Getting Through : Creative Writing
Nightmares, Memories, Dreams | from Kyla - Saturday, June 10, 2006 accessed 967 times Am I a fool? Nightmares, Memories, Dreams I try to close my eyes and sleep But my eyelids burn with the scenes I see Imagining what it was like For her to be touched by you Those hands that I love so well Running down her back, her legs, her thighs Stroking, groping drukenly Smelling her hair, kissing her lips My stomach turns over in a thousand knots My ears ache as I hear you groan Your eyes closed, your lips apart That face that I’ve always longed for Taking the passion I’ve always wanted from you And throwing it into the arms Of a nameless, faceless blur And why? I guess I’ll never know Somehow I’ve convinced myself That I’m strong enough to take this punch But as my gut recoils from the force I taste blood in my mouth and I wonder If I’m fighting too hard for a love That may not exist anymore Maybe it never did Maybe it was only ever in my imagination My bleeding heart, isolated and abandoned Left alone to struggle and attempt to believe Given the option to cut itself loose into darkness Or grasp tightly to a barbed wire-wrapped dream I want desperately to hold on To remember how it felt to be loved by you To be able to look into your eyes and see the passion That I must believe burned in your belly, at least for a time Because this nightmare I’m living Even though it rips my heart out of my chest Cannot possibly be as painful as it would be To watch you walk out of my life forever I have to believe that love is immortal And narcissism is defenceless I have to believe that the memory of love Is stronger than the delusion of flattery Because when I hold your face in my hands And look into the eyes that opened my heart I remember what it was like to love someone so much That the rest of the world couldn’t keep us apart We fought so hard against so much for so long I know this pain, too, shall pass …it must! So I will calm the fears that throb in my temples And never stop believing that it’s impossible for love to fail 31 May 2006 |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from afflick Tuesday, August 08, 2006 - 13:09
    (Agree/Disagree?) Kyla: This is my deepest fear. I used to hope that if I was scared of something enough, it would act as a kind of insurance so that the hated thing could not happen. But now I see that anything can can happen at any time, you can never be sure. How did it end up like this? We were all young, beautiful children: sharing a cramped room, saying our goodnights, getting up early the next morning to do it all again. We tried so hard to be perfect and almost were: tight bodies, white teeth, long limbs. We sang in harmony, spend most of our days raising money for the monthly expenses of thirty people. The rest of our time was spent raising their children, gathering and cooking up endless meals. We were single and endured for families, for couples, for children that were not our own. We didn't complain. Instead, we berated ourselves for not trying harder, giving more, consuming less for ourselves. We would get better. Young girls, sacrificing ourselves for a higher calling. We thought it would pay off in the end. But that is not how life works, apparently. Instead of the clear path, we grope along hallways of darkness, using our wits and hoping for luck to lead us along. In your pain, I see my own. You are my friend, my sister, myself. (reply to this comment)
| | | from way too cool for this Friday, June 23, 2006 - 09:08 (Agree/Disagree?) Well I think it's soppy. Any romantic poem should have at least the mention of a car crash in it.Preferrably a double decker bus or a 10 ton truck. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from mpd Friday, June 23, 2006 - 06:59
    (Agree/Disagree?) I like it, can relate. Very deep and emotional, good work (reply to this comment)
| from Not much to say. Thursday, June 22, 2006 - 11:31
    (Agree/Disagree?) I read this every time I come to this section. I keep wanting to comment on it but a compliment would mock the pain behind it, and identifying with it robbs you of the infinite details and memories that make this experience, and these words, uniquely yours. So I will say nothing except, thank you for posting this. (reply to this comment)
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