Getting Through : Lighten Up
Do your convo's ever sound like this? | from Cosmicblip - Thursday, September 04, 2003 accessed 1496 times I was chatting with my sis the other night, it seemed funny at the time. Maybe it will be to you. (The conversation didn't start here but I edited the lead in) redeem the time for the days are evil!!! yeah!! alright! |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from anovagrrl Monday, September 08, 2003 - 08:45 (Agree/Disagree?) Sounds like Ned Flanders on acid. (reply to this comment)
| from Yoo hoo Monday, September 08, 2003 - 03:05
(Agree/Disagree?) Cosmicblip Do any of your conversations go like this? Cosmicblip: Hi, I’m Cosmicblip, Other person: Come sick pimp? Cosmicblip: No! - Cosmicblip! Other person: Kiss me lip? Cosmicblip: No!- Cosmicblip! Other Person: Cuz’ Mic’s nip? Cosmicblip: It’s Cos-Mic-Blip! Other person: Ohhhhh, Cuss Smack Pimp! Cosmicblip: NO!!!- It’s COS-MIC-BLIP!! Other person: Caustic pip. Cosmicblip: COS-MIC-BLIP!! Other person: Cross me trip. Cosmicblip: COSMICBLIP!!! Other person: Cuss this drip. Cosmicblip: C.O.S.M.I.C.B.L.I.P.!!! – You Idiot!! Other person: Whatever it is I agree. Basically, It’s all just shit!! And this is the greatest load of crap ever written. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | From Mir Tuesday, September 09, 2003, 14:29
    (Agree/Disagree?) Well I thought it was VERY funny! It's the kind of "foolishness" that we used to love indulging in when we first got out. Mex, why are you being such an ass-hole may I ask? Why do you have to say that you "hate" someone for posting an article? You didn't HAVE to spend two minutes reading it. Basically, I think you are behaving like a shit.(reply to this comment) |
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