Getting Through : Lighten Up
Bin-Ladden Stole My Turban | from Anthony - Monday, July 29, 2002 accessed 2529 times Help, Bin-Ladden Stole My Turban. Bin-Ladden Stole My turban, any ideas on how I can get it back? Thanks. Anthony |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from EWS Thursday, December 12, 2002 - 23:19
(Agree/Disagree?) On the subject of Bin Laden: A Family member told me that recently a "Bin Laden Statement" was released by the group/for the group. Apearantly it discusses whether or not he might be an actual prophet of god!!! Could somebody please tell me what's going on before I get permenant nystagmus. Thanks a mil. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from dave Sunday, September 15, 2002 - 17:48 (Agree/Disagree?) This post and the ensuing comments are the funniest I've read all year. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Bin Laden Wednesday, July 31, 2002 - 03:55 (Agree/Disagree?) I have turban. I will return it for exchange of 14 nuclear missiles and 2 bimbos. I am getting tired of my goat. If ransom is not payed, I will cut off pieces of turban and post them one at a time. The missiles and bimbos are to be brought directly to my secret hiding place -- the White House basement. Ha Ha! No one have looked here yet. I am not stupid. You cannot trace this message. I must go now. Bush is calling me for lunch. Sallam! (reply to this comment)
| | | From Bin Laden Wednesday, July 31, 2002, 17:49 (Agree/Disagree?) No, you idiot!! You are not supposed to work on bimbos! Bimbos supposed to work on ME! Never mind the missiles. I can shove a bretzel down Bush's wind pipe any time I like. Send bimbos now! Or my right hand (which is getting very tired) will pull the turban's threads out one by one! I lick a Sallami ... er, no ... Ali cum on Sallami ... er, how do you say again?... ah! ... Alecum Sallam!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From Osama 69 Saturday, August 03, 2002, 19:35 (Agree/Disagree?) a thousand apologies white devil, but it seems my 'chief of cyanide & linen duties' accidently got your turban mixed up in the Whitehouse laundry. Somehow it got in with a load of Bush's purple g-strings. It wasn't pretty. I'm telling you now white devil, You don't want it back! If it'll make you feel better, a couple of my cousins' cousins are thinking of a way to locate this 'Keeran Zerba'. I myself have only seen a few satellite photo's & from what I can see, she is one hot mamma! She will make an execllent wife for me, & possibly cousin Bumdullah. I must leave, Bush & Blair are having sex again. I really should send a tape of this to the good people at 'Al Jazeer'. It's really quite something to watch. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from Joe Tuesday, July 30, 2002 - 13:56 (Agree/Disagree?) Wait! I figured it out! It's not about dave's turban, so much as trying to rediscover the mystical turban that's in all of us. what the mystical turban means I have no idea (reply to this comment)
| from dave Tuesday, July 30, 2002 - 11:57 (Agree/Disagree?) Spotted!! Turban last seen... Damn, it's gone now. Where did he go? (reply to this comment)
| from neez Tuesday, July 30, 2002 - 04:20 (Agree/Disagree?) Perhaps a public broadcast on NBC featuring a story on the latest developments in 'satellite turban tracking devices' Do the report Laden style.. wear a full face turban wrap.. make some strange hand gestures.. & hold up a replica of the missing turban, then hold up a mini-nuke... etc..etc (reply to this comment)
| from cm Monday, July 29, 2002 - 23:26 (Agree/Disagree?) Tony, your creative writing skills do not seem to have developed as well as your gifted brothers. Surely you can do better than this.????? (reply to this comment)
| From Anthony Tuesday, July 30, 2002, 13:48 (Agree/Disagree?) Coxcomb, what section are we in, Creative Writing or Lighten Up? Lighten up already. Perhaps if you were less of a CM (Charter Member) you'd "Be So Happy" once in awhile. I suggest PEG-3350 & Electrolytes solution, just what the doctor ordered. Directions: Drink a large glass full (8 fl. oz.) every 10 minutes for the next 48 hours. And lastly, please do yourself and all of us a favor by not being such a conceited dandy; a fop, thank you. Regards, Anthony (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Anthony Monday, August 12, 2002, 18:07 (Agree/Disagree?) You must be British (favour), oh how I miss the motherland, one day I'll go back. Perhaps, the first place I will visit is Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in Southwark, London. Interestingly enough, it was not in a thesaurus in which I first came upon the word "coxcomb", 13 years ago, but in Shakespeare’s comedy "The Merry Wives of Windsor", in my opinion it's one of his funniest. I had a "bad habit" of clandestinely reading his plays instead of the "word", a habit for which I would pay dearly a few years later at the hand of David (of German Phoebe)in Switzerland, (wish I knew his legal name). Thanks for reminding me. Regards, Anthony (reply to this comment) |
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