Getting Support : Speaking Out
NEED URGENT HELP!! | from femme.fatale - Tuesday, March 25, 2008 accessed 971 times . hellow i am a HSC student from australia, my name is blaise and im doing my major assignment on the children of god and its former members. I first became intrested in the children of god when i came across the book Not Without My Sister, i had no idea that such a group exisisted nor the extend of abuse and large numbers of children that had experienced it. More suprising was that the parents condoned and didnt think anything was wrong with that disgusting mans teachings. For my project i really need the help of at least 15 people to fill out a questionaire for me . This is a major component for my assignment and i would very much appreciate it if any of you would take your time to fill it out. I have explored the site and have read many accounts from people and i think all of you are brave for leaving and i admire the courage of moving with life and dealing with the emotional aftermath of such experiences. It is good 2 speak out because the more people that speak out the more aware people are. I myself am doing this to raise awarness in my local community. If anybody is intrested in helping the little high school girl out hehe please email me i really need things in the next few weeks asap so i can begin the core of the project. Thank you all and i apolgise for my previous posting was im a rush and as i have long acrillic nails typing is a mission hahaha mwa. fanx. ALL INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL AND ONLY FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES!! IF ANYBODY IS INTRESTED PLEASE EMAIL ME AT GLD-DGR@HOTMAIL.COM ASAP!! The QUESTIONS I WIL ENCLOSE BELOW! PS..some people might think i am fake or here to cause trouble which is a normal reaction but i honestly am here just to do my project and better understand people and even maybe to make new friends. This is a problem i was expected to encounter and thats fine i hav sufficent proof to prove to anyone that i am not fake and indeed a student if anybody soo needs. I really hope people help me out with this. Iam trying to take a nice and genuine approach to this but it seems to be a problem. i dont understand what im saying to offend people. Name Age Sex Country of Birth Current Residence [Country] Were you born into the children of god? What were your reasons for leaving the children of god? Did you witness abuse while a member of the organization? If so can you write about a particular expericene? Were you a victm of abuse? [Opptional] If yes can you recall an experience? Do you know of any former members that had committed suicide? If so how many? Do you think your time in the children of god has affected your quality of life? Are any of your family member still in the children of god? Have you ever contemplated returning to the organization? What are your thoughts on the children of god? please write a small paragraph SIGNATURE THANKYOU FOR YOUR CO OPERATION =] |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from i would include Monday, March 31, 2008 - 09:53 (Agree/Disagree?) 'Do you know of any current members who partook in abuse' as you only have the option for ex-members (reply to this comment)
| from DeeJay Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - 22:35
    (Agree/Disagree?) Come on people. So she came off alittle twitty, so she's young. Trying to raise awareness is more than I can say I've ever done. If even just a few people read/hear about it and are warned, I say that's great. If we want to be taken seriously, we too have to try to be alittle helpful. There's plenty of us here. I'm sure 15 can take the 10 minutes it takes to fill out the questionaire. (reply to this comment)
| from femme.fatale Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - 13:46 (Agree/Disagree?) fanx for your help rainy..but it has 2 be first hand information from a questionaire we have to writee..even though i only have 3 weeks to get the questionaiure in i think i might have to change my topic because dosnt seem like people are willing to participate..I dont get it? its just a research project why are people being soo nasty and negative. And to reply to one of the comments below yes its not a kids forum im not here for a random reason im here for a particular purpose not to intrude or post fake and meaningles posts as i have stated i respect and admire all abuse survivors THATS why i choose this topic because not many people know and its important. I dont care about negative people i will keep trying because its important to ME that this topic is the one i do. Thank you. (reply to this comment)
| | | From femme.fatale Wednesday, March 26, 2008, 13:59 (Agree/Disagree?) and also this is not just any high school project it determines my UAI mark to go to university next year. So no i will not give up. I would have thought more people would think it is a good thing people acually care about such issues and my topic is probebly the hardest one as most people ain my class choose stupid topics like Barbie vs Bratz. I dont want to do something soo common i wanted to choose something with substance and meaning that is a relavent and important issure for today. Not the supeririority of a plastic doll. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From femme.fatale Thursday, March 27, 2008, 01:55 (Agree/Disagree?) before you posted that lovely comment did you care to read all of what i wrote instead of taking something that clearly was not meant in a negative way and making sound so. I will say this one last time for whoever has anything negative to say about what i am doing feel free to comment i will happily ignore you and not let them get to me. For all the people who are supporting me and trying to help thank you your support and understanding is much appreciated.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | from rainy Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - 12:48 (Agree/Disagree?) If you go to "see previous polls" in the lower right-hand toolbar, you will see a lot of polls. Most are kind of silly, some are pertinent to your question such as this one: http://www.movingon.org/results.asp?pID=282 We also have a survey, you can see the results here: http://thefamily-childrenofgod-survey.com/survey/results.php?sid=29 Hope this helps. (reply to this comment)
| from cheeks Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - 08:37
    (Agree/Disagree?) Just to be on the safe side, her profile says she is 17 so if you were molested it probably is not something you should tell her about. (reply to this comment)
| from neez Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - 22:08 (Agree/Disagree?) Apparently your grammar skills are quite good for the average HSC student these days. So I'll overlook this travesty and simply ask you two questions: a) Have you ever had any luck using your suggested charms as a catalyst on text based forums where physical attributes have little to no effect? b) Do you have large tits? (reply to this comment)
| From femme.fatale Tuesday, March 25, 2008, 22:22 (Agree/Disagree?) first of all my physical attributes have absolutely nothing to do with my project and secondly im not here 2 recive dirty comments or abuse.im here for my project and its clear alot of people are not willing to help me.if you are one of those people then kindly dont comment and keep your opinions elsewhere.i am NOT a fake NOT a trouble maker and i am genuinly trying to raise awarness and research something with substance. If there ius anybody who IS willing to paraticipate then please by all means comment. some people need to have a little respect. i have come across this as politely as i could and i dont appreciate being disrespected. Thank you very much. Bye.(reply to this comment) |
| | From afflick Wednesday, March 26, 2008, 08:11 (Agree/Disagree?) I agree that you should not be disrespected on this or any online site. And I must be very careful what I say next, as I do not want to put it in the context of "victim blaming." It is better, when revealing information about yourself on an online forum such as this (where participants can remain hidden behind their screen names and therefore free feel to say whatever they like) not to reveal personal information about yourself. When you posted, "I look like Angelina Jolie" certain people on this forum may have thought of her particular physical attributes and reflected them onto you. And then, they felt free to post rude comments. Not okay and not your fault. One way to avoid this would be to change the posting etiquette of every poster online. That may take awhile. While women experience more online rudeness than men, erasing the part of your profile where you mention your likeness to Ms. Jolie may not stop the comments, but it may be something you'd like to consider.(reply to this comment) |
| | From rainy Wednesday, March 26, 2008, 12:35
    (Agree/Disagree?) Oh, goodness. Yes, I had the whole thought-war in my head at the time I made my snide little remark yesterday: why was I being so disgusting and helping reinforce stereotypes I hate, etc etc... I think it was the whole "I NEED URGENT HELP!!!! I'm a gorgeous young 17-year old and I need to do a high-school assignment NOW!!!!" I just thought that a little remark like that was rather a more subtle way to help you realise how it came across, Blaise. #1, that your high-school assignment is only urgent to you, and #2, what did how you look have to do with anything? As much as I HATE women being pigeon-holed by the way they look, I hate women perpetuating that and encouraging it- working against our sex being taken seriously. But I am sorry. I understand that Neez was spot on. You were filling out your profile, etc the way you would on myspace or facebook. And you're just a 17 year old kid. It's perfectly understandable. So please don't feel hurt. I'm just a bitter & twisted 29 year old. I've been you once. All idealistic and putting myself out there. Don't change. Keep trying.(reply to this comment) |
| | From neez Tuesday, March 25, 2008, 22:47 (Agree/Disagree?) I apologise if you think that was a dirty comment, but you are definately playing the "little high school girl" card. So I'd say we are both guilty of attempting(and apparently failing) at injecting a little humour into our posts. I appeciate any attempts at raising awareness so I wish you the best of luck in finding participants. With that in mind, your grammar might be acceptable for an HSC exam, but most people here would be more inclined to help someone that is able to present themselves in a more...err...un-high school like fashion(think the opposite of MySpace). Just a suggestion.(reply to this comment) |
| | From blaise Tuesday, March 25, 2008, 22:50 (Agree/Disagree?) its okay...this is my first time posting anything on a forum so im not sure how to go about it..and as i am a high school girl i really dont know what you mean im just being honest. I approached it in the best way i could im not sure what else i can say to better get peoples attention at the end of the day if people want to participate they do and most of the time they dont which makes it really hard for me. So all i can do is try my best and hope for the best. All your comments and feedback are appreciated.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | from steam Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - 11:38 (Agree/Disagree?) Despite your atrocious etiqquette (ALL CAPS) grammar and spelling. As well as the fact you want other people to take their precious time doing this for you. Even though you are not willing to take the time to make a polite considered request. I am prepared to fill your questionare out, so long as your profile statement that you look like Angelina Jolie is accurate, and you post the pics to prove it. (reply to this comment)
| From femme.fatale Tuesday, March 25, 2008, 14:07 (Agree/Disagree?) loll im sorry for the bad spelling and stuff i wrote it in a hurry.i feel bad now =[.indidn mean to come across rude to anybody. perhapes il re post it and write it better..i tried uploading pics but it didn work4me for those who are intrestested if use would like my msn to talk better please let me no.and for the person who wrote the comment about proof i wil send pics through msn if you really want evidence.thanks alot.n sorry again if i offended anybody.im just a high school kid haha =].(reply to this comment) |
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