Getting Through : Creative Writing
Confused and Clear | from verylonelygirl - Tuesday, March 08, 2005 accessed 1454 times I finally understood it. i know your body language when you are leaving it's built now like an internal clock inside of me i know when you are ready to hang up the phone alrighty i chose this i chose this i chose this turn away from me leave me make me cry make me want make me dream make me hope and daily shatter me i want to feel lonely i want to feel alone i want to be afraid i want to remember pain i want to feel punished the first man i loved my father never loved me never gave me enough not even enough pain just blankness emptiness nothingness denial denial denial fantasy of daddy's girl denial i like to cry i like having someone who can make me feel sad i know now that i am capable of loving i know now that i am capable of tears i know now that i am capable of needing so punish me by leaving me like my daddy never did let me feel my hurt like my daddy never did abandon me completely like my daddy never did so i can comfort myself like my daddy never did i want to hate you i want to hate you i want to hate you but i love you i love you love you you you who loves me by using me use me and make me feel your love ignore me so i can be sure of it make me cry so i can mourn mourn like i never did before i know what it feels like now to really be hurt by a man you hurt me you don't care that hurts i hate you for hurting me i love you for hurting me you make me me i am angry now at you at daddy you are my daddy now i want my daddy i never knew what it felt like to feel how much he hurt me i do now he hurt me like you do he hurt me like you do hurt me daddy so i can hate you hurt me daddy so i can hate you i want to hate you so much i want to hate you so much i will stay till you love me i will let you hurt me until you love me love me love me tell me you do show me you don't tell me you do show me you don't i will get it i will get it love and hate hate you love me leave you keep me hate you enought to leave leave you and daddy in hate keep me and love me now you will never change i will always be left by you you will always leave me empty and confused telling me all the while you love me fantasy daddy's little girl i will make you cry i will make you sad i will make you alone i will make you lonely i will love you this way i will break your heart so you know what it means to be left i will ignore you hate and anger anger not at you lover boy at the one who made me this way daddy it's not your fault that you are just like him my fantasy was for my love to fix my past with you my love to heal the pain i cannot change you my tears my pain never made you change you are still you never to change i will always be left by you so i must leave you |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from freud Tuesday, March 22, 2005 - 17:59
(Agree/Disagree?) You are afflicted, it would seem, with an Electra Complex. No none cure as most women have outgrown it by your apparent age (18+). Otherwise, nice abstract poetry! (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | from Sonderval Sunday, March 20, 2005 - 00:14 (Agree/Disagree?) I don't often like amateur poetry but that's powerful stuff, it won't get many comments because there's not much you could say in response that wouldn't be trite and meaningless. (reply to this comment)
| from poesie Wednesday, March 16, 2005 - 18:03 (Agree/Disagree?) Truthful. Thank you for finding the courage to write & share. A word of caution: This form of confessional poetry makes a lot of people very uncomfortable, and you may get some reactions that surprise you. (reply to this comment)
| from elkyle Tuesday, March 15, 2005 - 20:47 (Agree/Disagree?) awesome (reply to this comment)
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