Getting Real : This Site Sucks
This is the saddest bunch of fuck nuts I have ever seen | from Sinestar - Monday, March 22, 2004 accessed 4000 times The difference between "MOVING ON" and "BEING HUNG UP ON"... My god you people are pathetic! All sitting around growing fat while bantering about all the "horrible, unimaginable" things that supposedly happened to you as children. This all sounds to me like just another lame ass cop out on whatevers wrong in your lives instead of taking a little fucking responsiblity for the decisions that you yourselves have made (poorly i might add) that are the real reasons for whatever fucked up state you might be in. I have never in my life seen so many people so hung up on they're past. Wake the fuck up the future is now and you are all wasting it away pretending that everyone but yourselves is responsible for the shitty way you turned out. Well im assuming that most everyone here is over 18 so the responsibility is solely yours. I dont give a shit what someone "allegidly" did to you thats no reason not to get on with your life however pathetic it might be. I guarantee the majority of you pity babys are spinning so much bullshit you dont even know whats true anymore. Hey, Im not perfect. Ive fucked up my life beyond recognition in some cases but at least i can say that it was no ones but my own fault because the past doesnt make the man. Thats it. Thats all i got. Im waiting for a plethora of whining bitching "feel sorry for me replys". -Sinestar |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Emmanuel Thursday, April 20, 2006 - 11:01
    (Agree/Disagree?) Attention, "education sorely needed" First of all "BEING HUNG UP ON"... is not a verb. Secondly a person, or persons, cannot make a " poorly decision." "That are," cannot be a reason for one doing something, and "bantering" by defintion means, "to joke in a certain way." Personally, I don't see allegations of abuse a joking matter. Furthermore, when using the past-tense, it there, not, " they're" and if your such a good person at least capitalize the word, God. You said the, " the future is now" Which is at the very least, an inherent contradiction. Allegedly is not spelt " allegidly". In conclusion I agree, You are clearly not perfect. Furthermore, I hope when you say, " I've fucked up beyond recognition," you don't mean, criminal conduct, the sort of which we speak of on the site. If so then quite frankly, it is your fault, and may God have mercy on your soul. As for the rest of us who try to conduct ourselves properly as individuals,(Men and Women) I say God Bless Us. God Bless Us for trying to make sense out of this mess and for having the humility to move on. That is the true essence of this site and the purpose intended by its creators, something apparently which your arrogance and ignorance has prohibited you from recognizing. Humbly, Emmanuel ps: You might want to invest some of that precious time you have in an education....Your writing skills are inadequate to say the least. (reply to this comment)
| from jeni Saturday, April 15, 2006 - 17:46
    (Agree/Disagree?) Dude, you are really badly informed about many of us, i for one have one of the sadest stories you have ever heard.. but i don't go whining about it ( Most people that frequent this site(like me) have never had the courage to tell their story, if they did you would understand them much better,, and not be so quick to judge....... I have moved on , have my own family , my own company,i am married, and very happy.. the thing is most of us (ex family members) still have people we're concerned about that are still members in the FD , and Zerby and her devils know that, thats why so few actualy have the courage to speak up, and when they do people like you (that don't have a clue of what they are talking about) say they are whining!!! i admire the people who have spoken up against all of the familys crap, i really wish i would have more time and the courage to tell my story,,,i don't really like talking about TF It has delayed my life for too long , and its depressing to think about it! I think that most of ''us '' who have left get on with our lives,(without complaining) but after we're doing ok, we( as any normal human being) are concerned about the ones that are still deluded and suffering in there, and are trying to persuade people( our governments) to wake up and see whats really going on in there! I've actually done what everyone told me was impossible! i've remade my life in four years i left when i was 18 ( i wasn't kicked out) had no family in the outside world , i didn't know shit, had no school papers, and since i had no school papers i couldn't have my documents made....i really belive in the verse that says when my father and my mother forsake me the lord will lift me up,, and he did Cause even with all the shit i've been through in the family,( and its not only a normal abuse story its much worse) i'm still a very bright and happy person, i have allways looked on the bright side I sincerly can say i have moved on,,, but also want justice!!!! My crazy mom and sis are stll in this piece of shit and they hate me( she is so radical that she won't talk to me , she fears i will make her doubt the ''lord'' )But whatever!!! (reply to this comment)
| from Oddman Sunday, January 09, 2005 - 21:37
    (Agree/Disagree?) Ok, everybody is entitled to their own opinion. True, some of us need to move on, and leave the past behind. HOWEVER!! I cannot sit down while some sorry ass Mo**erFu**er sits in some safe place and refers to our pain, suffering, and cries in the dark as "ALLEGATIONS". People I trust have been raped in the cult. If you were sitting with them as they cried you would not dare call it an allegation. My brother was labeled as demon possessed. If you sat in that dining hall holding hands, feeling the cold eyes of the "brethren" you would not have chosen the word allegation. Not so bad, but I was deprived of my right to an education. If you walked with me from office to office carrying many copies of awfully written resumes, you would not dare call it an allegation. I was physically abused to the point I passed out, and had to be revived. If you were my weeping mother, you would not refer to that as an "allegation". People have OD'd, jumped off buildings, just to get away from the lonely feeling of not being a part of this world. Young, talented, and very capable people. Don't you dare tell me they died because of a figment of their imagination. Many of us resort to drugs, party away, and have cheap paying jobs. I did for a while, before I got over it. I only got over it, after hooking up with a ex member who had also gotten over it. These secrets eat at you if you don't share them. I know it sounds like a lot of pussy talk to your HOLE-iness, but please be lenient on us. We probably had it a lot worse than you did. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Frank Monday, October 11, 2004 - 04:52 (Agree/Disagree?) Just a quick note: If you were a drug dealer, would you post for everyone to see you're a drug dealer and boast of it?, that "you've supposedly moved on with your life - move where? to vice? crime? destroying other's lives? or is this idiot trying to destroy the credibility of this site, so that others will see what type of members this site has?!?!? - pro-rapist, drug dealers and scams? His membership should be deleted! - not merely for his post but for the consequences that his profile may cause..... a member of the site a drug dealer? Come on.... Jules, can you trace his IP? The site should have some way of knowing about people that post like this..... and if he is who he/she said he/she is, let's turn him/her in! - It would serve him right if he was at home using his PC.... - and if "he/she" is a FM, it would be cool getting all the IP of each family home, Jules run a tracer here! Please! I don't mind these guys posting, it's what makes it exciting, but it's a great fighting a fight knowing who you really a kicking asses with! (reply to this comment)
| | | from Frank Monday, October 11, 2004 - 03:28
    (Agree/Disagree?) Sinestar, did you read the above comment from cassy? I don't have a lot of time, as I am busy, But I can't not comment to your post! So I ahead of time, apologize for any gramamtical error, typos, misspelling, etc.... I am in a rush, you know Monday morning!!!! Without further ado, I'll go straight to stuff I want to say! If you can sound more educated than that, then I will listen to your "advice". - But maybe you should have your mother call up - "Parentline Plus" and have her get some help on how to take care of you! You sound like the one really suffering, man! Here's a few suggestion: a.) If you are a drug dealer, as you stated in your profile, use some of your "crime" money and get some therapy. b.) Now if you are a Current Family Member, still do the above suggestion, plus get the hell out soon! Because that's the whole reason why we are doing the "whining" - for people like you, we whine about you still being trap with all that crap! - And we feel awfully sad - and whiney! - FOR YOU! OUR BROTHER/SISTER/CHILDREN/MOTHER/FATHER etc....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We should thank you for looking into our whining, so that ALL of it will "poison" and "corrupt" your mind, cause you to "doubt the word, (of Berg, Zerby, Peter, Your Shepherds, and your Jesus! So please, continue to get our updated whines and cries...... Now as far as "shitty way you turned out" comment of yours - please do the comparison: Drug Dealer or Family Member: (YOU > Sinestar) -> Will get caught by the Police for your crimes - things to look forward to in the near future - life in prison! -> If not, live all your life running from the law, in fear, in hiding -> Financial Future: can't invest, or don't even have "it" to invest - kill physically or mentally to earn money or to live, live from day to day, no savings. -> lack of education, lack of personal intellect, lack of understanding the importance of individualism, humanity.... rights of expression (whining).... MovingOn.org ExFamily Member: (ME > Frank) with a name! -> Personal Life, Rich with clean money through Handwork and My Own Sweat! -> Live at Peace with the authorities, with clean and legal "work permits" and proper immigration papers and visa. -> Able to Invest for the future, live beyond and above your day to day struggle to live and eat.... I invest 60% of my yearly income.... that eventually generates, 30% of my Yearly income. That's called assets! That's where my ASS will sit! And you've got none! - That's why we have time to sit around and whine..... and you don't! -> My education, I got on my own, taught myself my trade, and I am credited by universities for my efforts, universities sends students in our company to sit with me during their last term, to see how I work, how I program, design and often conduct lectures. I tell them all the truth, I whine to them how I lost my younger years into the "cult life" and I still come on top, so how much more can they?!?! - So don't lose hope, Sinestar..... you too can find yourself! Get out of where you may be! Don't lie to yourself! I understand your position - really, I am not being sarcastic in this last sentence! (reply to this comment)
| from placebo Sunday, October 10, 2004 - 16:32 (Agree/Disagree?) Prick us , do we not bleed?............................. (reply to this comment)
| from placebo Sunday, October 10, 2004 - 16:32 (Agree/Disagree?) Prick us , do we not bleed?............................. (reply to this comment)
| from Lola Saturday, October 09, 2004 - 10:59 (Agree/Disagree?) Lovely lovely. Thank you for saying it. (reply to this comment)
| from Deranged Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 04:01 (Agree/Disagree?) You must have a cunt thats never been broken into, or a nun who loves your Satan damn sanctimonious perfection, either that or you've never waken up to the real world, just wait until the day you get your viginity butcher up like one of my sisters, totality humiliated in the name of Zerbys' god, I'd love to hear you squeal in delight saying "I do this in the name of "Jesus"." the rapers out here are less in in where we came from, go join them!!! (reply to this comment)
| from jez Friday, April 30, 2004 - 10:01 (Agree/Disagree?) I'll bet this twat's just some wind-up merchant, maybe someone who's seeing an ex member and has learned more than he/she can handle. Probably taking the piss and trying to hurt the feelings of said ex member. Of course I don't know for sure, but it's the only explanation I can come up with for their vitriol. Don't let them get to you, they don't deserve a reply and if you do, you can only be pleasing them. (reply to this comment)
| from Jovi Friday, April 30, 2004 - 08:01
    (Agree/Disagree?) Dear one. The beauty or ugly about this site is that whoever enters to it and writes something has the freedom to do so, at first I thought like you but then I understood that this site for many it's a place where they can say all and everything they couldn't while in the family, you mught be right about the moving on lecture and that it's up to each person, your sermon sounded as if you were a fam member are you??? cause if you are just leave the people here alone and go to your place to wash dishes take care of the kids, or perhaps go out thinking you're changing the world, that's b- shit! (reply to this comment)
| from Gregd Friday, April 30, 2004 - 07:41
    (Agree/Disagree?) I don't mean to throw stones Mr Sinestar but you sound like a bit of a fucker yourself. Or may be a total fucker. Possibly somewhere in between. But I do agree with you. You have fucked up your life beyond recognition. So why don't you go join The Family so you can be with all the other fuckers who think this site is for whining. With your natural ability to look down on other you'd rise through the ranks in no time. And with that wit of yours you could even write a few mokes. Bye, bye, and don't foget to tell them how bad we all are here, they'll love you for it. (ps you won't able to go to this web site so take care fucker). (reply to this comment)
| from ***** Thursday, April 15, 2004 - 21:19
    (Agree/Disagree?) ok, "wow that was shocking,"(ok that was sarcasm if anybody didn' notice) 1. i disagree with most of you cause this kid or human being is not a family member or missonary, cause your tone man, to agresive!! and your language bro, you used more curse words than an army sergeant,(7 to be exact). 2. in some way is right, when (don't take this the wrong way) are you guys going to wake up from this fantasy that someone is going to give you back the time or your past, and take away the bad things that happend to you or your friends, most of you people rant, that they did this to me and they did that to me, when you should but the past in the past, and fight to keep alive your future and the future of the ones around you. And if you think that by ranting that someone rapped you in THE FAMILY is going to help your future its not because your going to wake 20 years later and see that your present is now your future and your nowwhere you just exist and nobody is gonna remember or for that matter care remeber what happened to you, only you are, so are you going to rant and murmur and get up and move towards your future. Ask the people that were raped out of the family, the REAL raps, all the little boys and girls the were not only abused and raped but who are also 6 feet under. really everbody, count your blessings, you good be dead, al least you have a future, they don't. and if the shoe fits where it (reply to this comment)
| | | | | From The Incredulous Grammar Nazi Friday, April 16, 2004, 10:11 (Agree/Disagree?) No one spells this badly on accident. This person is aping the style of a cult member a bit too well - even someone with no education knows the difference between rap and rape (though I admit, my ears frequently feel raped by the rap that has taken over some of my erstwhile favorite clubs) And on the odd chance that you really are a former or current cult member, I'll leave you with this thought: the real rape victims are those who, in addition to having their innocence violated and their self-esteem shattered, were left with such an abysmal command of the English language as to evoke sympathy even from the likes of me. Please get yourself into therapy and school. Ta-ta(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | From exister Friday, April 16, 2004, 07:34
    (Agree/Disagree?) This ignorant boob is either: a. A linguisically stylish hipster aping the SOC style of Kerouac. b. An exer who decided to embrace the primary features of his upbringing, i.e. ignorance about the English Language, denial of atrocities and misogyny. Based on the absence of even the slightest hint of structure (Kerouac did much better) and the ubiquity of Bergisms in his comment I am going with b.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Banshee Friday, April 16, 2004, 05:30
    (Agree/Disagree?) So, you don't consider it a "real" rape unless the person's been killed? What a sick fuck you are. I don't like to call people terrible things, but you are one cold-hearted SOB. You know, sometimes it's been said that the lucky ones are the ones who were released from their pain. I am not saying that, but just making the point that sometimes having to live with the memories is part of the suffering and abuse, and takes the most courage. Yes, we do have a future, but we have also paid for it with our innocence, our blood, and our pain. You come here and spit on the future that we have built for ourselves by mocking our past, which is, as much as we'd like to change it at times, the foundation on which our future is built. We are building not only a future for ourselves but at the same time trying to restructure our foundation. How many times must we tell the ignorant the fact that we ARE moving on. It is a Family cult hang-up and doctrine that talking about something in your past means you're bitter about it. Normal people that have not been cult-indoctrinated all their lives know that talking--even ranting and whining--about your past is the only road to healing. Fuck off and wear your own shoes.(reply to this comment) |
| | from 1984 Monday, March 29, 2004 - 21:21
    (Agree/Disagree?) Obviously, you have not suffered the way so many in this site had. In order to have the nerve to utter such statements it is pretty obvious the following: a) you probably are still in the cult, and B) though you are not in the cult, most of the "cultural" indoctrination is part of you still. psychologically speaking, it is very dificult for someone IN or OUT of the fam, as part of a cult or just anybody in society, to recover from tragic experiences, so i don´t understand your point. it´s good to talk about what we went through, for many of us it´s the only way and chance we have to move on, and even if some of us take a legal stand against those who made harm, it´s our right, it is part of the process of moving on. (reply to this comment)
| from Banshee Monday, March 29, 2004 - 11:02
    (Agree/Disagree?) This site is called “Moving On” not because we are all declaring our state of having moved on from our past hurts or abuses, but because we are all moving on from the cult! --From its claim on our lives, from its influence in our lives, as well as its devastation. You, on the other hand, have not. “…things that supposedly happened to you as children.” “…what someone "allegidly" [sic] did to you…” “I guarantee the majority of you…are spinning so much bullshit you don’t even know what’s true anymore.” Your very misguided assumptions that “the majority” of us are all lying psychopaths sitting around making up unspeakable atrocities just so that we don’t have to face up to pathetic or problematic lives is nothing more than cult propaganda. You obviously have not been able to shake free of the neural implants that we were raised with our entire lives, and therefore must continue to spew their preset defense mechanisms. Your voice is a familiar one, Sinestar. There is an entire cult chorus behind you harmonizing your refrain. We are all lying. We are only imagining our past. It didn’t really happen. It’s all allegedly and supposedly. It’s all exaggerated. Yep, one and the same those voices and yours. Although you have brought something new to the table, Sinestar. You’ve actually GUARANTEED that we are, in fact, lying. How dramatic of you. Do you know me Sinestar? No, didn’t think so. Yet you are willing to GUARANTEE that I am one of the ones just—how did you so eloquently put it?—“spinning bullshit.” See, that doesn’t make you very reliable, seeing how you take grand sweeping statements that are only your personal assumption—with plenty of cult brainwashing thrown in—and then guarantee their veracity and truth. Waiting for a plethora of replies? Don’t flatter yourself. The only reason the funny, intelligent, kind, honest, truthful and well-adjusted members of this site would bother to reply to someone with such obnoxious arguments as you is simply for our own entertainment. Really, you’re simply not worth our time. Our lives are much, much bigger than that. (reply to this comment)
| from from sinistar wanna be Monday, March 29, 2004 - 08:37
    (Agree/Disagree?) hey Sinistar! Can u give me some pointers on how I can become successful in life like you? I'd hate to be like some of of these losers that went back to school for 4-6 yrs to become lawyers, nurses, engineers and crap! God! What's wrong with these people? How can they waste so much time on "higher education"? Life is so short to waste it on trying to make it better. I just wanna make some quick easy money. After all, that is the "responsable" thing to do right? Hey, maybe I'll stand on a street corner and do some FFing. That worked pretty well when I was a kid. (reply to this comment)
| from Benz Monday, March 29, 2004 - 00:37
    (Agree/Disagree?) Assuming you are right and that people on this site “have no lives” etc, why does create such an angry tone? Assuming you are above it all, and have moved on so much better than everyone else, why does that make you angry? Perhaps we should be looking at your remarks as a sort of misguided “shock treatment” therapy. – ‘Yell at the person until he agrees with you’ technique. Perhaps you think your derogatory, angry remarks are going to have a good effect in the long term. – You have, after all, moved on ahead of the rest of us. Since you object so strongly to people’s expressions of their own experiences and personal perspective’s, I assume you have a good reason. – I doubt though that the reason(s) for your objections are out of concern for those on this site, but rather I suggest, because things have been said which you disagree with on a personal level. You seem to be in possession of a secret formula for overcoming effects of abuse (ie: rape, deprivation of basic rights of children), perhaps you could begin a counselling career, maybe even write a book. I’m positive your various bytes like: “lame ass cop out”, “taking a little f***ing responsibility”, “whatever f***ed up state you might be in”, “I don’t give a shit what someone allegedly did to you”, “the majority of you pity babys are spinning so much bulls***”, “the past doesn’t make the man”, etc, would be a real hit with those individuals around the world who have been victims of criminal acts/ abuse, etc. You are a true star!!! (reply to this comment)
| from Shackled Monday, March 29, 2004 - 00:35
    (Agree/Disagree?) "My god you people are pathetic! " Whats pathetic is that you're a drug dealer and you're telling us how to live. And 2nd, everyone here is either going to college or making something of their life. The cop out is you, going for the fast buck, regardless of who you hurt. “ All sitting around growing fat while bantering about all the "horrible, unimaginable" things that supposedly happened to you as children.” Most everyone on this site is either in college or working full-time. Definitely not sitting around feeling sorry for themselves. “This all sounds to me like just another lame ass cop out on whatevers wrong in your lives instead of taking a little fucking responsiblity for the decisions that you yourselves have made (poorly i might add)” Are you saying getting an education and working at a legitimate job is a poor decision? Once again, this coming from you, a drug dealer. “thats no reason not to get on with your life however pathetic it might be.” I find it surprising that you think going to college and working at a legitimate job is pathetic. And also that you find this as not getting on with our lives. You’re the one that needs get on with your life and support society instead of draggin it down. You're the scum of society and I'll be laughin when you get put behind bars. I think you need to spend abit more time feeling the pain of others, venting yours in a healthy manner and take a reading comprehension class; latter would be more important in your case. You've probably got the most time to sit on your ass compared to rest of us. You're a truly sad case and although I'll be laughin when you face justice; I'll also see you as another victim of TF and it's sad. A shame to the potential you could of had. (reply to this comment)
| from porceleindoll Sunday, March 28, 2004 - 21:18 (Agree/Disagree?) I think it's a Family kid (or adult--who knows?) trying to get a rise. (reply to this comment)
| from megamouth Sunday, March 28, 2004 - 13:00
    (Agree/Disagree?) whats a fuck nut? and how many bunches of 'fuck nuts' have you actually seen? Are you a fuck nut expert? (reply to this comment)
| | | from deal with it Sunday, March 28, 2004 - 12:34
    (Agree/Disagree?) When we were old enough we left and made new lives for ourselves. You are a sorry person for being unable to see how hard everyone on this site has worked to move on from what they had before. My suggestion is, why don't you go out and attemt to get a life and stop worrying about what everybody else is doing and how they are "progressing". Moron (reply to this comment)
| from Lauren Sunday, March 28, 2004 - 12:01
    (Agree/Disagree?) If you're gonna wait around for a plethora of "feel sorry for me" replies, then 1) you don't know shit about the people who post on this site, and 2) you're a sorry loser with way too much time on your hands. I find it fascinating that the people who yell the loudest for everyone else to "move on" are usually the ones who have no lives themselves. I've never yet seen the doctors, lawyers, MBAs, entrepreneurs, programmers, writers and the many other professionals who visit this site lecture people to "move on". Ironically, it is these same professionals who are being told they have no lives. It sounds like you yourself should get a life. It never ceases to amaze me how such ignorance can produce such arrogance. (reply to this comment)
| from Dani Sunday, March 28, 2004 - 11:13
    (Agree/Disagree?) That's a bit rich coming from someone who claims to be a drug dealer. If that is really your profession I consider you to be just as bad the family. Scum like you destroy lives and don’t care who you hurt in the process of making quick money. You’re right where we are right now in our lives is our own choice. (reply to this comment)
| from frmrjoyish Sunday, March 28, 2004 - 10:42
    (Agree/Disagree?) Well, well, it's been a few months since we've seen one of these types of articles. I guess it was time for a new one! As for you, sinestar, you obnoxious little prick, let me tell you that I come to this site because I personally know several people on here. It's a way for me to reconnect with people from my childhood who I may not get to have personal contact with on a daily basis. And there are others who I don't know that I consider friends because I have more in common with them that I will ever have with people I've known for the last 5 to 10 years since leaving the cult. If you don't want, like, or need to be on this site, then run along and take your judgmental, critical, and emotionally immature attitude with you! (reply to this comment)
| from cassy Sunday, March 28, 2004 - 10:00
    (Agree/Disagree?) Just from the way you write, it sounds like you've got a lot of agression in your own life that you haven't dealt with properly. Instead of directing your anger and those who are the victims, you should be directing it at the parties who are responsible for it, because they are the ones that deserve it. I don't think there is anyone on this site that that would fit into your discription of "the shitty way you turned out". Look at the profiles of the membership; students, lawyers, social workers, nurses, parents, etc. It might help to read some books on Child abuse. I've read some recently as I work for Parentline Plus, where we deal with calls about abuse and we try to help and counsel parents through difficult times. My university course also has given me insight into child development through detailed research and accounts of people who have worked for years in the field of abuse. Rage is something that every abused child feels as he grows into adulthood. And supressing it is unhealthy and can lead to many psychological and physical problems (remember this is statistically proven--not just an opinion). In order to get rid of rage you need to be able to verbalize it, no matter how horrible it is. This website is just that, a place to talk about feelings no matter how raw. It sounds like from what you've said that you have things in your past that you feel angry about, but it doesn't seem that you've gotten over it properly. That anger is now been turned and unleashed at those who you feel haven't "moved on" like you think you have. This itself shows that you haven't "moved on" either in true respect, for if you did, you'd be understanding and not judgemental. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Vicky Sunday, March 28, 2004 - 07:51
    (Agree/Disagree?) I would like to hear your explanation of how it was a little girls own decision to be raped or assaulted by someone who was supposed to be a loving adult??? How was it a teenager's own decision to be denied medical care when desperately needed??? How was it a child's own decision to be raised in an environment where lengthy beatings were considered a 'loving' way of 'correcting' perfectly normal childish/teenage behaviour??? Who the hell do you think you are? Who gave you the right to dismiss the suffering that some of the people who post here lived with for years with no way out? You should be ashamed of yourself! Your article isn't hardly worth replying to, except to say that I thoroughly despise your attitude - It's the kind of thing I'd expect from a child who is incapable of understanding anything more than the most simple concepts, and I think you are way out of your depth here - You couldn't begin to understand the complex issues faced by some of the people here, who ARE, by the way, getting on with their lives and working through the difficulties they face with more courage and determination than you could even dream of having! You have SO pissed me off with your stupid, insensitive and completely uncalled-for aggression, and since you fail to see the point of this website anyway, you don't have to stick around! (reply to this comment)