Getting Through : Creative Writing
CIAO RICKITO, TENERIFE EXPLODES | from Cultinvator - Tuesday, January 25, 2005 accessed 2896 times CIAO RICKITO, TENERIFE EXPLODES Teide burst you Ito dawn of 75, Cal’s Cold Dusk 2K5 Tenere’s rife rains Otano’s life In armor and sword, birthday bike yellow duck, stringless kite away …….. way past the banana trees to where all the bad ass coconuts meet floats memories of the lost leads Tropical stories, change of tracks, stop and speed The lazy lion’s nose is bleeding whacked it hard in your final meeting Dita waves to Dito, and we dido farewell, Hijo Mio, life was hell. Send us a postcard from where Absalom dares, and Jezebel’s story flares Key in on this moment of grief, where locks of pain, a mountain's release Looking at your last station and watched your show hit nation With or without Joy at the gate This story was due, and late or so we think, we’ll never know if it was love or hate. Did you find what you’re looking for? What’s the risk, nothing to lose, past the green door it was a wisk Go, Dito Go… I’m with you, eventually. I'll look from this side as you see us from yours we’ll end up all witnesses of this crazy mess Judgment is empty past death Today I acknowledge your pain and reason I see Angela as well in her trauma of treason Now you can haunt the shit out of Gabe’s imps and all his trolls and wimps Go rebels, let it all sink, it all really just happened in the moment we blinked! God, I just don’t know what else to think? Today, you're thirty and have taken a journey to meet mother earth, who brought you to us 3 decades away, Fare well Dito, Pete, Ricky.... our older brother, later traveler Take your secret to the earth and may you find rest in your new nest |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from mia1 Monday, June 13, 2005 - 19:38
(Agree/Disagree?) u know putting all the spell-checking aside... I actually liked ur poem, it was extremely depressing but I liked it... (reply to this comment)
| from ameliaus Monday, April 11, 2005 - 13:23 (Agree/Disagree?) so heartfelt; sometimes it is testimony to the feeling in you, that you don't go back and get it 'right' for the beholder: let the beholder find it in the way you wrote it the first time. (reply to this comment)
| from psipro36 Tuesday, February 08, 2005 - 02:50 (Agree/Disagree?) Funny! It does ring a bell and strike a nerve. And a boy I had come to believe was make-believe is no longer on his planet. Your rhyme made me chuckle, and feel despair, farewell to childhood, farewell Davidito. Life is but a culmination of many peoples dreams and I WILL NEVER CEASE TO DREAM!! (reply to this comment)
| | | from SpiritBorn Sunday, February 06, 2005 - 13:20
(Agree/Disagree?) Past the Green door would be heaven compared to where these ppl will end up. this isn't poetry it is inane rambling, eminem would't give a piece of chocolate for garbage like this. (reply to this comment)
| | | From Cultinvator Tuesday, February 08, 2005, 03:13 (Agree/Disagree?) Since you like to talk about the green door I'll give you my take on it: I don't mean the 20 minutes to go Family rhetoric, but since the term is comon to me and many in our group, like many words that carry meanings from the stories they're in, the 'greendoor' is to me a repetitive life without hope of something better, an endless loop of motion without meaning. On the surface it appears like one's getting ahead, but inside one's just digging deeper ruts into the sand. How one takes that to specifics is probably completely different from one person to the other. Way before Berg came to our lovely planet, a famous painter, (I think it was Edward Hopper, but I could be wrong) portrayed a woman in tempera in a dry field escaping her boring life, crippled, weak, and the most striking thing about this painting is that the woman had one chance to leave her past, but looking back she can't take herself away from the old house she lived in... we see two ruts, and a fence in the distance, and the horizon line is way above her head signifying that she is way under in more ways than one. But even in that one chance to break loose, she's too tied to her past. The chained eagle dream that berg tried to use to get people to leave society for his utopian dream was close to this paralele, except I believe berg did his own rut digging, not by living in the same place, or even the same things, but by being too scared to believe something outside of this neatly defined book he worked so hard to create in his mind. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from neez Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 18:20
(Agree/Disagree?) Having only just read that(I've wasted whole minutes reading his stuff before) I have to say, he deserves better. The least you could've done was hit the spell check button. And I'm left wondering what Absolum, Jezebel, & the fucking Green door have to do with Ricky!? (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From xolox Wednesday, February 02, 2005, 18:59 (Agree/Disagree?) I am so tired of these morons who think that every piece of crap they put out somehow makes them deserving of an award. Everytime Culti gets any well deserved criticism it drives him beserk. He starts to go off the handle. But praise the egotistical fool, and he turnes all pink and tickly and shamelesly starts kissing the proveyors ass. Not to mention his endless barrage of self responding posts, God love him. Cultinvator, just because your prose and rhyming skills evenly match your spelling, does not mean everybody elses literary work sucks. And no, you do not rhyme like Picasso paints. For Christs sake deflate the head before it pops!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From Cultinvator Friday, February 04, 2005, 01:55 (Agree/Disagree?) why don't you skill someone else, at least I know a bit more about picasso's surroundings than you did, I grew up in his bithtown? So you even know his story? You probably have no power to prove or disprove anything so all you can do is bitch. My head can inflate all I want it to and you can't do anything about it... how's that for 'I don't give a shit'. Your baggage and negative attitude are not my problem dude, I'll take criticism, but there are some people on this site who just go on and on about the same ol shit that is neither interesting to me nor to anyone who has a stake in the writing world. (reply to this comment) |
| | From xolox Friday, February 04, 2005, 08:35 (Agree/Disagree?) Skill someone else? huh? BITH town? We hell dude my bad, you really must be Picasso then! So I guess picasso gave up painting in favor of bad poetry. Not a good move Picasso buddy! Just a straight up "I don't give a shit" would have been better. But you got me mistaken for someone who gives a rats ass. I don't know why you assume everybody is trying to pin their "baggage and problems" on you. Let it go man, the cult is no longer your master. And I guess you believe youself to comprise the whole of the litterary word? ack, choke sputter... I meant world!(reply to this comment) |
| | From Cultinvator Friday, February 04, 2005, 14:00 (Agree/Disagree?) No Picasso could never be like me, just like I could never be like him, not completely. Picasso has no idea of what today's demands require, he hasn't seen the world through my eyes, but neither have I seen the world through his, convenient enough for me, because I don't have to deal with his problems. I had an interesting serbian head drawing master who happened to be an anarchist and tought a class a few semesters back who said that any one of us can be better than picasso, michelangelo, and all the great masters of the past. Because our issues today are ours not theirs and all of the past fades into a very small importance when it comes to being compared to the power of will. That's not to say that unused paint is equivalent in price to the Mona Lisa. My point is that xolox, your putting me down as just another failed attempt is only going to work for you if I decide to fold and say, yes... I'm just like the rest of the world, there will never be anything special or significant for me to do, that I should doubt myself, my ability and my unique insight into my part of the universe, and in so doing I'm estabilshing that your doubts are of value... not a good string of events. I can expect you to be the way you are... I know little about you but I see how you and Joe H have a lot in comon from your behaviour. That's all I can speak from... you don't know me, and I don't know you either. For you to tell me that the cult is no longer my master, that I think the world is comprised in me is just another way of saying that I should pick a ticket and take a seat. Kiss the established sistem of rat-racing zombies and abide by the opinions of all that came before me, pre-establishing my will today as futile in comparison with those who are now dead and useless. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Cultinvator Tuesday, February 08, 2005, 02:19 (Agree/Disagree?) I support myself with my art. I refuse to do the 9-5, I might under very hard circumstances for a short while, but like Ricky I'd probably die of soul loss before becoming a meaningless routine deep inside. I think it's good to support one's self with what we like to do most, in my case being art. Picasso was great at doing that, evon though most at first saw his work as childish, haphazard, sillly and wrong by all the art standards of his day. Van Gogh never sold a painting, and some might say he was a mooch off his brother, but few today would doubt that he was one of the best. He put everything he had into his expression and the world won't forget him. In fact he is one of the founders of expressionism vs the earlier impressionism. I don't want to criticize those who hold 9-5 jobs and find it challenging and structure reassuring. Without some structure there is no form and one can easily turn into 'goopy runny yogurt' in character, but so can structure become limiting and a heavy weight that limits growth and innovation if overdone. So in reply to all your 'special and significant' demands, my bills are all payed for, and even if they weren't a 9-5 is not the only solution. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From Cultinvator Thursday, February 03, 2005, 13:19 (Agree/Disagree?) You see, once you open your eyes to the eternal scope of art, and that art is just what it is, regardless of rules, regulations or trends. Art is existance, whether faulty, or whatever... You stop comparing Picasso, Polock and whatever it is that drives market evaluators. All those comparisons are just reflectors of the supply and demand of the spirit of the day. See, I love myself, call it narcisistic... I'll make the best of it. I'd jack off in front of the world and not give a rats ass if it would make me feel better. I'm not hurting anyone... so it's perfectly ethical. It's you who are all wound up in your guilt trips. (reply to this comment) |
| | From xolox Thursday, February 03, 2005, 14:41 (Agree/Disagree?) Oh wow. You go off on more psycobabble tangents than Zerby! Guilt? WTF? "I'd jack off in front of the world and not give a rats ass if it would make me feel better. I'm not hurting anyone... so it's perfectly ethical." -And here you sound like Berg! You strike me as the kind of person who would piss his name in the snow and call it a masterpiece. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Cultinvator Friday, February 04, 2005, 02:01 (Agree/Disagree?) Yea, the pissing can be done and it could probably look like one depending on if someone really sees it as such and caries it out to composition. So everything you don't like you're just going to call it the Berg/zerby label and all of a sudden, poof... I'm a hertic? What a joke. throwing Berg around is the silliest thing you can do to those who have left, hate the cult, everyone knows it, and don't feel they have to appear anticult patriotic to prove it. An image you're working hard to portray. Good luck getting rid of your self created guilt demons! What a crackhead. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From Cultinvator Friday, February 04, 2005, 02:01 (Agree/Disagree?) Yea, the pissing can be done and it could probably look like one depending on if someone really sees it as such and caries it out to composition. So everything you don't like you're just going to call it the Berg/zerby label and all of a sudden, poof... I'm a hertic? What a joke. throwing Berg around is the silliest thing you can do to those who have left, hate the cult, everyone knows it, and don't feel they have to appear anticult patriotic to prove it. An image you're working hard to portray. Good luck getting rid of your self created guilt demons! What a crackhead. (reply to this comment) |
| | from Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 14:57 (Agree/Disagree?) Since when is this kind of drivel considered art? I noticed you compare yourself to Picasso below, I think if you had compared yourself to Jason Pollock you still would have given yourself an overdose of credit! The only thing that stinks worse than your poem, is your belligerent narsicism. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Cultinvator Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 13:37 (Agree/Disagree?) I find beauty in harmless accident... I still don't see why most dont. Random misshap is fascinating (reply to this comment)
| | | from Cultinvator Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 13:36 (Agree/Disagree?) reed wat yoo WIL, ther R know arebitrairs 2 warry frum. ONLY SELF APOINTED ONES THAT HAVE ILLUSIONS OF PLACE IT'S ALL FUN AND GAMES. If I need to turn in an essay for class I'll have it proofread and might do some myself, otherwise those little 'accidental errors' don't bother me much, and are a great way to see how far some will go to protect their retentive drives. (reply to this comment)
| from Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 12:47 (Agree/Disagree?) It's not just gramatical errors that make this "poem" stink! Just because something is heartfelt doesn't make it good. Passion does not equal skill. No offence dude, but don't quit your day job! (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | From neez Friday, February 04, 2005, 15:43 (Agree/Disagree?) And for the record (Although I hardly expect you to grasp this Culti) The definition of Cult as used in the current context is as follows: "A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader."(reply to this comment) |
| | From Cultinvator Friday, February 04, 2005, 18:36 (Agree/Disagree?) That sounds like a great definition for our cult or that of the Mansons, but you'll find that a lot of cults don't fall under that definition. Unconventional is in so much of the world charismatic is great Authoritarian is well part of the order of all those who believe their way is better than the next guy and so they should be coherced to do it their way. false? well, that's really hard to pinpoint with religion... they're all false and they're all true... there is no way of proving faith. generally considered.... that's a pretty weak definition it tells you almost absolutely nothing about cults and what makes them distinguishable from 'religions' or other social institutioins. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From Cultinvator Friday, February 04, 2005, 18:36 (Agree/Disagree?) That sounds like a great definition for our cult or that of the Mansons, but you'll find that a lot of cults don't fall under that definition. Unconventional is in so much of the world charismatic is great Authoritarian is well part of the order of all those who believe their way is better than the next guy and so they should be coherced to do it their way. false? well, that's really hard to pinpoint with religion... they're all false and they're all true... there is no way of proving faith. generally considered.... that's a pretty weak definition it tells you almost absolutely nothing about cults and what makes them distinguishable from 'religions' or other social institutioins. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Cultinvator Friday, February 04, 2005, 18:26 (Agree/Disagree?) Yea, that's only part of it... how about hollywood cult classics... is that also a false religious cult? The word changes meaning with it's context... I took an Anthro of religion class and this was the best definition I've found, it's more specialized than the generic 'Encarta' popular definition. If you want to study the dynamics of religion pick up a book that specializes in the issue. I've posted this definition on my Anthro of Religion post. Cult institution – A set of rituals all having the same general goal, all explicitly rationalized by a set of similar or related beliefs, and all supported by the same social group. There are all kind of cults some controlling some not... so to put a negative label on all groups of interests with the slight level of obsession or unusual coherance you're just talking out of your ass. I really hated my cult, but I wouldn't say that all cults should be banned, hell I might start one myself one day.... I hate the 'nuclear family' structure, it's so stale in my opinion. I much prefer the tribal living pattern. It just needs to be adapted better to the century we live in. I've shown an interest in the dynamics and dangers of my past... you might find it interesting to dig below the surface of a generic dictionary... yuck. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | From Cultinvator Friday, February 04, 2005, 02:06 (Agree/Disagree?) So we should all listen to others about what we want to do... that sounds like a plan. How do you like this master piece: XOLOX wants cultinvator not to write what's on his mind because xolox believes to have arrived at the key to poetry, a word that as of today remains undefined for one reason. Guess what that reason is and you'll guess what Cultinvator wants to do with his online writing. Hope you have better luck than most of the Phoenix's riddle customers. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From Cultinvator Friday, February 04, 2005, 14:31 (Agree/Disagree?) call it a bubble or an aura, you can keep trying to lay your trips on me, but I'm not eating it up. I've always resented paternal talk and I will go on writing and you can chose to ignore it if you don't like it or critique it and risk tedious babble with me if you wish. In any case if I'm a crazy nut and I love my life... then so be it. To say that to enjoy one's crazy world in a functional fashion that apears to have worked just fine for the last 4 years is something I should stop doing is like saying that we should all stop reading Don Quijote, just because berg tried to blend his story that of the crazy crusader. There is beauty in deconditioning a story to where you can enjoy many of the elements familiar in your past without compromising your values to the degrading abuse of those who imposed their will on you in the cult. It's true that critique was not someting we got to exercise in the cult, but should we be overly critical to the point where we can't balance harsh cynicism and praise. There aint one set of standards... doing anything way to much is something you have to level out on your own. And I see you're having trouble imagening through my eyes, but does that mean that what I see is wrong for me? So I'm easy to pick on, maybe an easy target is just too easy to be true? and never truly is devoured.... you could call me a red haring. We all need more bubbles in a world where negative energy runs rampant and people mix their puke with your breakfast. A little screen of self love is all it takes. Earlier someone called me a narcisist and I started thinking about the classic tale that brought about the term... where narcissus loves his image in the water... one forgets that narcissus is not the only one that sees its image, the lake also beholds her image in his eyes. We truly see what we want to see, and how much of it we can take. what you seek is nowhere. The vision is only shadow, only reflection, lacking any substance. It comes with you, it stays with you, it goes away with you, if you can go away... who knows... we might live a lot longer than we think... I hope Aubrey de Gray is right... but if he's not it's a goal worth living for. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | from Josiah Tuesday, February 01, 2005 - 09:47 (Agree/Disagree?) I find you poem moving regardless of the grammatical errors. Don't sweat the criticism too much. You would think we are not all brothers in Pain from all the judgement I hear here. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Cultinvator Monday, January 31, 2005 - 18:08 (Agree/Disagree?) See Joe and Conan with all the energy you put into trying to attack me as a writer instead of stating specifically what spelling error might need correcting, you make it obvious that you're not really interested in fixing a work but prefer to throw mud at attempts and styles of writing you don't really like or that are out of your strictly defined squarely retentive puny idea of success. (reply to this comment)
| From conan Wednesday, February 02, 2005, 13:59 (Agree/Disagree?) For the whole hearted lack of effort you put into your poem in the first place, why would I take quality time to re-write it? Also, it's not just the fact that your grammar and spelling are not up to par, it's rhythm. You don't have it culti, sorry! And it would take even more time to write an entirely new poem for me on a topic as pathetic as "Otano's wrath" or whatever. Sorry! I have to have some passion involved in writing poetry and I find the passion very much lacking when I think of Otano or the other topics you used as a "tribute" to Ricky. Berg's wrantings don't move me the way they used to (which was never much) and so when I hear the terms of his lunacy strung together in a hap-hazzard attempt to honor someone who suffered so much at the hands of the drunk, raving author is insensitive and inhumane in my opinion. So Im not just criticizing the English language errors, but the content in general. If you want less negative analysis of your creative writing, spend more time on the original content instead of mis-using a lunatics disturbed look at fictional characters as an inspirational basis. And if you weren't aware, the freedom to criticize is one we should all hold extremely dear as we were unable to openly do so for years of our lives.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Cultinvator Friday, February 04, 2005, 14:11 (Agree/Disagree?) Yes, the option to critcize is open, but so is the right to defend one's work... there is no final say right unlike that in a courtroom, just like most circumstances in the real natural world... life goes on and on until we're dead. I just don't get how you just can't drop the issue.... maybe for the same reason that I feel like I should give you my piece on it after you've called me a lunatic and a hap-hazzard artist... not that those names haven't been used for both picasso, polock, van gogh and the endless familiar names we know were not 'normal'. So as long as you try to stay 'normal' you're going to probably be the least in demand with the normally establishing morass of bores. maybe you could use some lunacy and hap-hazzard attempts at unusual accidents. Randomness is the sould of spirit. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from Cultinvator Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 04:16 (Agree/Disagree?) Not to be insulting Joe, you might agree with me that if your writing and mine were to be compared, you might feel more like Raphael, and I more like pIcAszo. Keep in mind that Picasso's is currently holds a much higher pricetag. Maybe our present cumulative appreciation is higher for drawing like a kid, than the eldest of crafsmen. That's the difference between craft and art. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | From Cultinvator Saturday, January 29, 2005, 16:00 (Agree/Disagree?) I believe in working hard to make something happen, and there is honor in the rich and the poor... but there'll always be a starting point, unless you got a sugar momma to toss money at you. skill always has a start too. Oh, I forget you only talk to people who are already famous... what a crock of shit. You'r just like the rest of us, but pretend to be all that. You're a peasant too by today's standard where the upper echelon is above the 100k a year. Last I heard you had a hard time paying to visit a friend who payed for all expenses and then you started wining about it on top of it. (reply to this comment) |
| | from Cultinvator Thursday, January 27, 2005 - 02:49 (Agree/Disagree?) The ryme book is a piece of shit, generic yesterdays. This is yesterday through today's motions. You guys not only don't know your ass from a whole in the fucking crater opening, but you're lame critics with your head up your asses. I don't care so much for your remark about my writing, but it's all in how you put it that sickens me to see how you talk about any effort to talk about life instead of lying about it. Anyways, I guess that's your start for writing, that's a start I guess...? (reply to this comment)
| from ErikMagnusLehnsher Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - 16:54
    (Agree/Disagree?) Wow...and I thought my Ballad of EndTime Prophetess was lame... I salute you for making the effort...but...damn...somebody send that boy a copy of "The Rhyme Book". (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | from Cultinvator Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - 12:32 (Agree/Disagree?) Oh, one more thing Joe. I could probably use an advanced 'structure lesson' to appease the nerdy population. but you could certainly use a few creative writing classes to break out of your rut and break out of the box you've caged yourself into. (reply to this comment)
| from Cultinvator Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - 12:06 (Agree/Disagree?) Loosen up a bit Joe, rythm and spelling are not the essence of writing. (reply to this comment)
| From Cultinvator Wednesday, January 26, 2005, 12:28 (Agree/Disagree?) I apreciate your criticism, Joe... although I continue to not agree with your praise for structure over content. We pretty much have established this throughout our coments over and over, but I guess I can always expect you to be that way, and say it. As to how I react to the death of Ricky, that's for me to say... there is no 'proper' memorial. You're so damm left side of the brain type of guy. I guess it balances the right side of the brain types like me.(reply to this comment) |
| | from Jerseygirl Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - 11:15 (Agree/Disagree?) You know what? I really liked this. I give it one and a half thumbs up. Good job. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | From Cultinvator Monday, January 31, 2005, 17:57 (Agree/Disagree?) So you can tell how much thought I put? I didn't think so... your critique is all in your head. So long as my writing is read, and some find it interesting I'll keep posting and there is nothing you Joe or Conan can do but bitch and entertain me instead of coming up with something better. If you were in a critique circle you guys would probably be the bully idiots in the back of the classroom that the teacher has to ask to shut the fuck up because you're talking so lound you can't hear yourself think. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From conan Monday, January 31, 2005, 14:30 (Agree/Disagree?) I think you meant retentiveness....but that is just an assumption. With your apparent lack of knowledge of English writing technique you should take my advice and render all future attemps at poetry writing null and void before they come to any horrific form of fruition. I don't blame you for being an uneducated shit as most culties were...but you should be man enough to take criticism without crying over the fact that some ex-member out there actually DOES NOT LIKE what you wrote. Can you deal with that?(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From Cultinvator Monday, January 31, 2005, 17:51 (Agree/Disagree?) Dear Conan, I can deal just fine with criticism. I actually welcome it, but I can also tell you if I think you have something worth saying or if you're full of shit. A critique is not the last world. Obviously you've got issues with your background coming from a cult, and only you can deal with that. I think most on this site resent the label you're giving a lot of us who left and are doing fine with your negativity towards your view of the past. I think our cult is fucked up but I don't confuse that with my ability to shape my future now that I'm out. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From Joe H Wednesday, January 26, 2005, 15:07 (Agree/Disagree?) Thanks, conan. It's nice to know I'm not completely crazy, or, at the least, I'm not alone in my craziness. I like what I think Cultinvator is trying to do with this piece, but the constant distractions of the jarring rhythm and the grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors defeat his creative purpose. That, and the lack of a cohesive train of thought leaves the reader very confused. Do keep trying though, Culti. I may not have said this before, but your works shows promise (a small smidgen of promise, but promise nonetheless). May Satan be with you!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From conan Friday, February 04, 2005, 18:41
(Agree/Disagree?) I TAKE GREAT OFFENSE AT YOUR USE OF THE TERM "HEIL" A-HOLE! I may not be a practicing Jew but am Jewish by birth despite my cult upbringing. I have re-connected with my heritage and come to despise Berg for (among other things) his anti-Semetic remarks which in turn made practically every member anti-Semetic, you included culti. Despite TF's popular opinion, Hitler did massacre millions of Jews and your racist slur (even in jest) was very offensive. Your poetry was bad (in my opinion) but that remark was infuriating! Feel free to post all the poetry you want, but leave your anti-Semetic baggage out of your postings.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From Haunted Monday, February 07, 2005, 05:19 (Agree/Disagree?) Oh Puh-lease people! Surly you're just grasping at straws here. I'm also Jewish pal, my G'ma was gassed in a camp, so it's not like I'm not speaking from family experience with anti-semitism, however, I think that some people just become over-sensitive and over-compensate by accusing others of racialism at every turn. Take it for what it's worth pal, and don't read too much into it, I know the author of this poem, and he's about the least racist of anyone I know. If you're gonna play this card, at least know who you're playing against. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From Haunted Monday, February 07, 2005, 15:34 (Agree/Disagree?) OK, sure it's possible I used an poor choice of words in my post to truly reflect my feelings on the matter. Perhaps it's that I am one of those who am mindful of and watchful against any form of fundamentalism. I believe that any act or 'crusade' can lead to a fundamentalism which I believe clouds the mind of the individual who is so caught up in this 'cause' that they become the thing they fight against. Racism is something we fight against on a daily basis, on the other hand, we can't simply fling the term 'racist' around too liberally or the meaning simply become under valued. I believe that poetry, like any other art form is self-expression and should be treated as such. Even if I felt like this poem made no sense and was poorly written (which I don't BTW, I can appreciate what the author was trying to say without nit-picking on spelling, rhyme or grammatical errors), it certainly doesn't take away from his right of self-expression in the form of his art. Also, the reason I used the words 'overcompensate' is that I think that some times (not picking on you personally), those with a complex about their race are more likely to take offense to terminology which can be misconstrued as racism even when the user of the term had no such intention. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | From Greensack Monday, February 07, 2005, 09:18 (Agree/Disagree?) Dude that's just awful about your g'ma, she must have been very young. Thanks to TF I've only just found out that I'm Jewish on my moms side, fortunately TS's racism hasn't affected me. (Let's just say i've had to re-educated myself on the subject though). For anyone who hasn't bothered yet, I suggest you run a Google search on the Holocaust with an emphasis on pictures. It's a bitter pill but a great lesson on where racism can lead.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From Cultinvator Thursday, January 27, 2005, 12:14 (Agree/Disagree?) No I agree, there is a place for structure, and Joe certainly has the hots for it. I think art is a lot more about deconstruction, than a 'perfect finished product'. Joe has this ideal of what art is about, and I find it strictly defined and square. I probably don't put as much of an emphasis on grammar and spelling on this site, first because it's not a final published work, and second because well, a few errors in gramar, art, and virtually any area of life shows that rules are made to be broken. Joe just needs to learn what the rules are, and how people make a great living breaking them.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Joe H Friday, January 28, 2005, 09:40 (Agree/Disagree?) But seriously, Jon, it seems disrespectful to your own art to not take ten seconds to spell-check it. Have you considered that if you did so, you and I could discuss the actual artistic merit of it? This ye ought to have done, and not to have left the other undone! Why let a little thing like spelling distract from your "brilliance"? (Note the use of scare quotes around "brilliance")(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From a grain of salt Thursday, January 27, 2005, 03:22
    (Agree/Disagree?) Jonathan.Without trying to sound like a tawdry groupie.I've read every single thing you wrote on this site.I admire your writing style and more importantly the ardor in which you write topics that hit very close to home.Thirteen ways of looking at a black sheep is undoubtedly the best creative piece of writing posted on this site.I'll end this infantile praise with a request to see more of your writing.Feel free to check out mine as well(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From a grain of salt Thursday, January 27, 2005, 04:05 (Agree/Disagree?) I tend not to post much poetry on this site.Although criticism is always appreciated the kind most receive on this site is generally harsh and unfounded.Seems like people reject the idea of encouragement just because it was one they were raised on.When they're not labelling you pretencious,they're whinning about your structure and rhythm patterns. As far as your comment on starting young.It's a personnel opinion that practice does not make perfect. Like you said right side left side of the brain.Soem people are prolific most are not.Although Joe sure seems to be growing more innovative with his insults.As i was saying time is facor but not a large one.Perhaps im just a prodigy :D(reply to this comment) |
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