Getting Through : Lighten Up
Bill and Monica sing "Summer Lovin" | from Samuel - Monday, October 03, 2005 accessed 1930 times This is an older one of my parodies, which I still find to be quite funny. “Summer Lovin’” was originally a duet between John Travolta and Olivia Newton John (not to be confused with Olivia Fig-Newton John). This version is sung by Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. Sung to the tune of “Summer Lovin’ “ from “Grease”* * If you’re in The Family, The Family International, Heaven’s Magic, Martinelli, Heart to Heart, or whatever kooky name your leaders have come up with, you should not read this post, as ”Grease” has never been on the recommended videos list. Reading this post may result in your missing movie night, and having to read every Mo-ron letter that has to do with “Foolishness”, “Worldliness”, “Shallowness”, and “The Law of Lust”. It is possible that this could be followed by an exorcism. Peace out! FTT’s rule! Are you bouncing?! Bill: Summer Lovin’, had me a blast. Monica: Summer Lovin’, happened so fast! Bill: Met an intern crazy for me! Monica: Got the Pres down on his knees. Bill and Monica together: Summer days, driftin’ away to… Oh, the White House nights. Republicans: Tell us more! Tell us more! Tell us more! Did you get very far? Democrats: Tell us more! Tell us more! Do you have the cigar? Everyone: Uh huh, Uh huh, Uh huh, Uh huh, Uh huh, Uh huh! OOO yeah! Bill: Fooled around, 'cause Hillary's a tramp! Monica: He got dirty, got my blue dress damp. Bill: She was young, just 22! Monica: I bragged to Linda, and she broke the rules. Bill and Monica together: Summer days, driftin’ away to… Oh, the White House nights. Democrats: Tell us more! Tell us more! Tell us more! Was that Linda a spy? Republicans: Tell us more! Tell us more! Did he tell you to lie? Everyone: Uh huh, Uh huh, Uh huh, Uh huh, Uh huh, Uh huh! OOO yeah! (Music slows down, as does singing) Bill: Linda ratted, and that’s where it ends. Monica: So he told me, we’d still be friends. Bill: The impeachment, a conspiracy! Monica: Vernon Jordan, will you still help me? Vernon: Yes I will! Just keep your lips still. Bill, Monica and Vernon together: About those White House… Nights! |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Isn't the joke a bit old? Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 14:57 (Agree/Disagree?) What Clinton SHOULD have said... Members of Congress...people of America.... I banged her. I banged her like a cheap gong. Which is not news, folks, because if you think Monica Lewinsky was the only skin flute player in my orchestra, you haven't been paying attention. The only babes in D.C. I haven't tried to do are the First Lady, Reno, Albright, and Shalala, mostly because they're a little older than I like and they have legs that former Houston Oiler Earl Campbell would envy. Which isn't to say I don't appreciate Hillary... I do. If not for the ice-water coursing through her veins, I'd be pumping gas into farm equipment in Hope, Arkansas, and she'd be married to the President. So, let me set the record straight. I dodged the draft, hid FBI files, smoked dope, flipped Whitewater property, set up a new Korean wing in the White House, fired the travel staff, paid hush money to Hubbell, sold the Lincoln bedroom like an upscale Motel 6, and grabbed every butt that entered the Oval Office. Got it? Good. Six years ago, there's not a man, woman, or child who didn't know I was as horny as Woody Allen. But, you elected me anyway, which turned out to be a good move on your part. Your other choice was Bush, an aging baseball player and part-time resident of some place called "Kennebunkport" who thought he could bomb his way into the White House. Before him, it was Reagan, who left the office with the same Alzheimer's he came in with. There was Carter before him who brought you a 17% prime interest rate, smiling the whole time like his lithium drip had just kicked in. Nixon before that coined, but never really understood, the concept of 'plausible deniability,' and almost got a one-way ticket to San Clemente for his crackerjack style of governing. Johnson was an inbred, power-mad war criminal whose major contribution to American society was Agent Orange. And John Kennedy, who was a little naughty himself, didn't hang around long enough for America to spot that curious atavistic tic for "beaver-wrestling" shared by at least a dozen former residents of the White House. Which brings me back to my point. Since I have been strumming the banjo here at the White House, government is doing more for less. The budget is balanced for the first time since JFK did a one gun salute to Marilyn, a fact the press didn't seem to care about, evidently. Unemployment is so low today a blind felon can get a job as a night-watchman. And the stock market is higher than a D-student on a full gram of dumb-dust, and anyone with a degree from a junior college who can spell 'Internet' has enough money to ponder the annual maintenance cost of his boat, instead of where his or her next meal is coming from. Bottom line: I'm running a country here, and I'm doing it with my pecker showing. What I'm asking for is your support, not a date with your daughter... unless, of course, she's a hotty with thin ankles, and then I'd like to discuss it. In the meantime, think about where you are today and that kind of life you're living before you get too interested in where I'm parking the Presidential limousine. God Bless AMERICA. Thank you (reply to this comment)
| from Dr. Seussmeister Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 14:53 (Agree/Disagree?) I am Starr. Starr I are. I'm a brilliant barri-star. I'm here to ask, as you'll soon see, Did you grope Miss Lew-in-sky? Did you grope her in your house? Did you grope beneath her blouse? Did she give you gifts and ties? Were you spied by prying eyes? I did not do that here or there! I did not do that anywhere! I did not do that in a chair! I went not near her giant hair! I did not join -- even for fun, The Mile High Club in Air Force One, So stow your feathers and your tar, I did not do her Starr you are! Did you smile? Did you Flirt? Did you peek beneath her skirt? And did you tell the girl to lie, When called upon to testify? That is it; you've gone too far! I do not like you Starr you are! I will not answer any more! In fact, I think I'll start a war! The public's easy to distract, When bombs are falling on Iraq! (reply to this comment)
| | | | | From Regis Philbin Monday, December 04, 2006, 05:48 (Agree/Disagree?) Hi! I'm Regis Philbin with "Panties for Celebrities". It is heartbreaking to hear the many stories of celebrities who cannot afford, or do not know how to wear something as simple as panties. In the worst cases, they may even be embarrassed by photographers who wait on the prowl to take their pictures as they get out of limousines. "Panties for Celebrities" was started about three years ago, and has helped many celebrities who can't seem to afford panties. But it goes far beyond that. They are given training in how to wear these panties by our highly skilled volunteers. Those who donate can recieve letters from their sponsored celebrity thanking them for their generosity. "Panties for Celebrities" will be doing their annual "Panty Drive" during the last two weeks leading up to Christmas, so please stop by one of our "Panties for Celebrities" shelters and make a life saving donation. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Samuel Friday, December 01, 2006, 05:39 (Agree/Disagree?) Yeah, that's disgusting. But I seriously doubt I'm going to go to Hell just for looking at it. That girl needs to quit hanging around with Paris Hilton while there's still time to redeem herself in the public eye. It's possible it might already be too late. I don't know what is going on in that girl's mind. And her kids are supposed to look up to her as a role model when they grow up? I could say this has stopped me from buying another one of her CD's, but I never bought one to start with. I got it for free from a pawn shop. Lindsay Lohan should also quit hanging around with Paris. She's being a bad influence on those girls. I don't usually agree with Rosie O' Donnel, but she has it right this time. By the way, there's no need for you guys to keep posting stuff about Britney on here. I read enough of it in the tabloids. " 'Dress casual' means: Don't show up looking like you just raided Britney Spears' closet" (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | from Rain Child Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 01:32 (Agree/Disagree?) Samuel, did you write that yourself? I'm impressed. (I'd almost forgotten about Monica though...) (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From Shaka Thursday, November 30, 2006, 22:18 (Agree/Disagree?) Andy, how cold did it get where you were in the sandbox? I'm wearing my damn poly-pros and gortex! Jesus, does this place have anything that's not a fucking extreme? We had nice weather for like two weeks. It went from Satan's living room hot to my-balls-are-raisins-and-my-nipples-can-cut-glass cold in the space of a month. FUCK THIS COUNTRY!!! FUCK IT WITHOUT LUBE!!!(reply to this comment) |
| | From AndyH Thursday, November 30, 2006, 22:42 (Agree/Disagree?) BWAHAHAHAH! That's what you get for joining the Army! No seriously, we got there in the winter, so we didn't start buying thermometers from Haj till the summer. But yeah, it was balls cold. Sucks to be you! But seriously, take care of yourself. I lost a good friend recently and it would kick my ass if something happened to you. Keep your fucking head down. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Shaka Friday, December 01, 2006, 00:43 (Agree/Disagree?) There's no such thing as a light drizzle either. It's sunny as hell one day then it's fucking Noah's flood the next. One night the lightning was so hard and so close that for the first few seconds when it woke me up I thought it was a rocket attack. I was rolling out of bed and grabbing for my gear when I heard the rain. The whole base just turns into a damn lake. (reply to this comment) |
| | From AndyH Friday, December 01, 2006, 09:53 (Agree/Disagree?) I just realized I've become one of the over-bearing civilians who used to annoy me so. Shame on me. Also, shame on me for saying "Haj". Are you still at Marez? That place was a mud puddle in winter and a dust bowl in summer, you just can't win. I was trying to arrange a local contract to have much of the problem spots paved over, but they wanted to plant grass instead, which I think is idiotic because you know they won't keep up on watering it. Did they ever do anything like that? If you ever run into 1-23 IN (The Tomahawks!) show them some love for me. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From Rain Child Friday, December 01, 2006, 06:40 (Agree/Disagree?) Thanks boys, You actually cared about it more than I did! Pretty much everyone on Moving On knows my name anyway. But do you know how I found Moving On? My name was googled by my ex, who was looking for dirt on me. The only place my full name was to be found on the World Wide Web was here in the archives of connections when someone had been looking for me. And I didn't even know this site existed! But that led to the site, which led to everything else. That's why I'm careful with my name now. Thanks for respecting that.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | From Rain Child Friday, December 01, 2006, 18:46 (Agree/Disagree?) Umm...except inexplainable is not a word. If anything it would be 'unexplainable', although I would probably favour another word choice... 'incomprehensible' perhaps? Then again, I don't know the Vas song, so I probably wouldn't 'get' the spoof. And my name...sick of the subject so this is my last comment on it...nobody uses the full two words anyway. Just like nobody calls you Samuel M_______. (I'm thinking of your name google here. You should try it. Prospective employers often do.) Your words: "You can call me Sam, Sammy, Samuel, whatever you like" In return, I say: "You can call me Rain, Rainy, RC, Gorgeous, whatever you like"(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From vixie Monday, December 04, 2006, 02:56 (Agree/Disagree?) Online dictionaries can be unreliable. Oxford Dictionary lists 'unexplainable' as a word but there is no entry for 'inexplainable'. However not all words are represented in the dictionary unless you have the twenty-volume set (Yes, 'tis the stuff of daydreams...) so it could be that they have simply left it out of the single volume as it's not in common usage. It's also very possible that webster's online (which I cited last time in this thread) is far less stringent than Oxford in its inclusion policy. Personally I think inexplicable is far more elegant, and preferable to either of the others. When in doubt go with Oxford, it's the greatest authority on the English language. For an interesting read you might want to have a browse of this site from time to time: http://www.askoxford.com/?view=uk There are lots of cool tidbits on there. I especially enjoyed the following section because I had always been a terrible snob about English vs. American spelling and in particular the 'ise' vs. 'ize'. http://www.askoxford.com/asktheexperts/faq/aboutspelling/ize?view=uk Yay, I've had my word time for today! (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | From vixie Monday, December 04, 2006, 05:54 (Agree/Disagree?) I don't particularly want to do this, but in the interest of protecting the purity of this great language I feel I must draw your attention to the fact that 'bastardization' can only be spelled with a 'z'. As it happens I almost used that word in my earlier comment today and its only through checking the spelling for that purpose that I discovered that my initial instinct to use 's' would have been incorrect. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From Samuel Friday, December 01, 2006, 19:33 (Agree/Disagree?) Yes, Rain, but did you notice what the link pointed to? It pointed to one of my comments where I was trying to convince someone not to commit suicide, and I wrote: " Everyone has friends. There are relationship experts that study friendships and relationships. They have determined that even the smallest most insignficant person on Earth has at least 7 people who think the whole world of them. Samuel Mercuri." Hey, that is something worth being remembered for. And it was my fault, I had started a habit of "signing" all of my comments with my full name.(reply to this comment) |
| | From AndyH Friday, December 01, 2006, 10:06 (Agree/Disagree?) The first time I googled my name the number one result was a petition to have The Church of Scientology's tax exempt status removed. That dropped off after a while, and then the only results were from this site, and I had admin remove those. It's not that I'm embarrassed about it, it's just that I don't want this to be the first thing someone learns about me. (reply to this comment) |
| | from The critics raved>> Wednesday, September 20, 2006 - 09:29 (Agree/Disagree?) "That was so hillarious.... I laughed till I stopped...." (reply to this comment)