Getting Through : Lighten Up
Fairy godmother/father anyone? | from conan - Thursday, May 19, 2005 accessed 1325 times This was originally a poll idea, but what the hell. There was an article recently posted on here with some link or excerpts of a Family publication which had a list of some innumerable 'spirit helpers' or 'keys' or some such ludicrous bull crap that got me thinking. Which of Berg’s notorious ‘helpers’ was your favorite? It’s a good poll idea but I think that the list is far too long because of the staggering amount of people that Berg randomly assumed were his ‘spirit helpers’. From fictional, imaginary characters of his own design (I believe Ivan Ivanovitch falls under that category), to semi-fictional/questionable sleazy weirdoes (Rasputin) to downright sex-driven fantastical beings (Ala Brunhelda…I think that was her name), the list is exhausting and truly laughable. So, who’s your favorite, and by that I clearly mean whom did you hate the least? |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from xolox Friday, May 20, 2005 - 11:27 (Agree/Disagree?) IMO, Berg just changed the spelling of the name Brunhild. She was a historical figure, a Visigoth queen if I'm not mistaken. (reply to this comment)
| From conan Friday, May 20, 2005, 11:42 (Agree/Disagree?) Of course we must remember that Berg took any person or icon from history that he thought to be obscure and then claimed them as his spirit helpers. And of course, anyone of genius who was maybe a bit 'darker' (Edgar Allen Poe for instance) was considered to be evil and inspired by Satan. Look at how Richard Wagner was demonized by the cult because of the (legitimate) fact that Adolf Hitler loved his music. Shit, was that Wagner's fault? Fuck no! Then of course there's George Washington, a hero in the United States and accepted by all as a great man and a military genius. I honestly don't remember why Berg villainized him, but I think it may have had something to do with the fact that Berg hated anything to do with the USA and as such condemned Washington to his list of evil people simply because he was a major force in making America an independent nation. Of course, as another example of Berg’s lunacy, Benjamin Franklin (who was much more instrumental in the long term establishment of the US Constitution etc.) was seen as an inspirational figure because he claimed to be Christian. Franklin was actually a member of the Masons (whom Berg and TF are convinced are Illuminati and evil) and by the way, George Washington (a Mason as well) claimed to be Christian too. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From conan Friday, May 20, 2005, 12:05 (Agree/Disagree?) Yet further proof that Berg didn't know his ass from his elbow! And TF went right on following a guy who fingered his daughter (i'm sorry, he toe-ed her) at a public dinner and then molested his granddaughter; all done while spewing jewels of wisdom from imaginary spirit helpers (I'm sure Brunhild is no one's spirit helper) materialized in music by someone he (Berg) hated (Wagner) which was loved by someone he (Berg) hated (Hitler) who in turn killed people that Berg hated as well (the Jews). How's that for a prophet who knows what he's talking about huh?(reply to this comment) |
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