Getting Support : Speaking Out
The telephone asshole | from holysavage - Friday, March 18, 2005 accessed 2002 times Did you know that here in Rio, in the neighborhood of Jacarepagua, there is an asshole ex-David, now Abner, who keeps "rebuking Satan" everytime an exmember calls? He did this to me when I tried to get ahold of a friend that lives in his home (and because of this, this "shepherd" cut off all contact between us). I called to try and talk to her and this asshole got on the phone demanding to know who it was and why I wanted to talk to her. I explained that it was to give back a couple of CD's she had lent me and this idiot started to get all nervous, saying that she didn't want to talk to me any longer, not to ever call again, all that kind of cult control s**t. I then asked him what was wrong with him, why he was getting so nervous and he then yelled, "I'm not nervous! I'm rebuking you Satan!" Ha! Ha! Ha! Who are you to "rebuke Satan"? Fuck you, Abner! Bet you didn't know it was me who called the other day, did you? Up yours, Abner! (ex- David) |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from garotadeipanema Wednesday, March 30, 2005 - 06:29 (Agree/Disagree?) Why are you still interested in contacting a family home? Move on already and stop whining when the pricks in TF don't treat you politely. (reply to this comment)
| from HVV Tuesday, March 29, 2005 - 12:27 (Agree/Disagree?) Suggestions. 1:: Call them up and offer them some aid for their work, leave a number. When they call back, reroute the call to Fiji, and chat for hours on end about possibly hooking them up with a Nigerian general that needs somebody to help him launder money, or offer free 10 day old milk. 2:: Call them up and offer them some aid for their work, leave a number. Give them the number to a live telephone talk show program. 3:: Call them up and tell them that you have a tip from a friendly local social services worker, who says their home will be raided. Let some local people know the house will be empty, and they have free TV's. 4:: Call them up and ask them to fax you some information on the activated program. Give them your phone number. When they try to fax through, leave your phone off the hook, so they spend forever's worth of bux sending a fax to your phoneline. 5:: Call them up and tell them that u want to invite them for a show in a rural village. Give them a location in the bushes nowhere. Call them back to ask them how the show went. 6:: Call them up and say you want to talk to Karen Zerby. When they tell you they don't have anyone living there, tell them you want to speak to "Queen Maria". Enjoy the silence following, and know there are shivers going up their spine. 7:: Call them up and say you need an exorcism performed. Give them the address to some demon worshipping organization. Drive up to watch them getting kicked out. 8:: Tell them you are suicidal, and god told you to call this number. While they are trying to talk about god, go agnostic on them and debate everything they say. Start talking about your favorite pizza toppings, and go into underwear color, end with "I can see you". 9:: Call them up and hold a electric shaver to the mic. Talk mumbo jumbo, and use the words, Bush, Anti-christ, persecution, begin, run, for, life, god, with, you, Scream very loudly. Use another guys voice to say words like Fucking, religious, extremists, kill, all, inbetween the buzz of the shaver. 10: Call them up, and play songs loudly in the background, while telling them that you want to contribute to their finances. Some songs to play. Eminem "Kill you", Limp Bizkit "Breakstuff", REM "Losing my religion", John Lennon "Imagine", (pull volume up in select sections of the song.) suddenly play a portion of "It's the Music" to catch them off guard, say "fucking gay song" then abrutly switch the tape to Slipknot. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from one who knows Monday, March 21, 2005 - 14:54 (Agree/Disagree?) pls update your e-mail account so i can ask you a question. lf_spaceman@yahoo.com.br has been discontinued. thanks. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | from Shaka Monday, March 21, 2005 - 10:48 (Agree/Disagree?) Please may I have that home's number? This can provide hours of quality entertainment for me. E-mail it to me. Thx (reply to this comment)
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