Getting Support : Speaking Out
Who is Dr. David Millikan? | from rockyv - Wednesday, April 13, 2005 accessed 2986 times Information needed on Dr. David Millikan. Does any one know what he stands for? I have been told he supports The Family in Australia. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from bohostudios Tuesday, November 13, 2007 - 22:25
(Agree/Disagree?) Hi, My Name is Stephan Im an Inderpendant Film Maker. I'm currently making A documentary about the The Family/Children Of God or known now as the Family International. I'm looking for ex members willing to help.Im an Inderpendant Film Maker. I'm currently making A documentary im looking for people to be interviewed for movie and also to get involved. I know its a alot to ask but i really belive in this film a getting this story out in the open. If U can Let Me know where i can contact some people for interview can u please let me know. I live in Melbourne... If u need any more information aout this please ask... Thankyou Stephan James contact me me at bohostudios@yahoo.com.au (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from moon beam Thursday, April 14, 2005 - 10:35 (Agree/Disagree?) Dr David Millikan holds a Ph.D. in Theology and is the former head of Religious Broadcasting at the ABC. http://www.artsconnect.com.au/davidmillikan/ http://www.endtimeprophecy.net/~tttbbs/EPN-1/Articles/Articles-COGx/wrdjdg18.html (reply to this comment)
| from rockyv Wednesday, April 13, 2005 - 23:23 (Agree/Disagree?) Here in Australia the public dont believe ,or just choose to ignore what is happening around the world :ie Japan /USA/Norway; Ricky and all of the other suicides,nobody has even heard about what is going on with the family most dont know who they are.If anyone out there would like to send information to the Australian federal police /Dept of child protection/child welfare etc please do so.Thank you (reply to this comment)
| From Monday, April 18, 2005, 16:20
    (Agree/Disagree?) Just in reply to Rocky's post...I know its old news but I don't normally get on this website...I think theres a reason why TF isn't big news over here in Australia..myself as an ex-member and the few that I still keep in touch with have chosen to leave this part of our lives behind and do not wish to be associated with it in any way. We live different lives now and many of us are in professions where our past lives would not be condoned. If you are not even an ex-member please leave it alone. It has nothing to do with you. If you are involved with someone that was in TF, its up to them to pursue what they feel is right for themselves. Its taken me awhile but I've dealt with my past and have moved on. I don't feel apart of it anymore, its all very surreal to me and thats how I'd, and i think I speak for alot of people in Australia, thats where we'd like it to stay. (reply to this comment) |
| | From rockyv Monday, April 18, 2005, 17:22
    (Agree/Disagree?) How can you say it has nothing to do with me ,do you know the whole story?The ex member that lives with me has a five year old child that also lives with us full time,this little innocent child has been subjected to mental and physical(sexual)torment.EG i caught him mastubating at three years old twice the second time i said nothing to him and let his mum catch him at it/he used to pray for everything -toilet- food- play -sleep/he was told to by his grandmother because satin is always around-WTF /to top it all off one of his uncles has been molesting him (he is fighting this in court), i could go on for hours with the sick twisted shit that this mother and child have gone through ,but i will not give any information away to some fence sitter that will stand by and let children be fucked up by cowards ,who also wont post their real name.This little boy is like my own flesh and blood i will never turn my back on him no matter how much flack i cop from incensitive arseholes do tell me to let it go this child deserves the right to a normal life.You have the right to keep whatever happened in your life secret i would never ask anyone of you to tell what they think would jepordise any part of their lives( only because i was never in the family )i dont have that right.But when it comes to this child it is my business,he will never be sexually abused again while i am around.As for the lady yes it is her choice what she does with her life ,but she asked me to help with her son and i will not let them down ever again.Send me a private email if you want to know more if not do the best you can with the rest of your life,im doing my best.(reply to this comment) |
| | from ErikMagnusLehnsher Wednesday, April 13, 2005 - 22:14 (Agree/Disagree?) From what I recall he was at one time regarded as a close, favorable academic and they gave him a lot of access to leadership (interviews with Peter, etc). At some point when he published his book or documentary, TF thought it was too sensational and less than flattering. I was still in at this time so I only heardTF perspective on this. There were rebuttals and I remember reading a testimony from teen or ya girl who used to baby-sit for him wrote how disappointed and betrayed she felt, etc. I'm sure someone who was in the Australia probably has much better information. (reply to this comment)
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