from Samuel - Wednesday, January 31, 2007 accessed 944 times Michelle is just one of the young people that Zerby and Kelly are using on "The Prophet Bus". It's sad, as I've known her since she was a little kid. But you never know, maybe she'll escape the cult some day. I still have my hopes up. 
Michelle Michelle, Michelle. You and the “Prophet Bus”, do not go together well. I wish you the best, in everything you do. And I still love you like a sister, I know you want to try something new. And I know you don’t mean it, your intentions are swell. But when you step off that bus and witness to people, Maria’s doctrine is what you sell. I saw the pictures, that were posted on the site. Of you in your blue glasses, and your smile so bright. Now, Michelle you’re 19, and I’m not going to try to tell you what to do. But I can’t say that I’m not concerned, when I read what Maria’s been telling you. Are we scary looking Vandari? or bitter apostates? Is it okay to make children raise funds on the streets, So they can have food on their plates? There is nothing I want more than to see you succeed, on whatever road life takes you. And if that means staying in The Family, Then that’s your choice, you do what’s right for you. But you can’t take anything for granted, People in this world are fallable, And if you put all your trust in them, Well, then you’re just being gullible. I read that you guys saw the new movie coming out, And someone screamed that no molestations had ever occurred. But to make a claim like that when they’re too young to know, is just absurd. You see, Berg advocated child sex abuse- and practiced it too. But the evidence was purged in 1988. So the reason why you never saw that abuse, is because you were born so late. Did you know there are over 10,000 islands in Indonesia? Of course neither of us will ever see most of them, But that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. And the same goes for the abuses that occurred. I hope you get my gist. The Family says they’ve apologized to the victims, And that they’ve tried to make amends. But every time they claim that abuse never occurred, They’re revictimizing them again, and again, and again. Michelle, each day is a gift from the Creator. Each one is meant to be lived to the full. And no one can make your decisions for you, unless you allow them to. Thinking of you, Sammy |