Getting Through : Dealing
Why I hate the Family | from mia1 - Tuesday, June 14, 2005 accessed 2652 times Why I waste time writing why I hate the Family Now really, honestly this is gonna be full of spelling errors so I will just let u know that I don't care. I hate the Family because they stole 21 years of my life! I don't agree with people who say we should just move on. How can we ignore the pain and suffering that the Family doctrines and beliefs have caused, some blame leaders others blame their parents (like me) but its their warped way of thinking that has caused so much pain. I have never been abused (well I think...I don't have a very good memory) unlike many of the members who post on this site but that fact doesn't lessen the pain of what was done to us. It hurts me to read these stories of people who have been hurt and abused by members of TF, I wish I could do something to make their pain go away, and as long as people still are believing, tithing, worshiping and reading anything remotely Family related, I don't believe there can be closure. The Family is a monster, it may look pleasing on the outside but inside they are nothing but horror, if they so believe in getting prophecy, well guess what, those "vandari" you see are nothing but a true reflection of what you see in the mirror. If you believe in God (which I don't) then that's what "God" is trying to tell you, "his beloved" flock. The Family in all its good works will never pay back stolen time, stolen innocence and stolen lives. They can do all the ctp's to their hearts content and they will never be able to pay us back. We are the true children of the Family, twisted? Maybe. But not broken, we are stronger then they will ever be. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from true Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - 14:19 (Agree/Disagree?) wow i just read the rollingstone about ricky and as much as some of you guys hate me i think we should all come togther and fight..... this is just too much that the family is still going on like nothing happend. how sick of a past we have. when will it stop. true (reply to this comment)
| | | from SeanSwede Sunday, June 19, 2005 - 00:44
    (Agree/Disagree?) A regular day in The Family was as follows: "Revelie", breakfast, devotions, JJT, wordtime, ministries, lunch, quiettime, getout, ministries, dinner, activities or meetings and finally LIGHTS OUT. What about school? Oh thats easy. Since Jesus is coming back soon we don`t need school after we have learned our "3R`s". I still don`t have a college degree. Thanks to the fact that I wasn`t raised at a school table. Studying today is very difficult to put my heart and mind to. But I am finally realising after almost 10 years that if I want to work with the job of my dreams I HAVE to go to school! I have never held a job more than a year, cause I get restless and need to keep moving. That is what happens from having to move around as a child from home to home and country to country. It takes a damaging psychological tole on the mind and results in mental instability etc. Insecurity and constant moving around is not healthy. I have had about 30 different jobs in the past 9 years and I still am not sure about what I want to do with my life. Nothing is appealing. I feel like I have already worked over 20 years including when i was in TF. I don`t want to give my heart, mind and time to a career because I realise that its all meaningless. We are all gonna die and I would rather live for myself cause I`m tired of living and working for others as a servant or slave wether in or out of TF. So I have decided to just work to live and give my life to my own personal intressts-after work. I wonder if anyone of you can relate to this out there? (reply to this comment)
| | | From GoldenMic Monday, June 20, 2005, 11:09
    (Agree/Disagree?) SeanSwede, Your words are powerful, and they bring back memories of my own many years of listless depression. Some of this is actually a hidden legacy of our childhood. For all of our hatred and rejection, we cannot help but have internalized the lie of our youth's, that we were "special" people with a special mission, and that keeps us searching for a similar feeling out here in the "system". Meanwhile, we were conditioned to believe that the system was pointless and evil, so we end up acting out the narrative of our pasts. This is the stain that we live with, and suffer from. I really do hope that you keep on working on this, though, because there ARE some answers. One thing is that its actually OK to be normal and just part of living life, that we are special because we a part of the story of life, and NOT because we are part of an arrogant and self-important little group. Also, much of the joy of living comes from loving and caring for others, and that truly does happen in time. Others have said it here, and its true that this entire series of posts has underscored some of the very real damage of our cult pasts, but at least we are still searching, and reaching out to others, and for all the vitriol, there is acceptance and caring here. I do want to provide one caution, and I sure hope this doesn't sound patronizing, but I do want to mention that many of the fine people here have skirted the edges of despair, and contemplated giving up. I strongly encourage you to keep on sharing your feelings, and when you're ready, hook up with some of the slowly emerging self-help counseling going on. It really helps, and its what moves many past that edge of near-suicide. As Ricky's friend said at the memorial, "we cannot just pretend that its ok, this stuff doesn't just go away" (inexact quote). One excellent place to hook up with is the International Cultic Studies Association and their workshops. They have really helped me, and many others. If you are interested but short on funds, please get in touch with me, since I know ways to get scholarships and even have a small fund that could help. This work is really changing me and I fell like I have finally woken up. For so many years, I just survived, felt completely alone, and kept on breathing... but that is finally truly changing. Thanks for being so open and honest in your post, and if you are one of those few who resent my presence here, I apologize for any offence in presuming to speak to your pain.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | from mmmm dinner Friday, June 17, 2005 - 15:57 (Agree/Disagree?) Want to know why I hate The Family?...Boiled Liver (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From Phoenixkidd Friday, June 17, 2005, 17:56
    (Agree/Disagree?) This is why I hate the cult, All things below I had to be a part of on a daily, monthly basis: Food:// Boiled liver, heart and tongue of cow to eat....Rotten vegetables to eat, rotten milk to drink, rotten juice to wash down rotten vegetables to eat, at times no bread just rice, Clothes, Hygeine // wearing the same clothes all week, soiled and stained clothes, hand me down clothes, holes and sewing to be done, never enough socks or underwear, using the same toothbrush for over 1 year, no shaving cream, no Toilet paper just use napkins, eating yogurt from a plastic lids ( we didn't want to wash plates from 100 hungry mouths..back in the school days.) endless noise from crying babies and screaming mothers Music & Witnessing// Busking and choreography from Homos, Trying to get people saved, inviting them to hear some old fogies at some meaningful meeting, soundtracks from Heaven's Magic, Soundtracks from Kiddie Vidddies, fantastic friends and all their "Saved me by the bell" style clothes, Music:// el crapo from 1986 Heaven's magic, christian songs from country singers (1994, 1995) which made me hate George Campbell, Recent Music from family bands who try to copy secular artist styles, trying to get every recording approved from leaders who were in another country, Devotions// Loving Jesus nights, hearing some leader preach on the virtues of witnessing (for 2 hours) Prophecy and all forms of vain babble by deceased "Saints" AKA Mao tse tung, hitler and Marilyn Monroe, Using the tools, go for the gold, (Just get everyone Pregnant!!) General Practices// Modems, Computers using Norton Commander, TRF time, seed money, Never Ever Enough Money, No Money at all, Crowded Vans (ONe time we got stuck in the snow at Big Bear Circa 1995 and the sheriff opens the back and finds 20 people!!) Broken Vans, getting in and out of broken vans, Fixing Broken door panels, fixing toilets, cleaning after overflowed toilets, Vans and other mass transit in the same vehicle, absolutely no air-conditioning (a vile waste), Cleaning up after messy kids that eat by themselves when too young, picking up crap from the floor, cleaning crap from the floor, linoleum and all sorts of linoleum flooring, tatami mats with there bugs and mites, stinky toilets in old Japanese houses, Paying a $3000.00 rent, Paying $560.00 electric bills, Car Washes and all sorts of car wash materials, standing on the blazing sidewalk holding signs, signs and all sorts of other eye-catching-human-held-paraphenelia, Silence Restricitions, No movies, no games, "The Sound of Music" "Ben-Hur" "My Fair Lady" "The Robe" and other movies seen at least 100 times., Crowded conditions, sleeping in attics, sleeping in closets, sleeping in cars, sleeping in campers, Trailers and other forms of habitat that shakes when I move my BIG TOE!!! (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From roughneck Saturday, June 18, 2005, 17:34 (Agree/Disagree?) Yeah, he uses "ignit" (or alternatively, "ingnit", which isn't a word in any subculture) to mean "ignorant". He didn't make it up, it's from a Westside Connection track called "Get Ignit" as far as I can tell from Google. I guess aping Gustav Klimt et al wasn't enough to fill the copy-other-people's-shit-and-pretend-I'm-original jones. Or perhaps true labours under the misapprehension that honky mama's boys sound extra "street" when they (mis)use African-american hip-hop terms as frequently as possible. True, I recommend going down to Compton (substitute nearer "projects" as/if/when necessary) and yelling out the lyrics to that track nice and loud. Use a bullhorn to see the full effect. Don't worry, I'm sure the young gentlemen congregated there won't mind a bit when you get to the line saying "just like you figured, I’m whippin’ niggas..". Just make sure you enunciate that last word (say it PROUD!) so they're clear that you, (as an overgrown white punk kid, no less) identify with their culture, music, manner of speaking and station in life, mmkay? Or failing that, perhaps for your own welfare you ought to put down the crack-pipe and back away slowly like a good little whiteboi dipshit who's in over his head. On another note, for someone so overweeningly concerned about the unwashed hoi polloi not being able to appreciate your overrated doodlings online, you sure do post eensy-weensy tiny-whiney pictures of them. Shit, the average ten-cent postage stamp is bigger. The truly sad thing (can I get a witness?) is that you claim to be teaching computer graphics! I guess it really is true that those who can't do, teach, eh? OK, I'll let you get back to huffing your paint fumes and pretending you're a photocopier now. (reply to this comment) |
| | From true Saturday, June 18, 2005, 18:08 (Agree/Disagree?) dude ok is gustav klimt the only artist you know because i have done copys of a lot of other artist better than him... i like to think of my art as not only a reaction of hate to the family but also as a part of our time we are the hip hop genoration and rather than being a poser that has no skillzs like you say i am i am a active hip hop emcee and am part of the hip hop gurope called the up town crew we have one album have opened for the roots cypess hill mobb deep and Westside Connection(by the way i do have that album and like that song get ingnt) to name a few our album was relesed in 1999 since then i have been doing my own thing and have mad respect in the under gruond hip hop world of san diego and LA. my art like hip hop that samples other music to make some thing new i take art from that artist of the past and make it into some thing new...ok let me take a hit ............ok what the fuck was i saying oh so if you can not understand why hip hop samples you will never understand my art ...i just finshed a art work that will say every thing about that in my defence no. 541.... the reson the post of my pic are so small is cause this site will not let you post more than 40k per pic and they dont take gif. thanks ruff i will go huff some more paint fumes and we will see in the end has done more with life....... true (reply to this comment) |
| | From Lance Sunday, June 19, 2005, 05:52
    (Agree/Disagree?) Listen true, I am TRUELY convinced that you are one of these rare breads that are high all the time(and for you social people it would be: “high like all the time mutherfucker!). Somehow your mind just doesn’t conceive the depth, length, parameters -and other such metaphors- to describe the tremendous chasm of your own stupidity. I mean, you are so stupid people are actually concerned that you might be in some sort of four walled never land where you are the king. Yes, we are actually concerned that you might slam your head against a fireplace, or drown yourself in your own feces all in the name of art. You are so cock full of your own bullshit that I am left to believe that you barely no what a vagina feels like. You are so pleasantly envisioning yourself getting rammed in the mirror by yourself and your cock loving, albeit social maligned friends, that you scarce to see the reality of your own insignificance. It is said that often the persona that one puts out in public often contradicts who they really are. And in that sense you are a helpless virgin to art in all it’s forms. You say that I know nothing about art? Are you asking me about art history or are you asking me about what art means to me? You can throw around this bullshit about art meaning different things to different people but all I can respond to then is by saying that nobody wants to appreciate art coming from a conceded, sexist and narcissistic bastard. Perhaps in a thousand years from now, in some futuristic, fascist society of hermaphrodites. Some dubius clone might dig up your jaw bone and deem it worthy enough to display in the local museum(under the loser section). But besides that, you will be completely anonymous to anyone else outside the protective bubble of your own art world. Fuck you! You are high in your own delusions and pitying you for it only makes me want to take a shower.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From roughneck Saturday, June 18, 2005, 19:37 (Agree/Disagree?) Uh, Okaaay, true-pac. So far you've claimed to be one of the best artists ever, and a famous hip-hop "emcee" too, but I'm still not impressed! --whatever should I do? (Oh right, go kill some family members. I forgot. Silly me.) As I understand it, your philosophy towards creativity in the arts is the same held by The Artist Formerly Known as Puff Daddy, in that you don't feel that there's any difference at all between creator and mere re-arranger. If that's so, well great. I don't, however, think anything of yours I've seen so far confers the title (and the attendant requirement to [figuratively, of course] suck your cock) of Art God* on you. Also, recycling goes in the blue bin, not on the walls or in the goddamn stereo. Get it straight. (*or whatever you reckon you are this week.) For what it's worth (admittedly not a helluva lot), I know of other artists besides Klimt, I just haven't seen any of your plagiar^H^H^H^H^H^H^H tributes to them yet. I just call'm as I see'm. On the topic of pictures, you do realise that you can adjust the parameters of an image (using free software to boot) to make a JPEG's size smaller without scaling it down to lilliputian dimensions, right? If not, give anyone you've taught "computer graphics" to their money back, stat. Hell, if you can't suss it out I'd be happy to do this for you --if you send me some decent images to work with that is. It's sad, but you, like a good Family drone, seem to be obsessed with the notion of your life being supposedly "worth" more than mine for some unjustifiable reason. In light of this I can't help but opine that you haven't left The Family and its fucked up ways as far behind as you seem to think you have. Or maybe you're just a conceited, self-obsessed, functionally illiterate wannabe-wangsta elitist putz of your own volition. (By the way, "battle" is over when you say the word*. You're going to have to do better than "yo mamma" jokes if you wanna pretend you're still in the game, though. ;) (*not *Uncle... or *Auntie either for that matter.)(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From vixen Sunday, June 19, 2005, 03:37 (Agree/Disagree?) Dear God, how much longer are we going to have to put up with this??? Roughie, don't you think it would be best to just leave true to stew in his own delusion, from now on? As much as I hugely enjoy reading your comments, I think your intellect is wasted on him. And every time you address a comment to him, we have to read more of his! (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From true Sunday, June 19, 2005, 21:41 (Agree/Disagree?) lol dude got jokes na for real man,,,,,,,,,(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From xolox Saturday, June 18, 2005, 11:19 (Agree/Disagree?) I don't hate you, but you also suck. Try some new content in your "ignit" little tirades. You know, grammar is not the only thing that is wrong with your posts, it's not even THE major problem, though a major problem it remains. What is mostly wrong is your thought process. It's like you think in circles, and no matter what the content of what you're replying to, your responses are always the same dumb bullshit!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From true Sunday, June 19, 2005, 09:48
(Agree/Disagree?) all art is copy there is not such thing as a orignal picsso the only artist that started modern art copyed african art to make the only painting that links the old with the modern....... i am a modern artist..... modern artist go out on sight to copy a landscape or in the sudio with a still life, live nude, photo,or from a pictuer of another painting or i just paint from my imagnation or from my dreams....... i am the true artist of now......... (reply to this comment) |
| | From mia1 Sunday, June 19, 2005, 20:49 (Agree/Disagree?) whatever... u are seriously delusional. I think I true artist would make something "true" and unique and would not be boasting about all the things he can "draw" or copy. Lots of people can copy art but it takes a true artist to change it. If u want to change ur world I would suggest stop copying and do something original. I respect original. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From roughneck Monday, June 20, 2005, 09:51 (Agree/Disagree?) LMAO true! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! You wrote: "all art is copy there is not such thing as a orignal picsso the only artist that started modern art copyed african art to make the only painting that links the old with the modern....... i am a modern artist..... modern artist go out on sight to copy a landscape or in the sudio with a still life, live nude, photo,or from a pictuer of another painting or i just paint from my imagnation or from my dreams....... Spelling errors: "picsso" should be "Picasso" "orignal" should be "original" "copyed" should be "copied" "sight" should be "site" "sudio" should be "studio" "pictuer" should be "picture" "imagnation" should be "imagination" Grammatical whoopsies: "all art is copy(sic)" should be "All art is copied" {note capitalising the first letter of the first word in a sentence. Alternatively, you could say All art is a copy, but then you're stuck with answering "copy of what?".} "...there is not(sic) such thing as a(sic) orignal(sic)" should be "there is no such thing as an original." {Note the little dot after "original". It's called a period or "full stop" and ends a sentence. Do try to use them with a little more frequency. It's not that hard to figure out, really. No, putting 7 or 8 periods at the end doesn't make up for not using them at all in the paragraph itself. Personally I think your assertion makes more sense if worded "there is no such thing as originality", truth be told.} "picsso(sic) the only artist that started modern art copyed(sic) african art to make the only painting(sic) that links(sic)..." ought to be "Picasso, the artist that started modern art, copied african art to make the only paintingS that link..." {as there exists more than one Picasso painting, we use the plural form "paintings" for the sake of correctness. As we've already pluralised "paintings", there is no need to pluralise "links" as well. See above for the correction of your misspellings in that sentence.} "i am a modern artist..... modern artist go out on sight...". You mean "I am a modern artist. Modern artistS go out on SITE..." {The word "I", as a pronoun, is ALWAYS capitalised. I would have thought that you, as our resident hardcore narcissist, wouldn't have such a problem grokking this one. Whether or not you're an artist, modern or otherwise, is still very much under debate, as far as I'm concerned.} Mistakes? Oh yes! {I can't be arsed to count.} Glaring errors? Many. Bad spelling? Certainly. Punctuation used correctly? No. Lucidity level: Low to nonexistant. Whereas mia wrote: "whatever... u are seriously delusional. I think I true artist would make something "true" and unique and would not be boasting about all the things he can "draw" or copy. Lots of people can copy art but it takes a true artist to change it. If u want to change ur world I would suggest stop copying and do something original. I respect original." Spelling errors: (none) Grammatical whoopsies: Abbreviated "you" into "u", "your" into "ur". {Big whoop. These are only counted as errors if you're _really_ pedantic, by the by. As she was posting an off-the-cuff website comment and not her doctoral thesis, I'm willing to let this "netspeak" shorthand slide, myself.} "I think I true artist would..." should be "I think a true artist would" "whatever..." should have been "Whatever..." Mistakes? A total of 2 letters. (Count'm!) Glaring errors? None. Copying your poor spelling? Certainly not. Punctuation used correctly? Yes. Lucidity level: high. All that to say: Those who dwell in all-glazed residences should foreswear the use of ballistic geology.(reply to this comment) |
| | From true Monday, June 20, 2005, 19:33 (Agree/Disagree?) dude that is some funny shit. point taken still i do not think i can type any better at this point. i do how ever feel i have a lot to learn. a period or "full stop" are not even some thing i can do with out rereading ( this may not even be a word no help from sell check on this one.) what the fuck i wrote. is that better still is un readable to me but some thing you say im not sure what the fuck your talking about! ok i will try to at least do spell check from now on. but what is a all-glazed residence is that like a donut house????? (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From mia1 Monday, June 20, 2005, 06:52 (Agree/Disagree?) You really think ur that important that little 'ole me has to copy ur bad spelling, ur a sorry sorry human being. Sorry dude some of us were BORN with bad spelling in our veins we don't have this need to COPY in order to give excuses for our pathetic existance. I take full responsibility on my bad grammer, never let it be said that I copied you, True....(reply to this comment) |
| | From xolox Sunday, June 19, 2005, 11:02 (Agree/Disagree?) Yo check it, so now you're better than Picasso as well, huh? All I can say is you do to the english language what Goya did with dead bodies, you dismember it. As far as your art goes, there's a big difference between being an innovator (like Van Gogh, Picasso, people who were too far ahead of their time to be accepted by the mainstream), and and self agrandizing copycat, dog. Just the fact that you sell oodles of copyworks oughta clue you in to that little factoid. Your a capitalist, not a real artist. Missrepresent yo!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From Lance Sunday, June 19, 2005, 07:01 (Agree/Disagree?) The thing that makes True stupid is not that he copied peoples art; infact people can copy popular artist all the time for arts sake alone(i.e. Davinci's Last Supper etc.) Because most of the time: 1.) The artist is doing a portrait of the very famous art from their own perspective for the sake of art alone and is not making money off of it. 2.) The artist is a student trying to copy the master in order to learn technic. I'm sure there are many more reasons here but what makes true a fraud to me is that he posted a photo of him with an obvious remake of Gustav Klimp's 'The Kiss' with the ambiguous caption : "me with some new art for sale". Which leaves us semi intelligent people with two questions: 1.) How can you sell something that isn't yours? 2.) How can you think that a few excult kids could be so stupid enough to not recognize plagarized art when they see it. I mean my mom has that fucking painting hanging up in her living room for christ sake! In conclusion: He just needs to call it like it is, I mean any fucker with half a tenth a drag queen kind of street smarts can recognize that painting from a thousand garage sales... It doesn't take a fucking genius! He copied the painting, he put it on a wall, he crossed his fingers and hoped all the world would be stupid enough not to notice.(reply to this comment) |
| | From true Sunday, June 19, 2005, 10:14 (Agree/Disagree?) your are ignit lance .............. who gives a fuck if i paint a copy of another artist work and sell it. i hope when i die i would only be so lucky as to have another artist copy one of my paintings and sell it to make some cash.......... thats whats wrong with you non artist you dont understand....... how can i make you see when your are blind....... if you want to say some thing bad about my art then you better know what the fuck your talking about or you just talking out your ass........ who a artist is is what the artist paints........ real artist are few and far all the rest are wana be....... all artist that are real are easy to find by ...... they have done or are doing a lot of art(you have to do 300 paintings before you learn to paint like you and no one else in the world can teach you to paint like you) all artist that are know have done over 20 paintings they are born a artist even if they never did art before every thing in life is leading to that point...... they dress artys and some times have paint on them self............ they are selfish and smart not stupid like lance....... last they always do some fuckup shit ....... like ricky did he is a artist in his own way jon is a artist as well just seen some of his work its good....... and there are other artist that i have met as well..... but take this unbelivers gauguin(van gogh best friend) died the same day i was born and picasso the same year............. art learns and grows....... get a life ....... (reply to this comment) |
| | From xolox Sunday, June 19, 2005, 11:22 (Agree/Disagree?) You say: "i hope when i die i would only be so lucky as to have another artist copy one of my paintings and sell it to make some cash.......... " The only problem is that if they do, it'll be Picasso and Klint they're copying, or bad reproductions of them anyway. Just one question, 'cause it seems that maybe I've missed something here, but are you trying to imply that you're the reincarnation of Gaugin? Here's a little math problem for you, (you can do math better than you can spell right?) There are aproximately 6.5 billion people on Earth, and only 365.25 days in a year. Can you guess how many people share a birthday? That's right, it's about 17.8 million. Now let's take that pool of humanity and ask, Are you the best and most original artist out of almost 18 million people? Or did someone else snag Gaugins soul? Art does not learn and grow, the artist does.(reply to this comment) |
| | From true Monday, June 20, 2005, 20:09 (Agree/Disagree?) artist does.art grows and learns in its own history. i did not say i was Gaugin or Picasso but it may not be as simple just to say that it is not important i was born may 8th 1973. Gaugin died may 8th 1903. Picasso april 8th 1973. ok so what you say. yet since i was little i was always a artist and liked nature. and you could say all art is a copy of nature that the only original is god if you belive in him. i dont belive in god but i do belive in art......... (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From xolox Monday, June 20, 2005, 20:42
    (Agree/Disagree?) Repeat after me: Train Of Thought. Seriously dude, you're all over the place. And who the fuck is talking about god? from art to god, WTF? I think you should seriously consider getting into one of those wierd little traditions like astrology or numerology, you know, one of those systems that attract FDA approved idiots. You'd fit right in. P.S. Really? 1973? So you're like this 32 year old man who speaks, thinks, and spells like an under achieving 13 year old wigger. You know that meat filled mellon that sits on your neck? Yeah, it's a head, and here's the tricky part, it's meant to be used. You should try it! But you'll have to deflate it first.(reply to this comment) |
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