Getting Through : Dealing
Have you lost the cult mindset? Take the quiz and see! | from Samuel - Tuesday, October 18, 2005 accessed 2680 times The following quiz is meant for entertainment purposes only, and is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or ailment. Have you lost the cult mindset? Take the quiz! Please choose all options that apply: 1) “Flirty Fishing” was: a: Religious prostitution b: A great way to raise funds c: The best way to share God’s love with a “fish” d: Okay under Jesus’ “Law of Love” 2) Which of these four is the greatest sin? (Choose only one) a: Drinking store bought lemonade b: Eating pork sausage c: Incest d: Eating fish which do not have fins and scales 3) Christian demon possession: a: Is what happened to Mene b: Is not directly mentioned in The Bible c: Happens to young people who leave The Family, and want their friends or relatives to leave as well. d: Causes lesbianism 4) If you get a revelation from God that is different from a revelation received by your shepherd or leaders, then: a: You are automatically wrong, b: You are both hearing things. c: You should wear sackcloth and ashes and make protest signs warning doom on anyone who does not listen to you. If ashes are not available, pencil sharpener shavings will also work. d: You need to read Jeremiah 17:9, and don’t forget to write a reaction. e: You should speak to your leadership privately. 5) Incest is: a: An ingredient used to make insecticide. b: Sexual contact with a close relative. c: Immoral. d: Okay, under Jesus’ “Law of Love”. 6) The best way to introduce a teen to sex is to: a: Place the teen on a sharing schedule b: Talk to the teen about sex d: Show the teen how to have sex c: Call the school and ask them if they have any condoms for your teen. e: Tell them to read the MO letter “Teen Sex” 7) Psychology is: a: A device of the Jews to take over the world b: The study of the mind c: Of little importance to missionaries and their children d: The wisdom of man 8) Which of the following men is/was evil? a. Adolph Hitler b. Fidel Castro c. Abraham Lincoln d. Dr. Martin Luther King 9) Which of the following is true about Israel? a: Israel is a terrorist state. b: Israel has a right to defend itself against its neighbors, including sovereign nations like Palestine. c: David Berg lived in Israel for a short period of time, and even wanted to move the Children of God there. He began preaching against them after they rejected his message. d: The media and government of the United States always show favoritism toward Israel. 10) Which of the following is true about Jesus? a: Jesus completely erased the entire Mosaic Law, leaving only two commandments. any moral guidelines made after this statement may be ignored at will. b: Jesus had sex with Mary and Martha. c: Jesus probably had a sexually transmitted disease, which increased his suffering on the cross. d: Jesus was conceived because the angel Gabriel “came in unto Mary”. e: Jesus was sinless, and never broke or changed the Law of Moses. His crucifixion fulfilled the Law of Moses. f: Jesus never broke or changed the Law of Moses, he only explained it. g: I don’t believe in Jesus 11) Women: a: Should be allowed to express their opinions, even if they are different from yours. b: Should be barefoot and pregnant c: Should be “lightly clothed and lightly painted” d: Were made to serve man. 12) The Civil War was fought: a: Over state’s rights b: Over slavery c: Because of the North’s anger at the South’s refusal to sell cotton to them, forcing them to buy at a higher price from England. d: Because the Jews wanted to sell arms. 13) The Revolutionary War was fought: a: For religious freedom. b: Because of “taxation without representation” c: By George Washington, so his Jewish friends could sell arms to the colonists. d: Because the Jews made a deal with George Washington to put his picture on money, which they of course owned all of, if he fought the war. Now it is time to score your test and see how far you’ve come on your road to recovery. Each answer is given a score of +1, 0, or -1 Question 1: a = +1, b =0, c or d = -1 Question 2: a, b, or d= -1, c= +1 Question 3: a=0, b= +1, c or d = -1 Question 4: a, c, or d =-1, b= 0, e= +1 Question 5: a=0, b or c = +1, d= -1 Question 6: a, c, or e= -1, b= +1, d= 0 Question 7: a, c, or d= -1, b = +1 Question 8: a, or b= +1. c, or d = -1 Question 9: a or d= -1, b or c= +1 Question 10: a, b, c, or d= -1, e or f= +1, g= 0 Question 11: a= +1, b= 0, c or d= -1 Question 12: a or b= +1, c or d = -1 Question 13: a or b= +1, c= -1, d= 0 Add all your scores up. If you have a negative score: You still have some work to do. That’s okay, we are all different- that’s why we left the cult. We all recover at our own pace. Best of luck to you! If you have a score of 0-6. You’ve come a long way, and you’re making progress. When you feel discouraged, think of where you started in the cult and how far you’ve come since you left. If you have a score of 7 or higher: Way to go, you’ve made it as a productive member of society, which is much better than many people still inside the cult can say for themselves. You have every reason to be proud. The twisted writings of David Brandt Berg, re-twisted: “You can’t change the whole cult, but you can lead the people you have influence over out of the cult, and you will prove that there is hope that they all can be saved.” |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Baxter Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - 13:17 (Agree/Disagree?) Sorry to split hairs. If I remember correctly, the so-called economic issue of the civil war was that the south was selling to Britain for a better price than could be got from the North- not the other way round. This is irrelevant anyway, the North were not the original aggressors. In any case, the civil war WAS NOT fought to liberate the slaves, but to protect the integrity of the union. Lincoln only emancipated the slaves when the threat of British action in support of the south was looming eminent -there were already troops in canada ready to invade. Britain could not act against a nation which was openly against slavery in aid of one whose economy was based on it. Also, as wolf asserted, the revolutionary war was not about taxation. Berg got it right that British colonists only paid a measly fraction of what was demanded even of people on the British mainland. The war was fought in the interest of rich, far-sighted enterprising colonists (most of whom were the founding fathers). This is not to excuse what was mostly an overbearing colonial government. (reply to this comment)
| from Wolf Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - 07:30
    (Agree/Disagree?) Sammy boy, you may not be a cultie anymore but you do seem a bit naïve -- if you think the revolutionary war was fought because of "taxation without representation", the civil war was fought over state's rights or slavery, and the United States doesn't show favouritism towards Israel. Even American history books admit that Abraham Lincoln only came up with the anti-slavery excuse when the war was already half over -- I took a college course in American history. The revolutionary war was about America wanting to be a sovereign nation -- plain and simple. The issues leading up to the civil war were very complex, and certainly can't be summed up in a short sound bite. It did have a lot to do with trade and commerce. Abraham Lincoln was probably not "evil" (if there is such a thing), but he did own slaves. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | from placebo Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 18:01 (Agree/Disagree?) 1)How does not believing in Jesus give you only a zero? 2) As long as Israel violates U.N. regulations by occupying Palestinian land that makes them at least a borderline terrorist state.That of course does not excuse terrorist acts by the Palestinans. Lastly the U.S. governement is blatantly supportive of Israel, refferring to them as their greatest ally in the region. (reply to this comment)
| From Samuel Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 20:21 (Agree/Disagree?) The problem witht he U.S. government's policy toward Israel is that the government wants two seperate countries living side by side in peace with each other. As long as Palestinian school children are taught "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and such, I don't believe this can happen. The government has a utopian idea about peace in the region, but I do not believe peace can be achieved until the terrorists are illiminated from the region. Human rights activists may think this is inhumane, placing these people in jail would be more humane, but the Palestinian government doesn't seem to have any interest in doing that. Furthermore it is inhumane, perhaps even an act of war, for the Palestinian government to not only decline to arrest the terrorists, but even go as far as align themselves with them by placing men with known ties to terrorist organization in high government positions. As far as Israel being America's greatest ally in the region, well, that's because INHO Israel is our ONLY ally in the region. Did you know that a terrorist attack occurs in Israel just about every day? Just because the American media doesn't report them, doesn't mean they're not happening. Fox News rules! Peace out.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From roughneck Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 16:50 (Agree/Disagree?) Here's a news item worthy of Fox News: Google gives up about 51,900 results for the phrase "One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter". Gee-golly-gosh, I never realised the Endtime News Digest had such HUGE circulation... and writers that everyone in the world rips cliches off of... or perhaps just maybe you're fulla shit on that attribution. WDYT? :) By the way, I maxed your little quiz and it's official: I'm a god's-vomit backslidden systemite. Do I get a shiner prize? :P (reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 17:35 (Agree/Disagree?) Of course you get a shiner prize, after I give you a triple demerit for "talking back to authority". Not a very good sample, roughneck. Keep going like that and you'll miss movie night : o ) The fact that Endtime News Digest would publish something like that, to me, shows it's lack of credibility. But I happen to be very picky about the news I listen to, and usually prefer to read my news instead. My favorite site to find weird news is weirdnews.com, and my favorite site to find regular news is abc.com. Peace out.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | From Samuel Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 12:59 (Agree/Disagree?) Actaully, I'm a red neck, water drinking, bible thumping, house trash. Is that much different? FOX News, in my opinion, is much more objective than CNN. I can't compare it to MSNBC, as I don't watch it much. (reply to this comment) |
| | From one who knows Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 20:17 (Agree/Disagree?) Violating U.N. mandates doesn't make Israel a terrorist state. Blowing up civilians for political or any other gains makes a country a terrorist state (ie. Palestine). The U.S. supporting Israel is one of the better things our country does. Anyone who thinks of it as something negative has a lot in common with most terrorists in the world, and members of a certain cult. Not believing in jesus or buddha or anything else should be a zero. Otherwise the whole debate over which god or religion is right would come up, jackass. You probably scored a negative on the cult test recently posted.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Lance Thursday, October 27, 2005, 13:20 (Agree/Disagree?) Actually I remember seeing a picture of the earth in the cult, and it had a big-ass pyramid sticking out the top of it. So I guess the they taught us that the world is round, but won't always be round! and heaven is the shape of a four deminsional triangle with a rudder... Oh look! It's currently floating through space on its way to earth, where it will get valey parking inside the moon! You do know that the moon is hollow right?... and it might be made out of cheese too! I think I just failed this test.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From Samuel Thursday, October 27, 2005, 15:50 (Agree/Disagree?) Thanks a lot. I guess that does just about sum things up. When you really think about it, there is no such thing as "free" sex, sex always has a price tag. Whether it's pregnancy, or STD's, or the way a relationship tends to fall apart after the sexual barriers have been reached (which I only have second hand knowledge of). The idea of "free" sex in The Family was that leadership decided for you who you could or couldn't have sex with, and who you were required to have sex with. That's not free!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 07:51 (Agree/Disagree?) Berg was not only pro-Palestinian to an anti-Israel extent, but he was also anti-Semitic. These are two separate issues. I have a friend who is Jewish and "progressive," is not in favor of everything that Israel has done with regards to the Palestinians and sympathizes a lot with the Palestinians, and this person is not alone. But you can try to see both sides of the political issue without being a racist and hating the Jewish people and religion. Berg combined anti-zionist views with anti-semitism and religious hatred.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From Samuel Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 20:08
    (Agree/Disagree?) First of all, the "quiz" was meant for entertainment purpsoes only. I decided that not believing in Jesus does not necessarily mean you still have the cult mentality. I recognize that there are many people who have never been in The Family, that do not believe in Jesus. The way I worked the quiz went like this. If the answer was obviously in line with the cult's way of thinking, the answer got a -1. If the answer did not necessarily mean the person taking the quiz was under cult influence, then the answer was worth a 0. G falls under this category because it is the only answer for question 10 that does not state a fact about Jesus, but rather an opinion. For those who did not know, a fact is a statement that can be proven true or false. For example, if someone says "I saw Harry running to Mc. Donald's this afternoon", that is not a fact. It can not be proven that Harry was running, or that it was afternoon. What one person considers running another person may consider walking or jogging, and what one person considers afternoon, another may consider evening. If that person says "I saw Harry going into Mc. Donald's today.", that would be a fact, even if Harry has been home all day. Another example would be Harriet Miers who recently said Bush was "the most brilliant person I know". This cannot be proven, as even if one could track down every single person she knows, there would be no uniform test to measure brilliance. Therefore, it is not a fact either. Unfortunately, your statement that you don't believe in Jesus cannot be proven either- and from that, comes your 0. While it can be argued that Jesus never lived/ died on the cross/ lived a sinless life/ or whatever- the popular believe among those who do believe Christ is that both E and F are correct answers to question number 10. Cheers!(reply to this comment) |
| | From weegirlie Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 06:34 (Agree/Disagree?) "G falls under this category because it is the only answer for question 10 that does not state a fact about Jesus, but rather an opinion. For those who did not know, a fact is a statement that can be proven true or false" How are you supposed to justify stating a so called "fact" about a more than likely imaginary person? And even if this "jesus" person did exist, his existence undoubtly has been twisted into a fairytale book which removes all credibility of any attempts at stating "facts" about him. As far as your later comments, the onus is on religious people to prove that the existence of their gods, flying spaghetti monsters or whatever they want to call them is actually a fact. It's impossible to prove the non-existence of something, simply because a non-existant thing produces no evidence of its non-existance. Personally I'd have still scored it -1 for still believing in that nonsense, but I suppose you can give them a point for at least getting the original version of the fairytale right. And I agree also, that believing that the US government is biased towards Israel is actually far more living in the real world, at least for us non-Americans who aren't pumped full of US propaganda.(reply to this comment) |
| | from A River in Egypt Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 16:25 (Agree/Disagree?) Good job! (reply to this comment)