Getting in Touch : Events
HBO Doc showing? | from clark - Monday, August 27, 2007 accessed 985 times Does anyone know how Noah's showing went on Thurs? Any updates, pictures etc?? Did TF attend? Would of loved to of gone. . Just wondering. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from capulet Monday, January 28, 2008 - 12:11 (Agree/Disagree?) "On January 23, 2007, members of The Family reportedly protested and noisily disrupted a question and answer session held after the film's second screening at Slamdance. The police were summoned to restore order and confiscate unauthorized recordings cult members made inside the theatre. This resulted in increased worldwide publicity for the documentary." I found this on the xfamily site (reply to this comment)
| from neez Wednesday, August 29, 2007 - 01:18 (Agree/Disagree?) Any chance of this being online anytime soon? Sounds very interesting. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from GoldenMic Tuesday, August 28, 2007 - 12:13
    (Agree/Disagree?) I was waiting for someone to bring this up, since I am not sure if its appropriate for an outsider to begin the commentary on such a deeply personal video. That said, the screening seemed to go well. I think there were no current TF members there, and few outsiders at all. One very naive outsider asked Noah, during the follow-up Q&A, if he felt his contact with Ricky a month before the murder/suicide, was a contributing factor. Noah answered that ridiculously insensitive implication very adroitly, and did not allow himself to become defensive. Besides that one jarring note, the entire thing went off well. The naivete and "oh how sad" reactions among the outsiders was at least respectful and low-key. Meanwhile, the video itself was very powerful and did an excellent job of providing a peak under the surface of having been raised in TF. The first section laid out Berg's perversions well, and the underlying insanity and oppression of being a child in TF was skillfully presented. Even with Noah's clear attempt to avoid becoming aggressive or too judgemental, the unquestionable abusiveness of TF's practices were clearly defined, as was the long-term damage and ill effects of having to survive such a childhood. There were many very painful moments, but also some insider humor that any SGA would appreciate and identify with. Given that Noah is trying to make a presentation that is clear and non-aggressive, he did an excellent job of laying out the story of what it means to be raised in hell, and its long-term effects. I think he is largely unaware of his own personal presense and impact, but his open and honest caring for his fellow SGA's, anguish at his parent's having failed him and sold him out, and his appreciation for his siblings.... these all came through. The recepti0on afterwords was nice. Lots of people were clearly a bit shell-shocked and triggered by the video, but there was also a certain beauty in seeing so many SGA's gathering together for something other than a memorial service, actually celebrataing one of their own, and re-connecting with old friends and fellow survivors. Also, there was free beer, and a relatively nice atmosphere in the theatre's reception area, making the event a little classy and thereby more relaxed. (reply to this comment)
| from ErikMagnusLehnsher Monday, August 27, 2007 - 16:51 (Agree/Disagree?) Would of...could of...should of. :) (reply to this comment)
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