Getting Real : This Site Sucks
brainfart from hell | from *pissedoff - Friday, January 21, 2005 accessed 1551 times i was sitting back and thinking about my time in the family about how many times i was put on silence restriction and beat with a two by four on my ass .and guess what ican honestly say that i didnt have it half as bad as a friend of mine who never knew the family .he was sexually abused by his father many times .so how can a lot of you say that you were so abused in the family .personally i think most of you are a bunch of pussies!! i know a lot of you guys personally and have lived with many of you in many different countries (speaking of someone on cnn the other night)and iknow you were not even partially abused.you were a little pampered leaders child who got away with some things a lot of us werekicked out of teen homes for .plus you got to marry practically the finest chick in the family . so what the hell happened to you when you got out .you suddenly got morals and felt so abused .after you found out most of the abuse was and could be called mental abuse. i am not saying some of you were not abused sexually .because i know a few who were but come on , most had it damn good in the family.you travelled around the globe, had everything provided for you by your parents ,albeit we had to beg a hell of a lot for shit. but welcome to the real world .a hell of a lot of people would love to have it half as good as most of us did and most idiots out here would kill for the opportunities we had however unnormal they were.dont get me wrong i would love to see a lot of people in the family get a big boot up the ass but i know most dont really deserve to have their children taken away and be thrown in jail for basically the sin of not having a clue! its like everybody who leaves has to jump on the band wagon and say "i was abused too" so they can feel part of something bigger than it really was. give me abreak . let the people who were really abused go after the people who did it to them and put them behind bars or kill them or whatever.get a life and quit whining already. i have had it ten times as bad as i had it in the family out in the real world .and guess what it made me stronger for the wear thank god or whoever.so go get some therapy unless you were really sexually abused .and if you were, than fight to the bone to get the bad guys ,and may your minds be strong. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from from pissedoff's wife Monday, January 24, 2005 - 18:17
    (Agree/Disagree?) Well, pissed off maybe since you won't listen to me at home perhaps you will listen to me now. Seeing as I was one of the ones who suffered through sexual abuse when I was six and only recently was able to speak of it at all with you. I know it made you sick and mad when I told you what happened, more so when you knew the adult who did it. In all honesty it is far easier to deal with rape when I was six and again at nine and once more when I was twelve than it was going through the months of the Jumbo. I never really talk about it, and you never really listen. I really can't put into words what it is like being awake all night with my belly cramping in fear, sweating because I was afraid of what tomorrow would bring. I can't tell you what it was like to be so hungry I ate instant coffee and wash it down with water that was so hot it would scald my mouth because I didn't want anyone to know I was eating. Why was I hungry? Because some idiot decided that I hadn't had a bm because the demons had a strangle hold on me. Now you are laughing. I am too how I ask myself can anyone have been so stupid. I wasn't allowed to eat for twelve days. Let me tell you about something else theat happen there. I was slapped on my mouth as usual for my rebelous spirit, it was done with such force it losened my front teeth and I was unable to bite with my front teeth I had to bite with my molars in the back. Well because I wasn't eating "right" I was drug into the bathroom and had peanut butter smeared all over me. This was not enough, because of my "spiritual problems" I was put on silence restriction. Maybe for a seventeen yearold boy this wouldn't be so bad, but I was eleven. It brought me into a world of silence where I forgot what my own voice sounded like. Not only could I not talk to anyone I could not look at anyone. Everyday was a nightmare. I had no clothes with the exception of two sarongs and two pair of underwear. And you whine about your sneakers and your walk-man. You may not think this was abuse but I do. I do. I am the one it happened to as well as the hundreds of other people on this site. We were beaten,starved deprived of basic nessities, over worked and uneducated. We were made to sit through mind numbing devotions where we were reminded how lucky we were to be in the Family. How much worse everyone else had it. I guess in you case it sunk in. This is my opinion. Yes, there are alot of other people who had and have it worse. But the Family claimed to be the best. The endtime army and all the other crap they told us. Well if we were the best this would not have happened to us. If the Family was the best we would not have had been raped or starved or beaten, un-educated, over worked we would not have been made to rake rocks or do star-jumps or duck walks till we puked. As I was always told. Obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves; for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you. Heb13:17 Well, it is time for them to give an account for what they did, it is time they be held accountable for their deeds and to face the atrocities they commited. Who cares someone had it worse than me? Does that mean what I went through doesn't count? Perhaps because I was raped by only one person I should not persue it because someone somewhere else was gang banged? We are hurting because of what was done to us. And we want justice. If the Family was the best why did they do this to us? Why was it allowed to be done to us? Why didn't someone in one of those home stand up and fight for us. If we were their hope of the future why were we so cruely used? You are the pussy, because you have no sympathy, because you have no balls to stand up for what you know happened. You are the pussy because at seventeen you were old enough and strong enough to fight for those who were younger and weaker than you. Get some damn ball and face the reality. Stand up and make your voice heard and stop whining because the person who is doing something got your stupid shoes. (reply to this comment)
| From conan Wednesday, January 26, 2005, 14:32 (Agree/Disagree?) pissedoff....listen to your wife man!! Not every kid in TF was abused, that is true. But to bitch about the complaints posted on here because you never witnessed it or were ever terribly abused yourself is just lame. Of course there are kids out in the real world who have it worse then many of us did, but at least they weren't in an environment where "love is the most important thing". Think about the hipocrisy behind the abuse you moron. We went out with big smiles on our faces preaching God's "love" to the world and then came home to physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. I don't think that qualifies any of us ex-members as pussies. Hey, it's not our fault that we can't all afford therapy, but the next best thing is to come on here and vent about the abuses that were very real to many of us. Next time you want to single out the entirety of us to classify us as "pussies", think a little bit more about the horrific acts which were carried out with the full knowledge and consent of the approving Bergs. Count yourself lucky because you were, but don't categorize the rest of us along with your self becasue you have an outside friend who had it worse than you. And one more thing, listen to your wife when she tries to talk to you; especially when she wants someone to understand and support her emotionally.(reply to this comment) |
| | from from pissedoff's wife Monday, January 24, 2005 - 18:17 (Agree/Disagree?) Well, pissed off maybe since you won't listen to me at home perhaps you will listen to me now. Seeing as I was one of the ones who suffered through sexual abuse when I was six and only recently was able to speak of it at all with you. I know it made you sick and mad when I told you what happened, more so when you knew the adult who did it. In all honesty it is far easier to deal with rape when I was six and again at nine and once more when I was twelve than it was going through the months of the Jumbo. I never really talk about it, and you never really listen. I really can't put into words what it is like being awake all night with my belly cramping in fear, sweating because I was afraid of what tomorrow would bring. I can't tell you what it was like to be so hungry I ate instant coffee and wash it down with water that was so hot it would scald my mouth because I didn't want anyone to know I was eating. Why was I hungry? Because some idiot decided that I hadn't had a bm because the demons had a strangle hold on me. Now you are laughing. I am too how I ask myself can anyone have been so stupid. I wasn't allowed to eat for twelve days. Let me tell you about something else theat happen there. I was slapped on my mouth as usual for my rebelous spirit, it was done with such force it losened my front teeth and I was unable to bite with my front teeth I had to bite with my molars in the back. Well because I wasn't eating "right" I was drug into the bathroom and had peanut butter smeared all over me. This was not enough, because of my "spiritual problems" I was put on silence restriction. Maybe for a seventeen yearold boy this wouldn't be so bad, but I was eleven. It brought me into a world of silence where I forgot what my own voice sounded like. Not only could I not talk to anyone I could not look at anyone. Everyday was a nightmare. I had no clothes with the exception of two sarongs and two pair of underwear. And you whine about your sneakers and your walk-man. You may not think this was abuse but I do. I do. I am the one it happened to as well as the hundreds of other people on this site. We were beaten,starved deprived of basic nessities, over worked and uneducated. We were made to sit through mind numbing devotions where we were reminded how lucky we were to be in the Family. How much worse everyone else had it. I guess in you case it sunk in. This is my opinion. Yes, there are alot of other people who had and have it worse. But the Family claimed to be the best. The endtime army and all the other crap they told us. Well if we were the best this would not have happened to us. If the Family was the best we would not have had been raped or starved or beaten, un-educated, over worked we would not have been made to rake rocks or do star-jumps or duck walks till we puked. As I was always told. Obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves; for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you. Heb13:17 Well, it is time for them to give an account for what they did, it is time they be held accountable for their deeds and to face the atrocities they commited. Who cares someone had it worse than me? Does that mean what I went through doesn't count? Perhaps because I was raped by only one person I should not persue it because someone somewhere else was gang banged? We are hurting because of what was done to us. And we want justice. If the Family was the best why did they do this to us? Why was it allowed to be done to us? Why didn't someone in one of those home stand up and fight for us. If we were their hope of the future why were we so cruely used? You are the pussy, because you have no sympathy, because you have no balls to stand up for what you know happened. You are the pussy because at seventeen you were old enough and strong enough to fight for those who were younger and weaker than you. Get some damn ball and face the reality. Stand up and make your voice heard and stop whining because the person who is doing something got your stupid shoes. (reply to this comment)
| from my my Monday, January 24, 2005 - 10:10 (Agree/Disagree?) 10 times worse?? One would be hard pressed to find a place anywhere on the planet where that would be true, certainly not in the US. (excepting maybe the fabled east texas tailer park) (reply to this comment)
| from Haunted Monday, January 24, 2005 - 09:43 (Agree/Disagree?) The point is not whether we had it worse than others, or not. The point is that these abuses DID happen! (reply to this comment)
| from exister Monday, January 24, 2005 - 07:41
    (Agree/Disagree?) I certainly hope all of our minds are stronger than yours, which is obviously very weak. You possess neither intellect nor that slightest hint of a moral compass. Kindly crawl back into the hole from whence you came, put the crack pipe back in your mouth, and be quiet. (reply to this comment)
| from Monday, January 24, 2005 - 02:49
    (Agree/Disagree?) " Go get some therapy unless you were abused"??? I would say if you were abused, definitly, get some therapy. I truely believe people can do all of the things you mentioned, whilst still moving on. (reply to this comment)
| from DeeJay Sunday, January 23, 2005 - 21:29
    (Agree/Disagree?) I for one have never been sexually abused. and yet i do not think that that is the only form of abuse worthy of punishment. In my opinion i would rather have had someone take my virginity than my ability or will to live a decent life. People put a different value on different things. Many have had non-sexual things taken from then that were just as important to them. I think that while too much whining is a waste, there is a need to vent once in awhile, which is all that most people are doing. For many of us this is our only place to voice our opinions. please don't minimize that. we are not here simply to whine, well alittle, we are here to hear other's opinions on things and express our own. - If you do not like the program, you are free to change the channel. If there are some who have suffered to the extent that they feel an inescapable need to wreak havoc and revenge, let them. I for not do not, but those who do deserve no less respect. If think that you will also find that enraged revenge is not as uncommon an emotion as you might think. It exists in many people, for many different reasons and causes. I think it is alittle narrow-minded to dismiss it all as unnecessary. (reply to this comment)