better equipt to pick up any news paper and magazine with complete confidence that you can readily understand its contents.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Fish Thursday, November 17, 2005, 09:53 (Agree/Disagree?) I like the idea of steping out of the construct of my mind, and constructing a mindset of my own making. I doubt, however, that most people have the ability to do this, at least not without professional help. I doubt I could ever achieve the "mental blank slate" that you referred to. Perhaps if I had left the family at a younger age (12-14) I would have more luck. I think that my time in the family is deeply intertwined with who I am, and to "deconstruct it" would not only be impractical, but tenamount to suicide. I could hardly "root out the terrs" without "pulling up the wheat" as well. Guess I'll just have to wait till judgement day. Sigh...(reply to this comment) |
| | From exister Thursday, November 17, 2005, 10:00 (Agree/Disagree?) Deconstructing Radical Postmodern Deconstructionism wherever I find it! Yeah, it can be somewhat distressing at times to wander around in the existential soup, hence my caveats. In my case I never really felt like I had a choice, as the alternative of leaving that tottering construct in place would have been much worse. I do agree that in many cases the cure can be worse than the disease.(reply to this comment) |
| | from dollface Thursday, November 17, 2005 - 06:43
    (Agree/Disagree?) In true Family style, “Don’t try to chase out the darkness, just open up your heart & let the sunshine in!” Now in normal speak… don’t try to beat out the family mentality. Just make a conscious effort to expose yourself to sources of knowledge/popular culture and a new way of thinking will develop before you know it. It’s amazing how quickly that can happen. I have found what helped tremendously was studying. When I first left I studied science (as one of my A levels/I’m guessing that’s high school in America). At that stage I was still a Christian, and was shocked to find that based on scientific facts the theory of evolution was correct. It made me realise that as a child, either I was intentionally lied to or those teaching me were rooted in ignorance. Either way, it opened up a crack. Once I realised Berg & all the other “knowledgeable” leaders etc.. that set themselves up to be so superior were just complete fuckwits – there was no looking back. Another subject I studied was History/race relations and this involved learning about WWII and the Holocaust. Learning the truth about the Holocaust changed my views so dramatically that when my Mom visited me soon after and started mouthing off about the Jews in front of my boyfriend, I hung my head in embarrassment and shame at her racism, small-mindedness and bigotry. Learning the facts and exposing yourself to another’s intelligent, logical point of view through studying or reading will change your way of thinking automatically. There have been a lot of good books recommended on this site (see the link below). If you get through even a handful of these books and can still honestly say that you have the Family mindset I’d be shocked. The truth will set you free! http://www.movingon.org/article.asp?sID=2&Cat=15&ID=2069 (reply to this comment)
| from Baxter Thursday, November 17, 2005 - 06:09
    (Agree/Disagree?) Try drugs! No seriously. Don't worry too much about it. Some shit will wear off, and the rest will remind you of who you are and where you've been. You don't really wanna die without any scars, do you? Simple practical procedure: Don't hug strangers. Don't use the word 'love' unless in either a completely flippant or deadly serious context. Use a fucking condom. Read whatever the fuck you feel like. Get wasted on a marginally regular basis. Tell someone you don't like to go fuck themselves (this is important). If you find yourself praying instinctively when you get into trouble, don't stress out about it. Just be sure to remind yourself that the action is purely for your own emotional benefit and is absolutely meaningless in a practical sense. Remember that caring about yourself and being egotistical may be socially unconducive if excessively indulged in, but is nevertheless a perfectly normal state of mind, and is one of your priviledges as a human being. And how else are you gonna get over constantly putting yourself down? Sometimes excess is good (not always, but sometimes). DO NOT FEEL GUILTY ABOUT IT. Make time for a private bitching every so often. It is not a crime to murmer, and the only people who can't deal with it are people you don't wanna be associated with. When you notice that you are different from everyone else, and wish you weren't, resign yourself to the fact, and don't beat yourself up too much. (reply to this comment)
| From Samuel Thursday, November 17, 2005, 19:10
(Agree/Disagree?) What exactly do you have against the word "love"? What's wrong with hugging strangers? If one goes on a blind date, are you supposed to be rude and reject a hug if it is offered? What about at the end of the date? If one wants to give Pooh Bear at Disney World or a movie star a hug while their picture is taken, is this weird? Both of these would be considered strangers. "My Mother always taught me not to take candy from strangers. But when you think about it, we're all pretty strange" (from a movie I forgot the title to) Being egotistical is a normal state of mind, only if you're in pre-school. Over the years one is expected to grow up and mature and start thinking of others rather than only themselves. Where would this world be if stock brokers, government officials, heads of state, business executives, and teachers thought only of themselves all the time? Telling someone you don't like to go fuck themselves will assure that they will not like you either. And please don't say this to The Family members, because they might take you seriously and start doing it right there. I personally believe there are more mature ways of telling someone to keep away from you. As for condoms, I thought all condoms were fucking condoms. Do people use them for other things as well? I personally believe that pants make a better protection than condoms,and that true love waits. Now you're probably upset with me because I used "the L word". I do agree that sometimes excess is good. To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpsoe under Heaven. (reply to this comment) |
| | From The Joe formerly known as H Thursday, December 29, 2005, 12:34 (Agree/Disagree?) This has been said before, but it bears repeating: Joe Over Everyone else, what a wonderful way to spell Joe! Joe Over Everyone else, 'cause you're all about as smart as my toe J is for Joe 'cause we give him first place Over all others in this human race Everyone else can just go fuck themself I put them last and spell Joe! I sing this hymn, this paean to my divinity every day at devotions. I realize this particular shoe may not fit everyone, so rewrite as you see fit.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From exister Thursday, December 29, 2005, 06:57 (Agree/Disagree?) "Over the years one is expected to grow up and mature and start thinking of others rather than only themselves. Where would this world be if stock brokers, government officials, heads of state, business executives, and teachers thought only of themselves all the time?" Which fucking world are you living in? Ego and self interest drives everything. These societal expectations that you speak of only cause us to fabricate a thin veneer that creates the impression that we give a shit about others, they don't change our true animal selves. Even when rich fuckers become philanthropists they merely transition from a selfish money drive to a sphere of competition in which they are competing for celebrity and adulation by doling out cash to charities. Samuel, you confused, crazy kid. Why do I get the strong impression that you are still in The Family? Maybe we need to have an exorcism to cast out those happy joy joy demons that are still crawling around in your skull. Any volunteers for a good old fashioned, anoint with cheap olive oil, come to Jesus, shout at the Devil, exorcism hootenany?(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From God Thursday, December 29, 2005, 08:59 (Agree/Disagree?) Don't listen to these "Doubting Thomas'". You have been diligent in posting your daring social and political views every chance you get, and for this you will get many mansions. You are right Sammy, and you have many people on your side like George Dubbya, Fox news, and millions of objective thinking christians everywhere. Although they may not understand, Just go in and claim the land, claim the land, claim the land, claim the land, claim the land. PTL, WLY, GBAKY. TAE TIHS (unscramble to find today's inspirational quote)(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | From Benz Friday, December 30, 2005, 14:36 (Agree/Disagree?) Impressive, someone with all Radiohead albums. - I'm 6 down 1 to go (Amnesiac). "One more cup of coffee" = White Stripes (though admittedly I don't have much of a collection of their stuff yet). "I might be wrong" = Radiohead (Amnesiac), however the version I have is a compilation of live performances (the album is called "I might be wrong).(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From Benz Friday, December 30, 2005, 14:49 (Agree/Disagree?) I forgot to include Kings of Leon, and of course Green Day should get a mention, Cold Play on occasion. others? Has anyone checked out "Brian Jonestown Massacre" stuff? - I got their "tepid peppermint" album, it's almost freaky how much his stuff seems to have a TF feel (not quite hippie), and besides the name of the band of course. There was a fairly recent rock doc called 'Dig' done about both this band and the Dandy Warhols which I plan to see. I wonder if the front man of Brian JT has any connections to TF or similar group. - Anyways agreed - indie/ retro rock rules!(reply to this comment) |
| | From placebo Friday, December 30, 2005, 15:40 (Agree/Disagree?) yeh the good old Dandy Warhols vs BJM.Check out that film.Other bands that have put out great records this year are > Bright Eyes, My Morning Jacket, Arcade Fire, Hard Fi, Clap your hands say yeah,Babyshambles and Dan Sartain. Next Year new albums> Strokes , Muse, Radiohead, Placebo,Arctic Monkeys.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | From Baxter Monday, November 21, 2005, 14:52 (Agree/Disagree?) I don't even know what to say to you, except that I don't really like you. You can hug and show undue affection to strangers. You can be promiscuous in your use of the word 'love'. Doing either demeans the gravity of both qualities (love and affection), but it's your prerogative to do so, so go ahead fool, i'm not stopping you. As for egotism: if you can't admit that you have an ego, then you, sunshine, are seriously in denial. It is obvious to me that you didn't actually appreciat what I wrote, which annoys me because you shouldn't present an argument on a point you're not familiar with (it insults my ego)! I didn't say be as egotistical as you like, but that you can be egotistical IF YOU FUCKING WANT TO! It's not a sin, it's just unlikely to make you popular. I NEVER said to turn yourself into a ego-powered solypsist. I said don't feel guilty about thinking about yourself. I did not say to tell everyone you don't like to FUCK OFF (fuck off!). I said tell SOMEONE you don't like to go fuck themselves. It's a liberating experience for a person who's spent a lifetime saying 'I love you' to people they hate. Your examination of the term 'fucking condom' is, like you, idiotic; besides that, it's pointless, pedantic and trivial. All I said was use fucking condom (in your case, stick it over your head and run a mile). fucking condoms...............................! I don't like you! FUCK OFF!! There! I've provoked you. Now go on and shoot back, it'll make you feel better! AND DON'T GO QUOTING THE BYRDS LIKE SCRIPTURE, YOU BRAINWASHED FRUITCAKE!!! Turn, Turn, Turn........... (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From Fist Friday, November 18, 2005, 22:53 (Agree/Disagree?) Your going way out of context... That is the most vague example Ive ever heard " What if Stock-brokers thought only for themselves ". Well they do. I dont think stock brokers sit around attempting to aid world poverty. How Ludicrous would that be if one was present at a conference of Brokers; Discussion: How can we help others. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Benz Friday, November 18, 2005, 14:46 (Agree/Disagree?) My comments to yours: 1) Please refer to Tina Turner's "What's love got to do with it". - Don't you agree TF would be a better place if Tina Turner had a say in the making of TF's music? 2) What's wrong with hugging strangers? OxO, etiquette and behaviour which has evolved since the 60's free-love era. Refer to Austin Powers (the original one) where he has to catch up on all that's actually happened to society in 30 years. 3) You may hug Pooh Bear at Disney if you wish, I'm sure no one will care. But I would suggest against trying to sit on Santa's knee, unless you're after a few giggles. 4) Aside from trick or treating who hands out free candy? - sounds strange to me. 5) Stock Brokers actually do only think of themselves, aside from a couple exceptions. And since children are not born with an "ego" its hard to agree with your assumption that the biggest ego's are found in pre-school. 6) Telling people to go fuck themselves is a message EVERYONE should be personally delivering to the Zerb crew on a regular basis. Imagine a world where all the kids were taught to tell Zerb to fuck herself as part of their daily curriculum..... 7) You should try the new vibrating/ singing condoms, yeah baby yeah! (Of course you're free to invent vibrating pants too) 8) Excess is always good, if you can afford it without going broke. Wishing you all the excess you want, get rich buddy, get rich. 9) Heaven & Hell are places on earth. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 18:06 (Agree/Disagree?) They of course were just in it for the laughs and to get their pictures taken. It was all in good fun, so I guess I'd have to say More power to them! Hugging strangers doesn't necessarily mean free love. Of course I may be a bit bias, as I happen to be a hugger myself. And for your imformation: banks, restaurants, and Santa Clauses make a regular habit of handing out free candy. Can you imagine someone at the airport trying to get through security with vibrating pants? LOL!(reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 17:57 (Agree/Disagree?) We actually had a Santa Claus at the grocery store I work at the other day. The Publix chain of grocery stores has lots of holiday items in the deli frozen and ready to bake and serve, and they like to have a "Holiday Fest" before Thanksgiving to serve samples- hoping people will buy them rather than slave away over a hot oven cooking them at home. I guess that's where the November sighting of Santa Claus comes in. To be quite honest, I never saw many children around there- but there were quite a few teen and twenty something girls that wanted to sit on Santa's (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 17:57 (Agree/Disagree?) We actually had a Santa Claus at the grocery store I work at the other day. The Publix chain of grocery stores has lots of holiday items in the deli frozen and ready to bake and serve, and they like to have a "Holiday Fest" before Thanksgiving to serve samples- hoping people will buy them rather than slave away over a hot oven cooking them at home. I guess that's where the November sighting of Santa Claus comes in. To be quite honest, I never saw many children around there- but there were quite a few teen and twenty something girls that wanted to sit on (reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 17:57 (Agree/Disagree?) We actually had a Santa Claus at the grocery store I work at the other day. The Publix chain of grocery stores has lots of holiday items in the deli frozen and ready to bake and serve, and they like to have a "Holiday Fest" before Thanksgiving to serve samples- hoping people will buy them rather than slave away over a hot oven cooking them at home. I guess that's where the November sighting of Santa Claus comes in. To be quite honest, I never saw many children around there- but there were quite a few teen and twenty something girls that wanted to sit (reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 17:57 (Agree/Disagree?) We actually had a Santa Claus at the grocery store I work at the other day. The Publix chain of grocery stores has lots of holiday items in the deli frozen and ready to bake and serve, and they like to have a "Holiday Fest" before Thanksgiving to serve samples- hoping people will buy them rather than slave away over a hot oven cooking them at home. I guess that's where the November sighting of Santa Claus comes in. To be quite honest, I never saw many children around there- but there were quite a few teen and twenty something girls that wanted to (reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 17:57 (Agree/Disagree?) We actually had a Santa Claus at the grocery store I work at the other day. The Publix chain of grocery stores has lots of holiday items in the deli frozen and ready to bake and serve, and they like to have a "Holiday Fest" before Thanksgiving to serve samples- hoping people will buy them rather than slave away over a hot oven cooking them at home. I guess that's where the November sighting of Santa Claus comes in. To be quite honest, I never saw many children around there- but there were quite a few teen and twenty something girls that wanted (reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 17:57 (Agree/Disagree?) We actually had a Santa Claus at the grocery store I work at the other day. The Publix chain of grocery stores has lots of holiday items in the deli frozen and ready to bake and serve, and they like to have a "Holiday Fest" before Thanksgiving to serve samples- hoping people will buy them rather than slave away over a hot oven cooking them at home. I guess that's where the November sighting of Santa Claus comes in. To be quite honest, I never saw many children around there- but there were quite a few teen and twenty something girls that (reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 17:57 (Agree/Disagree?) We actually had a Santa Claus at the grocery store I work at the other day. The Publix chain of grocery stores has lots of holiday items in the deli frozen and ready to bake and serve, and they like to have a "Holiday Fest" before Thanksgiving to serve samples- hoping people will buy them rather than slave away over a hot oven cooking them at home. I guess that's where the November sighting of Santa Claus comes in. To be quite honest, I never saw many children around there- but there were quite a few teen and twenty something girls (reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 17:57 (Agree/Disagree?) We actually had a Santa Claus at the grocery store I work at the other day. The Publix chain of grocery stores has lots of holiday items in the deli frozen and ready to bake and serve, and they like to have a "Holiday Fest" before Thanksgiving to serve samples- hoping people will buy them rather than slave away over a hot oven cooking them at home. I guess that's where the November sighting of Santa Claus comes in. To be quite honest, I never saw many children around there- but there were quite a few teen and twenty something g(reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 17:57 (Agree/Disagree?) We actually had a Santa Claus at the grocery store I work at the other day. The Publix chain of grocery stores has lots of holiday items in the deli frozen and ready to bake and serve, and they like to have a "Holiday Fest" before Thanksgiving to serve samples- hoping people will buy them rather than slave away over a hot oven cooking them at home. I guess that's where the November sighting of Santa Claus comes in. To be quite honest, I never saw many children around there- but there were quite a few teen and twenty (reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 17:56 (Agree/Disagree?) We actually had a Santa Claus at the grocery store I work at the other day. The Publix chain of grocery stores has lots of holiday items in the deli frozen and ready to bake and serve, and they like to have a "Holiday Fest" before Thanksgiving to serve samples- hoping people will buy them rather than slave away over a hot oven cooking them at home. I guess that's where the November sighting of Santa Claus comes in. To be quite honest, I never saw many children around there- but there were quite a few teen and (reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 17:56 (Agree/Disagree?) We actually had a Santa Claus at the grocery store I work at the other day. The Publix chain of grocery stores has lots of holiday items in the deli frozen and ready to bake and serve, and they like to have a "Holiday Fest" before Thanksgiving to serve samples- hoping people will buy them rather than slave away over a hot oven cooking them at home. I guess that's where the November sighting of Santa Claus comes in. To be quite honest, I never saw many children around there- but there were quite a few teen girls and (reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 17:56 (Agree/Disagree?) We actually had a Santa Claus at the grocery store I work at the other day. The Publix chain of grocery stores has lots of holiday items in the deli frozen and ready to bake and serve, and they like to have a "Holiday Fest" before Thanksgiving to serve samples- hoping people will buy them rather than slave away over a hot oven cooking them at home. I guess that's where the November sighting of Santa Claus comes in. To be quite honest, I never saw many children around there- but there were quite a few teen girls (reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 17:56 (Agree/Disagree?) We actually had a Santa Claus at the grocery store I work at the other day. The Publix chain of grocery stores has lots of holiday items in the deli frozen and ready to bake and serve, and they like to have a "Holiday Fest" before Thanksgiving to serve samples- hoping people will buy them rather than slave away over a hot oven cooking them at home. I guess that's where the November sighting of Santa Claus comes in. To be quite honest, I never saw many children around there- but there were quite a few teen g(reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 17:56 (Agree/Disagree?) We actually had a Santa Claus at the grocery store I work at the other day. The Publix chain of grocery stores has lots of holiday items in the deli frozen and ready to bake and serve, and they like to have a "Holiday Fest" before Thanksgiving to serve samples- hoping people will buy them rather than slave away over a hot oven cooking them at home. I guess that's where the November sighting of Santa Claus comes in. To be quite honest, I never saw many children around there- but there were quite a few (reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Friday, November 18, 2005, 17:56 (Agree/Disagree?) We actually had a Santa Claus at the grocery store I work at the other day. The Publix chain of grocery stores has lots of holiday items in the deli frozen and ready to bake and serve, and they like to have a "Holiday Fest" before Thanksgiving to serve samples- hoping people will buy them rather than slave away over a hot oven cooking them at home. I guess that's where the November sighting of Santa Claus comes in. To be quite honest, I never saw many children around there- but there were quite a (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From Benz Friday, November 18, 2005, 19:16 (Agree/Disagree?) thanks my black market pal. BTW a new band I've become quite fond of is "Wolfmother" - you should check if you like retro rock. I'm a sucker for The Darkness, The Killers, Scissor sisters, Jet, not to mention Radiohead, Muse to mention a few. also there's a relatively new Aussie band called Cog with their album "the new normal" which is definitely worth checking out...(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From live_fast-die_young Friday, December 30, 2005, 03:28 (Agree/Disagree?) Yes, Indie, retro souls unite! Gorillaz are amazing! The Darkness is indeed cheese-filled rubbish that makes me want to hurt somebody. Placebo is always brilliant; Muse is truly epic, but after a couple songs I'm bored. The Killers are fun fun fun! JET & Franz Ferdinand are very well produced (Tore Johannson & Dave ) & hopefully will be around to prove the artists have talent. But these guys (minus Placebo, Muse & Gorillaz) are what I call the "Lean & Green" artists who have yet to stand the test of time. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From suicidal dissent Thursday, November 17, 2005, 15:47 (Agree/Disagree?) "If you find yourself praying instinctively when you get into trouble, don't stress out about it. Just be sure to remind yourself that the action is purely for your own emotional benefit and is absolutely meaningless in a practical sense." ...thing is though, you can't be 'practical' (i.e. make good decisions) without emotional stability, hence prayer is actually ESSENTIAL, because it is a prerequisite of this stability and so far from meaningless in 'practical' life. On the other hand, what we mostly mean by ‘emotion’ these days is summed up by 'I’m stressed' and ‘stress’ is anxiety over not being able to make good decisions, not knowing what to do. So to find emotional stability one must know how to make good decisions and I think that the only way to make good decisions is through prayer; and I mean ‘prayer’ in the sense of discovering god's plan for you, not asking for what you want - the magic uses you, you don't use the magic! (reply to this comment) |
| | from Phoenixkidd Tuesday, November 15, 2005 - 10:13 (Agree/Disagree?) I personally think you shouldn't make a conscious effort to erase all the things you've learned in The Family. That may sound shocking, but when you start to do that, you realize how far behind you are, and that you are really one messed up brainwashed kid, kind of like the Al Keida suicidals, or the kamikaze or Uni-bomber people. Don't worry, especially if you go to school or study history, especially the history of religion and psychology, Many doctrines and the lifestyle of a cult will finally make sense. It's merely opression of one group of people by a team of individuals, seeking to gain prestige or monetary gain. Think about it, Berg lived for years in relative luxury by pursuading all of his culties to tithe, why do you think he rigorously demanded it? You may become discouraged and can be dangerous to your health if you try to purposely de-brainwash yourself. Just take it slow, it took me about 3 years after I left to realize how demented the leadership in the cult was. (reply to this comment)