Getting Real : This Site Sucks
TF apologize? | from gettingcold - Friday, April 07, 2006 accessed 1251 times They won't change nor think they did anything wrong, why try? Why try to ask TF for an apology for all the abuse? If they think they did it in "love" then they won't ever even think they did something wrong. If the lord is on their side then all is well. Of course, they make mistakes like everybody else, but hey, nobody's perfect. Those who are too brainwashed to think for themselves will stay with Zerby/TF, those who run the place will never admit to a thing. My parents still think that one day I'll return to TF, although I told them more than once that I am a "Vandari"/hate TF jesus god. You can't convince somebody that they did something wrong if they never did it (according to them). Why go through all the work and time if nothing will happen? Why get yourself all worked up about crap? I don't want to tell all you to "move on" and get over it, I can't get over it myself. But to waste time and effort to get TF to make some apology that they'll never make is just plain stupid. And if you think an apology will make up for it, well then...c-ya suckers. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from gettingcold Wednesday, May 24, 2006 - 02:17 (Agree/Disagree?) @AndyH:It wasnt my intention to generalize. I also dont think that everyone who comes to this site wants an apology. But from all what I read here on this site it sounds like it. I just do not understand what an apology can bring. A sincere apology, imo, is that all abusers confess what they had done/still do and everything published (without excuses, whole truth) to the brainwashed people in TF. This would mean almost/all TF Leadership behind bars because if it is an apology, they would hand themselves over to justice. If this happens I could be satisfied. I would have an apology and justice. This will never ever happen. Not even a gullible, naive, stupid, brainless person could even have hopes of this happening. I dont think that all x-ers believe TF will ever say sorry, but to hope for it is a waste of time. To hope that theyll pay for what they did is also a waste. But I hope for it, because it is possible. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | From AndyH Wednesday, May 24, 2006, 06:34 (Agree/Disagree?) I agree with you completely. I guess what I should have said is that no one here has really pressed them for an apology, we have the attitude that you do. Exposure and prosecution are much more relevant, apology makes little difference. I think the notion that we wanted an apology began with the family claiming they had, and us stating that that any apology tendered was ineffectual, if not a total insult. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from devilcatcher Friday, April 21, 2006 - 06:27
(Agree/Disagree?) What do we have to apologize for. Because a few idiots mistreeted a few kids? Bullshit that we have to apologize. Cry your whole live cuz of the few swats you had but spare us the lies and "poor me" stories that you invented. For more information see "myconclusion.org" (reply to this comment)
| From gettingcold Wednesday, May 24, 2006, 02:41 (Agree/Disagree?) Let me see... I got the beating of my life for holding my fingers like a pistol. I got beaten with a wooden staff incl. engraved verses, for drawing a roach, a "few swats" for every minute I wasted drawing it. I got beaten for sleeping in underpants. blah blah blah, there enuf examples on this site. My spine is ruined from all the "few swats". Go see the docs and shrinks from all the people here that "invented" their stories. And as for myconclusion.org, I donīt like to gain one-sided information from censured sites. I thought you liked TF, why are you calling almost all of them idiots? Go getīm Devilcatcher!!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | from AndyH Wednesday, April 12, 2006 - 12:28
    (Agree/Disagree?) It seems that you have decided for all of us that our motivation for visiting this site is to receive an apology from TF. Perhaps some of us, but lets not generalize. Motivations for being here may include getting in touch with old friends which might have otherwise been impossible to locate, sharing the experience of transition, or just a simple social outlet. (reply to this comment)
| from I had a dream Tuesday, April 11, 2006 - 15:46 (Agree/Disagree?) The other night I dreamt that my main abusers asked me what it would take to get me off their back. I thought for a while and said "it would take an acceptable apology." I went on to explain that an acceptable apology would include the specifics of what they did to me. A vague "apology" would leave too much room for the hopeful people in the world to imagine it was not as bad as it actually was. And it would lose its preventative value. An acceptable apology would do it for me. But then nwe face issues like what you pointed out, that they think they did not do anything wrong. (reply to this comment)
| From PopNFresh Tuesday, April 11, 2006, 18:43
    (Agree/Disagree?) I'm after justice, not an apology. I don't have children, but if I did, and someone did to them a fraction of what was done to me, I'd be satisfied with an apology... from a torture chamber. Say whatever you want, but someone who abuses children is no longer human or animal in my eyes, and even death is not a cruel enough punishment. On a different note, I was thinking about the fucked up mentality parents had when their kids were abducted by caring relatives outside The Family. There were cases where the parents found out their kids were missing, and instead of worrying that some perv took them or they were kidnapped by locals, their biggest fear was that someone who actually cared had taken them. A slap in the face to their "religious freedoms" was more severe than a child in the hands of a perv.(reply to this comment) |
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