Getting Support : Speaking Out
Treasure Attic at the BX/PX | from Lovelight23 - Monday, April 24, 2006 accessed 1237 times If you would like to help get our message accross to the BX/PX Aafes please email me I've been told recently that the vendor they purchase Treasure Attics from (a family member called Brett Davidson) contacted Aafes and started crying his right to practice free religion and managed to get the items he had at the bx back on the shelves because they didn't want to deal with him and they found out the content is benign. I'm still talking to the IG at our base as well as at Dallas but I need your help. If you would like please send them an email detailing your experiences and any information you may have about the court cases that have occurred as well as any ongoing cases you know about please contact me. You can do this annonymously if you'd like. I've told them I want feedback so I'm not annonymous, but it's all up to you. I'm not too familiar with any particular case and need more info to pass on to them. If you would like to help please email me at louallen76@hotmail.com and we'll all fight this together. I think they will be taking everything off the shelves, but my goal is to get them blacklisted worldwide so they never purchase from them again. As well we could all do that with walmart and Target. The more people contact them about this stuff the better. We are going to have to take a fighting stance to put out their lights, we can't get them in the courts, but we can stop them from making money legally in these places. It would be really nice to get media attention about this too. I've been told it might be something to talk to a reporter for the Stars and Stripes about as well. If you are in the military I really really need your help, they will listen they just need to hear a bigger voice...;) Thanks. Hope to hear from you all soon. Lou |