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Hitler On The Keys

from JohnnieWalker - Saturday, August 07, 2004
accessed 3741 times

(Disclaimer: The following black pixels on your screen have been known to cause such dangerous side effects as spastic movements of the diaphragm followed by sudden vocal outburst ranging from the garden variety ‘Ha Ha’ to the more throaty ‘Hhghk Hhghk’. Sounds like these have been the cause of unemployment for many Exers around the globe who were fired when their bosses caught them grunting obscenely at their PC monitors.

Understandably, many of these Exers have written letters of complaint to the editor of this article. Please rest assured that letters of this nature are treated with our utmost concern. Each one was individually labeled, categorized and filed, before being systematically shredded. The resulting paper strips were then carefully tossed into the air while the editor, dressed in a coat and scarf, pretended it was snowing.)

Dear Vandari,

I wanted to begin by sharing with you a valuable lesson I learned early this morning. I was sitting down with my face buried in my hands. Suddenly, I felt Hitler speaking to me saying that he had a special message to deliver but I was holding something back and I needed to let it go.

I argued with Hitler and told him that he was asking too much of me. It would be too painful for me and too humiliating to let go. I said that I was afraid that when people heard it they would think I was weird or that something was wrong with me. But, in spite of all my protests, the urge grew stronger and stronger until I couldn’t hold it back anymore.

When I decided yield to our Führer and let it flow it all came out in one strong outburst--almost effortlessly. It flowed just like a waterfall of the Lord’s spirit--every drop bringing sweet relief and comfort.

I sat there humbled, ashamed--and yet I knew that my humble offering bore the sweet smell of roses before my Leader.

I pondered the lesson I had learned as I reached for the flush handle. Never again would I eat 200 prunes in one evening.

Praise you Lord! Isn’t that amazing? After I washed my hands with soap and bleach and carefully dipped them into the first and second rinse bowls, I sat down with pen and paper and wrote down Hitler’s message.

(Hitler speaking:) Gut morning, mein tshildrens. I have ein very special sorprice for you. Albert Einstein und I have created ein wonderful machine for ze Family zat vill soon be replacing the krystal ball TVs in zer heafenly manshuns. Und vat is zis mashine, you ask? We haf called it ze “Spirit Helper Intelligence Transmitter” or S.H.I.T. for short. Zis machine will konjure up random spirit helperz for ze Family venever zey need zem.

So if, for example, ein Family member vants to hear from ze spirit vurld about how to be ein gut mishunary in ze dshungels of Africa, ze S.H.I.T. vill automatikally take kontrol of ze tshannel und it will generate results like zis:

(Tarzan speaking:) Ahhhh aaaauughh, ahhh aaaauughh

(Mogli speaking:) Look for those bear necessities, those simple bear necessities...

(Chief Wana Mblojab speaking:) Waheet man hafa tai nee weena.

(David Livingstone speaking while delirious with malaria:) No, no...don’t make me go to bed. I want to watch the little men going up and down in the elevators.

(Hitler speaking:) Vorks pretty gut, doesn’t it? Nau, let’s try somesing else und ask ze S.H.I.T. what some famous poets can tell us about ze Keys of ze Kingdom in poem prophecy.

(Joyce Kilmer speaking:) I think that I shall never see, a poem as lovely as a key, whose Master’s hungry mouth is pressed, against Queen Peter’s hairy chest.

(Dr. Seuss speaking:)
Could you, would you in a tree?
Would you, could you with a key?

I would not could not, with a key!
I don’t like kinky sex, you see.

(Robert Burns speaking:) Some hae keys and canna squeeze, and some wad squeeze that lack it. But we hae keys, and we can squeeze, and to the Lord we wank it

(Hitler speaking:) You see, mein tshildrens, ze Family vill now haf plenty of foolishness to fill zer GNs wiss. So, every time you see ein GN, you kan be certain zat it ist only full of S.H.I.T.

(End of message from Hitler)

Wow, what a fantastic message. Thank you so much, Hitler for your pearls of wisdom that you have cast before us lowly swine.

Well, my loves, I’ve really appreciated the numerous letters I’ve been receiving with questions about the Family’s doctrines. One question that has been asked quite frequently concerns their doctrine of calling on the Keys of King Dumb (although questions about the whether singing the ‘Food Song’ actually kills the evil bacteria in daily meals came a close second. The short answer to this question is: Yes, it does. Especially when sung with accompanying high and low harmonies.)

While praying about it, I felt strongly that I should give you the true and unadulterated scriptural background of the doctrine of the Keys and Hilter confirmed this through one-word, popcorn prophecy.

(Hitler speaking:) Arschlochreinigungspapierspülsystembedienungsanleitung (End of message from Hitler)

Upon hearing this powerful message I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that it probably sounded like our loving Leader might possibly have made a vague reference to toilet paper. This could only mean that our doting Dictator wanted me to read you from the Bible so you will know what actually happened and can see how, once again, the Family has wrongly divided the word of truth. (As we all know, the only correct way to divide the word of ‘truth’ is by placing the hyphen after the second syllable).

(Reads from the NKJV [Naked King Jesus Version] Bible)


Chapter 8,432, Section 15A, Article VII, Paragraph 3c.01 with mustard and a side salad.

And it came to pass in those days that upon a cool summer night, Jesus did sit quietly by the campfire, roasting marshmallows with his disciples.

And, behold, the night air was calm and the moon (which doth contain the holy city, New Jerusalem) shone brightly in the firmament. And all was peaceful and quiet, save for the occasional burp that proceedeth out of the mouth of Bartholomew and the gnashing of teeth from Thaddeus, who did eat as doth a canker (for, lo, he had on his plate a mount of olives and did eat much also of the peaceable fruit of righteousness).

And when the disciples had broken bread (and Bartholomew had broken wind) they gathered themselves together in a circle around the campfire and did dance to the tune of “Mountain Children”. And it came to pass that as the disciples paired up to do the Gypsy Caravan Tunnel, the hem of Peter’s garment did catch afire.

And behold, Peter cried out saying, “Lord save me!”

Jesus saith unto him, “What think ye that I am? The New York Fire Dept.?”

And as the flames did lap his ankles Peter cried, “Nay, Lord. I thought thou wast the Messiah--the Son of God.”

And Jesus’ heart was touched and filled with compassion for Peter so that he wept and took pity on him. And lo, Jesus pissed upon the fire to put it out.

And Jesus took up Peter into his bosom and saith unto him lovingly, “Knowest thou, Peter that thou art stupid? Yea, of a truth, thou canst be a little dense, too. For verily I say unto you, that at times thou art as dense as....(and Jesus paused for effect)....a rock.

And Peter did not get the joke.

And Jesus said, “Thou art Peter, as dense as a rock. So dense art thou, that upon this rock, I could build a whole church.”

(Editor’s Note: As we know from history, Peter did not make a very good foundation for the Lord’s Church. To this day, his crushed body can be found beneath the Vatican's Cathedral.)

And Jesus saith unto Peter, “Seest thou how much I have loved thee. For I was willing to piss upon thee to save thy life. Wherefore I give unto thee the Pee of the Kingdom of Heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt wind on earth, shall be wound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt goose on earth, shall be goosed in heaven.”

And Mel the Gibsonite, cried out, “CUUUUTTT!!!”

And Mel was wroth with Jesus saying, “Hast thou not read the script? I pray thee, learn thy lines ere I chastise thee with the rod of correction and slay thy man servants and make thine house a dunghill.”

And Jesus saith unto Peter, “And whatsoever thou shalt grind on earth, shall be ground...”

And Mel rent his clothes and cried with a loud voice. And he departed thence unto his own trailer.

And Jesus saith unto Peter, “And from henceforth, when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned, for the Lord thy God shall piss upon thee. Piss I leave with you. My piss I give unto you. Not as the Indian giveth give I unto you.”

And Jesus taketh Peter unto his bosom and kissed him. And when Judas saw this, his heart was vexed sore with envy. And he went out and hanged himself.

And Jesus gently caresseth Peter’s thigh and saith unto him. “Peter, darling, lovest thou me?”

And Peter answered, “Yea, Lord, every night--and twice on the Sabbath.”

And Jesus saith unto him, “Be my sheep.”

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from butterhead
Monday, August 23, 2004 - 06:52

I love you, brother!!! You made me laugh again! Printed it out and am taking it home with me. Abso f****** lutely Lovely! Miss you! -J.
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from Baxter
Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 20:54


Given TFs tendency to completely misconstrue history, the Hitler and Einstein collaberation adds a certain authenticity to this 'prophecy'!
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Monday, August 09, 2004 - 09:06


Actually i found the last bit somewhat offensive... not all of us think that mocking the bible and all things christian is funny.

I couldnt care less what u say about the family and its wierd beliefs and practices, but just cuz we have rejected that doesnt mean that we all feel comfortable having our beliefs dragged through the mud for others to laugh at.
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From pharmaboy
Wednesday, August 11, 2004, 02:08

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Don't like it? Go and read the Bible...(reply to this comment
From Shaka
Monday, August 09, 2004, 17:39

Average visitor agreement is 3.5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3.5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3.5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3.5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3.5 out of 5(Agree/Disagree?)
If you're so proud of your beliefs, why not let your light so shine before men and tell us all who you are so you can suffer persecution for righteousness sake? (reply to this comment
From frmrjoyish
Tuesday, August 10, 2004, 08:34

Good point, Shaka! I'm sure that would count towards some major brownie points with "Jesus"!(reply to this comment
From frmrjoyish
Monday, August 09, 2004, 15:17

Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5(Agree/Disagree?)
Oh chill out! It was funny for christ's sake! Do you bible thumpers have to be all hell fire and damnation all the time?(reply to this comment
From sarafina
Monday, August 09, 2004, 13:46

Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5(Agree/Disagree?)
Did you write the Authors of "Life of Brian" and let them know they were being offensive also?? If it bothers you that much don't read it. I actually find it offensive to hear the words "pray"," jesus"or" the bible" used in any honorable way however I have to deal with it everyday. I certainly don't write every magazine, website or book author that praises a complaint letter, I simply just ignore it and don't read their material.

Btw That was absolutely brilliant JW.You out do yourself everytime! Your one lucky girl Lauren he must have you laughing all day ;) (reply to this comment
From Lauren
Monday, August 09, 2004, 11:44

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Having been witness to the creation of this article, I'm pretty sure that the mocking has nothing to do with the Bible itself, but with the way the Family has rewritten the Bible to suit their own doctrines.

I think JW is hilarious, but the real thing can be just as funny. Take, for example, the following excerpts, which should probably be titled something like, “Duckies are DO Miracles” (And for anybody reading this who is not familiar with Family terminology "DO" means Disciple Only and is the Family's way of saying "it's special -- only for us").

Intimate Details of My Life! By Jesus CM/FM 3268 9/99

1. (Jesus speaking:) Why don't you come over here where I can hold you close, and let Me share some more intimate details of My life with you? I love talking to you like this, in the intimacy and privacy of this special cozy place, snuggled up in each other's arms.
2. While I was there on Earth, faithful scribes recorded some of My Words and significant portions of My testimony. But because you're more to Me than a disciple and more to Me than a friend, because you're My intimate Bride, I know you long for Me to tell you more in-depth details about My life. And I enjoy telling you. I love to share My life with you like this.

"D.O." Miracles!
42. My early disciples recorded many of the miracles My Father did on My behalf, but they did not record some of the more "D.O." miracles that I performed, for these would have been either too much for those outside our intimate circle to comprehend and receive, or not wise to disclose at the time for security's sake.
43. Often it was necessary for Me to pull down miracles of amazing protection and supply from Heaven so that My disciples and I could continue our work. It is written that I walked through the crowds unnoticed, and I also found it necessary to call on Heaven for great miracles of protection in order to blind the eyes of both the Romans and our enemies from noticing our presence.
44. One time as we were camped out under the trees in a certain field, Roman soldiers were passing by. As it was the custom at the time to round up would-be troublemakers--and in Roman eyes we certainly fit this bill--had those soldiers spotted us that night, our ministry would have been prematurely ended. So I prayed and asked My Father to do a miracle so they would not see us. As the soldiers rode by in full view of our camp, instead of spotting us, their eyes beheld a lake of calm waters with only an occasional mother duck and her ducklings gliding by. This was not a facade nor an optical illusion, but a miracle of Heavenly power.
45. Today some people might call this a mirage. Scientists theorize and try to explain it away. "An illusion," they call it; "a trick of the eye." Don't be fooled with the "explain away" theories of Satan. I worked many "mirage" miracles during My time on Earth, as I still do today if you have faith and pray!
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From Satan the Scientist
Monday, August 23, 2004, 10:01

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Here's a behavioral science hypothesis for what happened: You made this shit up to suit your own purposes. Just in case your brain slaves were having doubts, be sure to remind them that common sense, logical deduction, inductive reasoning, rational thought, and conclusions based on careful, consistent observation are the work of Satan the Scientist. Wa-ha-ha-hah! (reply to this comment
From Lauren
Monday, August 09, 2004, 21:33

Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5(Agree/Disagree?)
I know that this is getting old, but I just can’t help myself. Poking fun at Family “literature” is such a pleasurable pastime.

I thought the whole story was hilarious enough on the content alone – ducks – ducklings -- lake? What the hell ever happened to those cool super powers and walking through walls and being made invisible, getting translated and taken up in a whirlwind and stuff. Being the Son of God is just not as fun as it used to be. And you’ve gotta wonder about those claims of legions of angels and nobody being able to touch a hair of Jesus head if that band of Roman soldiers could have put a premature end to Jesus’ ministry. Somebody needs to read some more Sci-Fi before getting these prophecies – or at the least, make sure they actually read a few Bible chapters ahead of time to get the setting straight.

I’m guessing that perhaps Family members are so used to just reading this stuff without actually thinking about what it says that they never stop to really READ it and understand it and then wonder about the retarded logic.

“…. They did not record some of the more "D.O." miracles that I performed … So I prayed and asked My Father to do a miracle so they would not see us … their eyes beheld a lake of calm waters with only an occasional mother duck and her ducklings gliding by. This was not a facade nor an optical illusion, but a miracle of Heavenly power…Scientists theorize and try to explain it away….don't be fooled with the "explain away" theories of Satan.”

So if it wasn’t a façade or optical illusion, did God turn Jesus into the mother duck, and were the disciples really ducklings? Or perhaps God turned Jesus into water and the disciples were the pond scum.

If I follow this correctly, this story (and many others like it) are telling the intimate life of Jesus for the very first time to His special intimate bride. The miracles being talked about were “DO” – meaning only the disciples knew about them – and obviously they didn’t write them down – and they have remained a secret until this incredible duck story and others like it were revealed in prophecy.

So, not ever having heard this story, never having seen it written anywhere, scientists then go about theorizing ways to discredit it. But we shouldn’t be fooled by those theories – whatever they are – because they are the works of Satan explaining away an event nobody knows about except the people who read the GN.

One has to wonder. Are the unbelieving scientists also the Lord’s Bride made privy to this information prior to the “real” Lord’s Bride receiving this information? Perhaps they were given a special peek at this upcoming GN so that they could develop theories to explain it away in order for there to be a “bad guy” for this story?

Skipping from the bizarre into the realm of topography, as far as I understand it, Israel is a desert nation. So any body of water that is large enough to be classified as a lake would surely be noticed if it sprung out of nowhere. A pond? Perhaps we can get away with a pond. But a lake?

Now let’s think about this for a minute: A dry and arid country, mostly desert. Every convoy carries its own drinking water to last the journey to the next well, river, oasis or lake. A convoy comes across an unexpected body of water and just passes on through without checking it out & giving the horses a drink. I don’t think so.

For God’s sake you prophecy getters, next time at least stop to THINK before you start spouting such rambling nonsense.(reply to this comment
From frmrjoyish
Tuesday, August 10, 2004, 08:32

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The arrogance these whako's have to convince themselves that "Jesus" is actually speaking directly to them (in cult-speak nonetheless) is mind boggling. It's absolutely amazing. If it didn't provide such comic relief every now and then I think I'd be tempted to shoot myself!(reply to this comment

Monday, August 09, 2004, 15:35


"Don't be fooled with the "explain away" theories of Satan."

Ay, ay ay. Is it just me or does this sound like demonization of inquiry?(reply to this comment

From Satan the Scientist
Monday, August 23, 2004, 10:13

Of course it's demonization of inquiry! I rule supreme whenever inquiring minds want to know. Don't be fooled by scientific theories that say there's no evidence for my existence, when it is Satan Myself, the False Light of Science, who leads those pathetic empiricists to that conclusion! Yea, verily, Francis Newton was spiritually blind to the true source of inspiration for Mathemetica Principia--he didn't just watch that apple fall, nooooo! He bit into the apple of knowledge and swallowed! (reply to this comment
From Encyclopaedia Satanica
Tuesday, August 24, 2004, 01:39

My master's horrendous typing leaves much to be desired; he hath forgotten that his apparent servant Newton's first name was ISAAC and not FRANCIS. This may be due to juggling his schedule between said servant of wicked science and that other dark disciple Francis Bacon. I expect my pages will be incinerated for my insolence(reply to this comment
From Satan the Scientist
Tuesday, August 24, 2004, 09:51

Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5(
Satan is Woman, so be careful about your pronouns when referring to the Evil Mistress of Science. Estrogen depletion explains the cognitive slippage for which you've corrected.(reply to this comment
From Encyclopaedia Satanica
Tuesday, August 24, 2004, 19:35



No, master! My pages burn!!

(Are we suggesting that sexism is actually Godly?)(reply to this comment

Tuesday, August 24, 2004, 14:51

Yessss Beware PMT GBY IGLY UOD(reply to this comment
From JohnnieWalker
Monday, August 09, 2004, 15:19

Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5(Agree/Disagree?)

"...these would have been ... not wise to disclose at the time for security's sake."

Yep. It was definitley a good thing they kept quiet about it or innocent ducks everywhere would have been victimized and brutally tortured by suspicious Roman soldiers.

Which brings up another issue. Why couldn't Jesus just have just made the soldiers halucinate, or better yet, not see anything.

Comander Calculus: Hey, Odius, I have a creepy feeling we're lost.

Odius: I think you're right. I always thought there was a small forest right here on this meadow. In the 20 years that I've been patrolling these parts, I've never noticed the lake. Something suspicious is going on!

Comander Calculus: Quick, go grab that mother duck over there and let's bring her in for questioning.(reply to this comment

From Regi
Monday, August 09, 2004, 12:06


Lol…..I haven't read any GNs since I left in 98 so I missed that one. It's astonishing that 10,000+ people actually take that seriously. Do you all remember the "in the spirit, in the spirit thing" that was improvised in the Loving Jesus series? It went something like, "in the spirit, in the spirit you don't have to have a c$#@. In the spirit, in the spirit you can even have a dong." Just one more example of “the real thing" being outrageously funny, but I’m sure there are thousands.(reply to this comment

From Wolf
Monday, August 09, 2004, 09:39

I agree. In all other respects JW’s shit talk is hilarious, though...(reply to this comment
Monday, August 09, 2004, 10:06

Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5(
You guys, I think what he's dragging through the mud is not the Bible but the mud-dragging of the Bible that The Family does with their doctrines. JW did a brilliant spoof of their dishonoring the Bible.(reply to this comment
from frmrjoyish
Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 21:22

Such blasphemy! I love it!
(reply to this comment)
from roughneck
Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 10:59

Bloody brilliant!

(reply to this comment)
from Vicky
Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 19:55


Oh dearly Beloved Leader, I don't get it...

Are you trying to tell us that Jesus Christ Himself was in fact Welsh (or as the English would say, a sheep-s*****r?????

(My apologies to anyone who actually is Welsh - You are great, but I just couldn't resist!)
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from Shaka
Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 19:29

LOL! Dude, these are priceless! You really need to compile all of these and make a GN or something. When you have enough to fill one of those booklets of excrement they used to make us read, send it to every Family e-mail address you can get your hands on. It'll probably do more good than the James Penn letters.
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