Getting Through : Creative Writing
Soneto da Separação | from Joe H - Friday, February 28, 2003 accessed 1367 times This is by Vinicius de Moraes, the father of bossa nova (IMO) and one of the greatest Brazillan poets of all time. He wrote this on the Atlantic Ocean on his way to England. My translation pales in comparison to the original, but it's there for those of who you don't understand Portuguese. De repente do riso fez-se o pranto Silêncioso e branco como a bruma E das bocas unidas fez-se a espuma E das mãos espalmadas fez-se o espanto
De repente da calma fez-se o vento Que dos olhos desfez a última chama E da paixão fez-se o pressentimento E do momento imóvel fez-se o drama
De repente, não mais que de repente Fez-se de triste o que se fez amante E de sozinho o que se fez contente
Fez-se do amigo próximo o distante Fez-se da vida uma aventura errante De repente, não mais que de repente.
Suddenly calm became wind Silent and white like the fog And mouths united turned to foam on the sea And our joined hands turned to fear
Suddenly the calm became a storm That took the last flame from our eyes And passion turned to worry And the immovable moment became a catastrophe
Sudddenly, so suddenly Lovers became sad And those who were happy became lonely
And close friends grew distant And life became a misguided adventure Suddenly, so suddenly