Getting Through : Creative Writing
To my mother | from venus_fly_trap - Monday, July 19, 2004 accessed 1319 times She joined as a young woman and now has spent more of her life in than out. Her husband left her. Most of her children too have left the cult. She has two small children. She bounces around the world with no place to call home and can only stay in homes for short times because people get tired of taking care of her and her kids. Her childhood was miserable and she hates her mother who is now dead. She feels she has done better than her mother. She had twelve pregnancies from six men with the last one ending in a miscarriage. She is very unhappy because most of us do not want to talk to her. She wants to die and "go home to be with Jesus." Unwilling to look defeat in the eye My mother turns back the pages in her book of life Remembering a time when her mother looks as she does now Old woman afraid of the mirror “I have become her” she says Seeing the face she loves to hate Laughs as she says “this old body” Laughs as she says “I want to die” Laughs as she says “it won’t be long now” Kicking sand on the shores of time Building sandcastles to bide her time Playing house she imagines each sandcastle is her home She builds them high to welcome the One who has lead her life Waiting for the wave that will pull her out The wave that will relieve the ache of this life Her own private quickening Waiting for her under tow Waiting for her old lungs and heart to stop Waiting to be in that Place where all good folks go Living life waiting for the welcome relief Of the One who has lead her life Still feeling left behind as others disappear Unwilling to embrace a broken heart Broken by the One who took her life She hides behind her wrinkles Old woman looks in the mirror Laughs as she thinks about her crown of life Laughs as she thinks proudly of this body she laid down for men Knowing the child who forsook all to fish with Him Is almost gone She holds strong claiming promises promised The child unwilling to accept these waves are simply the sea She knows the sandcastles will be gone someday Washed away by the One Who will accept her humble sacrifice Still old woman afraid “I’ve gone through the dark glass The wave has pulled me out into the ocean Now on the other side face to face I see I am known to myself alone I gather my shattered pieces And rise Hitting plateau after plateau Disintegrating I’ve fallen off the edge of aging And just so you know It’s simply a steady black below.” |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from lucidchick Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 14:21
    (Agree/Disagree?) This poem is stunning, as was your poem "All Hail Queen Maria and her Faithful Flock." I want to go to whatever poetry school you went to!! (reply to this comment)
| From venus_fly_trap Sunday, August 01, 2004, 14:45
    (Agree/Disagree?) the school i went to was the school of hards knocks called life as a child in a sex cult. that same school made me memorize tons of bible. this is something i will never regret at all. in fact i review them at times just to see if i have them still in my head. on a bad acid trip a time or two i used them to hold myself together and keep myself from tripping over the brink. i have a lot of poetry that does rhyme but is not applicable to this site. i write for one reason and that is to express myself. i am glad that others can appreciate something that came from inside of me whether it rhymes or not... (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | from Haunted Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - 07:23
    (Agree/Disagree?) I really liked this. It was an extreemly profound insight into the minds of those who've forskaen their own lives and children to this cause and yet find themselves forsaken in the end. (reply to this comment)
| from Vicky Monday, July 19, 2004 - 23:34
    (Agree/Disagree?) I found that quite profound and an interesting perspective. I like it! (reply to this comment)