Getting Real : This Site Sucks
To Hell With the System! | from devilthrasher - Friday, April 14, 2006 accessed 1684 times Are you actually happy in that horrible place! Believe, i've been there before, and it's hell on earth. It's just like a sugar coated pill, it looks appetizing on the outside, but the inside tastes like shit. I wonder who's brainwashed? sound's like you guys have been on this site for too long. Why waste your time serving the DEVIL when you could actually be moving on! AMEN! we still love you guys, and are praying that you will all come back to the fold. Praise the Lord! |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from valhalla Friday, February 23, 2007 - 12:00 (Agree/Disagree?) TF is one of the most mechanical organization (aka: system) i know of. (reply to this comment)
| from SeanSwede Thursday, July 06, 2006 - 04:53 (Agree/Disagree?) Scammer! (reply to this comment)
| | | from Louis de Bernieres Thursday, July 06, 2006 - 04:48 (Agree/Disagree?) (Excerpt from "CAPTAIN CORELLI'S MANDOLIN) Love is a temporary madness; it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Those that truly love have roots that grow towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom have fallen from their branches, they find that they are one tree and not two. (reply to this comment)
| from the antichrist Monday, April 24, 2006 - 04:00
    (Agree/Disagree?) As if the family isn't a system........... (reply to this comment)
| from SeanSwede Monday, April 17, 2006 - 12:22 (Agree/Disagree?) Yeah, yeah whatever. We know that you are just scamming. Quit trying to pretend that you are a TF member. We aren`t buyin`it. (reply to this comment)
| From devilcatcher Friday, April 21, 2006, 06:04
(Agree/Disagree?) That was no trolling. You idiots can't even tell the difference between a sincere Family member and a stupid kid trying to troll. He meant what he said, and if you guys don't believe him that's your problem. On this site all of you are just finding excuses of your leaving the Family. And I'm not just repeating the letters; it's what i actually think. If you guys think that every time a Family member posts a comment, that it's strolling it won't encourage them to write. A few of you were asking for answers and apologies and we were trying to get through to you. So quit being so nasty with your meaningless comments.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Jedran Monday, April 24, 2006, 04:24 (Agree/Disagree?) I think you may have inadvertently allowed an oxymoron in your post. As a family member you read the letters 2-4 hours a day minimum. Ergo, you are repeating the letters even if, as you say, you believe that we are stupid because what you believe comes from reading the letters, therefore you are repeating what is written in the letters.(reply to this comment) |
| | From the antichrist Monday, April 24, 2006, 03:22 (Agree/Disagree?) How bout me giving all the family adults a spanking with a flyswatter would that be justice because that is what they deserve. And lots, lots of demerits and beatings and rape and confusion and lies and alienation and social problems. fuck all apologies see your religion may beleive in forgiveness hell its probably your main doctrine isnt it forgive and keep forgiving forgive forgive forgive take all the crap they feed you. Well Im the antichrist from hell and im coming after you I don't believe in forgiveness, there is no forgiveness for atrocities comitted against children so you are all going to hell one way or another.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From AndyH Friday, April 21, 2006, 12:55 (Agree/Disagree?) You won't get through to people by calling them idiots. If you really want to open up a peaceful line of communication, this is something we might be interested in, but first you must show that you are willing to listen. As for the nasty comments, this is the internet. People will say whatever they feel like saying. Its a phenomenon we call "freedom", which is something we place quite a lot of stock in. Of course you have the freedom to choose to live by the Family's rules, but you can't expect us to. You are also free to not read such comments. Does that make any sense? Feel free to contact me. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | from Fish Monday, April 17, 2006 - 09:02 (Agree/Disagree?) More tolling I see... There should be some kind of punishment for this. Like six swats or something. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from Rachel Saturday, April 15, 2006 - 06:20 (Agree/Disagree?) lmao!! that's the funniest thing I read in a while. Perhaps I am still slightly intoxicated or maybe just stoned. Must have been fun busting some people's baubles:D Grrr!!... Angry person... grr!! (reply to this comment)
| from placebo Saturday, April 15, 2006 - 02:07 (Agree/Disagree?) gee... you ppl are taking this seriously? It's obviously just someone bored again and deciding to play the stupid cult member. (reply to this comment)
| | | from solemn Friday, April 14, 2006 - 23:59 (Agree/Disagree?) Last time I checked, we all live on the same planet. So really the only difference between you and I is; I have a job, support myself and my family, drive a few nice cars, eat whatever I want, go wherever I want, say whatever I want, drink more than 4 ounces of alcohol if I want, use 4 or more sheets of toilet paper if I want, keep every cent I earn, get as much schooling as I want, and I am free to walk about sans my head up the asses of all the other losers like you. Oh god, poor me! How do I get back to the fold? Please email me ASAP as I am suffering so terribly. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | from Jesus Crust Friday, April 14, 2006 - 23:44 (Agree/Disagree?) Hark, thou fool. How often hath thou, and thy cohorts, envisioned me blowing my wad, yea, even into thy “spiritual vaginas”. Thou art an abomination unto me! And thou hath the audacity to come here and proclaim, “Praise the lord”. Shame on thee, thou art an embarrassment, yea, even unto humanity. Come here not touting the claim that thou hath any superiority over anyone. For verily I say unto thee, even the beasts of the fields possess better capacity for structuring a sentence than thee. In case thou should get hungry whilst reading this, I shall provide thee with a shit sandwich. Fear not, I am the lord thy god, I know thou doth not like bread. Amen! (reply to this comment)
| From devilcatcher Friday, April 28, 2006, 09:47 (Agree/Disagree?) Wow, Crust! Deep words! How long did it take you to think of that? You have lots of time to kill. You guys never talk seriously. Can’t we have a decent talk without sarcastic remarks and dirty language? It really makes me wonder where you were raised. In the Family or in some New York suburbs? I see you are familiar to the Bible language structure; you should use it for wiser purposes. That’s all I have to say, as well as “answer a fool according to his folly” and “go forth and sin no more”. (reply to this comment) |
| | From AndyH Friday, April 28, 2006, 11:41 (Agree/Disagree?) Again you ask to be taken seriously. What did we learn the last time about mutual respect? I am really reaching out to you and trying to have this "decent talk", and so are others. But you only engage the silly ones, why is this? Didn't Jesus say "cast not thy pearls before swine". Oh! look at that, I'm familiar with the bible too, and can think of no better use for it than pointing out your hypocrisy, and making hilarious jokes. So be careful what you say to my lord Jesus Crust, before he Kung fu Smites your ass. Holla!(reply to this comment) |
| | From Jesus Crust Friday, April 28, 2006, 11:28 (Agree/Disagree?) Well, since thou doth seem truly interested, I may have spent two minutes praying about what to say and one minute typing it. Verily I say unto thee, when thou doth desire discourse and come not with loud-mouthed, poorly written attacks, thou might get serious talk. I am curious, why hath thou not replied to some of the serious responses? Yea, it would seem that thou art unable to handle scrutiny. That is all I hath to say, as well as, It breaketh my heart to hear that thou doth find these words deep. There shall be no gondola for thee in my father’s mansion.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | from I'm a nice dude...... Friday, April 14, 2006 - 22:53 (Agree/Disagree?) I went out and bought a shiny new fork and a tasty bottle of Syrah so you could eat my ass and have something yummy to wash it down with. Sorry, I drank the syrah. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | from Lance Friday, April 14, 2006 - 22:44 (Agree/Disagree?) Are you actually happy in that horrible place!(If this is a question, please use an appropriately named Question Mark.) Believe(me), i've (I’ve)been there before, and it's hell on earth. (Excessive comma splicing.) It's just like a sugar coated pill, (There should be a colon here) it looks appetizing on the outside, but the inside tastes like shit.(Am I supposed to assume that you’ve eaten shit? Or is this just the worst metaphor I’ve ever heard. Shouldn’t it be: “a sugar coated shit pill”… Come on! It’s a serious question!) I wonder who's brainwashed? (Question mark indicates that you really don’t know who’s brainwashed, instead of the rhetorical statement that you were going for.) sound's like you guys have been on this site for too long. (I admit that the occasional check up on a web site has thoroughly indoctrinated me far more then say… spending every waking hour having cult propaganda shoved down my throat. Do you get my sarcasm?) Why waste your time serving the DEVIL(Are you saying that all 3’500+ members of this site are devil worshipers?) when you could actually be moving on! AMEN!(You seem to have an affinity for jumping to rash conclusions. You see “moving on” doesn’t necessarily fall into the cults definition of moving on. Doing so in their eyes would mean all of us SGA’s fading into the woodwork and forgetting about all the atrocities that happened to us. Unfortunately “moving on” can also mean moving on from the cults dogmatic method of thinking and creating our own identities, and in the process choosing to take a stand against the immoral and unjust behavior that we witnessed growing up.) we still love you guys,(Well I don’t love you! I have no reason to love you. Quite frankly, I’m proud of the fact that I think you’re a total moron and anyone would have to be as equally stupid just to hold a five-minute conversation with you. Seeing as you can’t even write a sentence of any substance I don’t see anyway to hold a decent conversation with you, much less form a relationship of any sort. So no! I don’t love you. I actually find you rather detesting.) and are praying that you will all come back to the fold. (“the fold” is a direct representation of everything wrong with the world. There, I said it.) Praise the Lord!(Stop kissing your gods ass!) (reply to this comment)
| From devilcatcher Friday, April 28, 2006, 09:51 (Agree/Disagree?) In case you didn’t notice, Lance, most everybody makes spelling mistakes on this site so go pick on someone else. Also I wonder where you got that good education from since you are “Soooo” good with the English language and criticize others for making spelling mistakes. Consider that, since the point of view of most ex-members, family education is the worst you could have, it is comprehensible that one who had such a horrible schooling makes a few grammar and spelling mistakes without idiots making fun of them. Think on that one a little longer then you are used to, in order to avoid making a fool of yourself. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Robyn Pistols Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 11:12
    (Agree/Disagree?) See devilcatcher, you're pretty stupid for a start and a complete hypocrite just like the stupid people you follow. Although you seem to claim that we are spouting garbage you agree with us when it suits you eg. you use the family's lack of education as an excuse for your bad grammar. Well either the Family didn't educate us properly (nor allow us to be educated) or you're an exceptionally mentally slow person. I think the only person making a fool of themselves here is you!! Another thing, I'm coming to the conclusion that you guys may not be brain washed at all, you're just sick fuckers like the sick perverts you follow. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from Vandarii Friday, April 14, 2006 - 22:41 (Agree/Disagree?) Yawn...I wonder if there's anything good on tv? (reply to this comment)
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