Getting Through : Music and Songs
Corazon Congelado (Frozen Heart) | from Joe H - Saturday, February 08, 2003 accessed 1380 times This is a song by Pastora Soler that I translated for someone who I won't name, but she knows who she is. It's about men who think they can buy a woman's love. In my dreams, when I'm sleeping I see you Running like a madman through the supermarket You want to find my heart so you can buy it Looking for something of me to hold on to Suddenly something grabs your attention in the frozen foods section Surrounded by shoppers, all fighting to see it You're excited cause you're the first to arrive and buy it All pretty and frozen and wrapped up in pink shiny plastic Chorus: A frozen heart, With food colorings and preservatives Sugar, salt and vinegar What's a woman's heart made of? What's a woman's heart made of? What substance did God put in the center of her being? What mineral is found beneath her chest That can't be extracted? What reasons are behind her reasoning That I can't figure out? Why is it so sweet, so resistant, and so tenacious at the same time? And why does love make its nest so quickly inside her? And what's hidden in her laberinth of feelings and passions? |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Yes she knows Sunday, February 09, 2003 - 19:49 (Agree/Disagree?) I have read this song over and over. As you know it holds a special meaning to me. Its so hard breaking up with someone especially when they can't see why or what they did and they want to bad to fix it. Often a guy thinks that by buying gifts will make you love them again. Women may on some level maybe can be bought but their hearts can never be. Buying them things is never going to change how they feel inside. Usually when a girl gets to the point when she ends the relationship it's usually unfixable as its harder for women to turn there hearts on and off like a switch. When we fall in love we fall hard but when we fall out of love it rarely can be brought back. It really suks seeing someone running around franticly trying to find or hold on and buy a piece of your heart especially when its frozen to them. Just as it equally suks when you want to give it to someone and theirs is not ready to thaw. (reply to this comment)
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