Getting Through : Dealing
Darla's cancer | from robster - Saturday, July 30, 2005 accessed 1460 times In a recent phone conversation, I feared from the beginning bad news. I called just to hear a warm wonderful voice that has not changed through the years and I knew I could rely in hearing this voice because even though not being many times through the years, I knew I could call the most stable environment that has ever existed for me to lead my own life and eventually get through to hear that warm wonderful voice. Not calling very often and leaving in 90’, I knew somewhere in my heart and throughout my own escapade of being bad, terrible things happen that we somehow have to learn to cope with. Unfortunately, this call, I was notified personally by the husband of one of the greatest women on earth who has had a major impact on my own beings relationship with women throughout my lifetime and will continue to do so- has and is suffering right now from cancer - this is settling in her bones and through out her entire body. I feel bad for this woman, I haven’t even talked to her much through the years, I always thought that she is the lady and the stronger of the two between the husband and wife. I find myself wrong, the mans actions sometimes have a tendency to have a toll on the woman’s body. Not to say that this man’s did. This is unknown. I know one thing and that is we really have to come together over this. This is going to be an absolute calling of true faith; Marie knows how mad our true father can get. This time has approached us is very difficult manner and will reflect a lot about our beings- We need to come together and lift Darla as far as we as this people can possibly lift her to our father and let the healing begin. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from piedpiper Friday, August 05, 2005 - 22:50
(Agree/Disagree?) This really upsets me that there are certain people who have been hurt and disturbed through lifes unravelings. Cults are extreme groups that are or have been in national or world headlines.People that learn to grow through community with rocky starts are not cults,if this opinion counts at all.Isot has left one of the best imprints on my soul and heart through their effort of the dedicated time and service they have succeeded in showing children and adolescents of all ages with difficulties of all kinds opportunity that is existing for them in their life to come with the free choices to be made. (reply to this comment)
| | | From piedpiper Saturday, August 06, 2005, 23:14
(Agree/Disagree?) I come from the X generation and find myself a little twisted on the issue of cults: thanks for the basic knowledge. I am sorry your feelings are upset from what I wrote.I was placed at Isot for a little over a three year period, there is the probability that I did not recognize the abuse and that I may of just thought that the process by which we were shown to modify our behavior, change and recognize the patterns of thinking which develop, and internalize what we carry on. In a roundabout way that is what I think what was taught to me, without diving to deep. (reply to this comment) |
| | from robster Monday, August 01, 2005 - 16:32 (Agree/Disagree?) Thanks papicar & I surely could imagine that happening. (reply to this comment)
| from papicar Monday, August 01, 2005 - 14:30
    (Agree/Disagree?) Hi. Although i dont´t know either you nor Darla, i want you to know i read yor article, and i´ll start praying for her healing. ¿Can you imagine what could happen if a lot of people would join in prayer for her? (reply to this comment)
| from robster Monday, August 01, 2005 - 13:22 (Agree/Disagree?) I have to say I live and learn throughout life and this is just one more lesson learned thanks. (reply to this comment)
| From GoldenMic Tuesday, August 02, 2005, 16:57
    (Agree/Disagree?) I gotta stop before I begin. I will just get mad and say things. Things like "do you realize how many of your fellow placements, placed there as abuse victims by the government, were physically and sexually abused while at Isot"? Nope, Nope, Nope. I gotta stop. Today I am with others here in wishing "those Isot-types would shut up" if that would only cause your "pie-in-the-sky", "I learned some good things there", and "if-I-ignore-it-it-doesn't-exsist" bleatings to stop. You are talking about a cult where the documented examples of physical, mental, and sexual abuse actually competes and compares with horrors like those seen in TF, definitely at the extreme end of cult abuse cases. Even as a relative, I will not ignore Darla's long-term proximity to this abuse, and her husband's role simply cannot be believed, or ignored.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From roughneck Sunday, August 07, 2005, 09:32
    (Agree/Disagree?) Flutterfly: Why would you direct someone looking for information to the official (read: propagandist) Family website? Why not go all the way and point people to the sock puppets' paradise, (myconclusion.com) where the astroturf grows green year round? Wonderer, for a slightly more accurate picture of The Family International, I recommend browsing at these other quality websites. www.movingon.org (redundant I know) www.xfamily.org www.exfamily.org(reply to this comment) |
| | From flutterfly Sunday, August 07, 2005, 20:05
(Agree/Disagree?) I don't see any problem here, Roughneck. If someone ased me who Sheryl Crow was I would direct them to her official website. Speaking of accuarcy: From a researchers point of veiw, If anyone is reading from movingon.org (like wonderer was) & or Exfamily.org, I figure they have the right to also be aware of the official Family website. This may help them form a mature balanced oppinion of the group. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from GoldenMic Monday, August 01, 2005 - 09:53
    (Agree/Disagree?) I think you may have come to the wrong site looking for people feeling like they need to "come together and be supportive" of a first-generation "elder" from the little Isot cult. First of all, you may find that many people here wonder what the hell you're even doing on a site founded for "the children of the children". Second, despite what you may feel about how wonderful Darla is, and how truly sad it is about her cancer, she is part and parcel of a group of thugs and bullies that have exploited and abused many, many people, and these people, like TF's leaders, have NEVER honestly admitted their evil abuses, fully apologized, or made any serious attempt at making amends. Even so, I have known Darla since I was three, and I do acknowledge (and even feel) some of your real pain. Isn't it horrifying to realize and deal with the confusing sense of bonding that results from our love and hate and memories formed under pressure? (reply to this comment)