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Getting Real : Speak your peace
To dear JoeH | from 1984 - Sunday, August 10, 2003 accessed 2493 times Me permito escribir a JoeH en nombre de 1984, un excelente amigo mío, quien me solicitó re escribir estas líneas debido a que se encuentra algo exasperado por la obsesiva y casi clínica preocupación que JoeH asigna a un tema tan importante como es la morfosintaxis sincrónica del Inglés. Escribo esta introducción en Castellano poque Joe no tiene problemas en comprender otras lenguas, según dijo, sin embargo, mi buena educación (en términos informales, por supuesto) me indica que el resto del artículo sea en Inglés por respeto a los lectores. en fin, mi intensión no es polemizar, pero si es así, bienvenida sea la polçemica, especialmente, la polémica linguistica, que es la que me apasiona. JoeH, it is good to see that someone is so interested in grammar and everything that deals with the language and its structure, its form; but JoeH, please, do not forget that there is also,in Language, an aspect that we call Semantics... as you probably well know, this part of language study deals with meaning, that is to say, with "what we say"(level of meaning) rather than "how we say it" (level of structure, form)... so, as an advise, sorry, advice, i would say that, don´t worry, as far as you understand what people say, it does not matter the way how they say it... and thanks JoeH for your very kind advice, in terms of getting an education, i will go back to school; although I have a degree already and i´m quite succesful in what i´m doing. PS I really hope my spelling and structure did not bother you since I´m not an English speaker my self, but I did the best I could in order to express my self properly at the level of meaning. Pps JoeH, I nearly forgot, there is a very interesting book written by one of the most important sociolinguist in the English world (TRUDGILL). In this text ( An Introduction to Sociolinguistics) He has said that "Grammar prescribes", but "Linguistics describes", grammarians are interested in "how" it is say it, but linguists are interested in "what" is said... as you likely have seen, I prefer to be part of the second group, though the first one is very important as well. And JoeH, never mind, as "uncle Trud" has said: "As society is reflected in language, social change can produce a corresponding linguistics change" (Trudgill, 1995). So, there is hope for us JoeH, in the future we will try to be better, in linguistc terms of course. peace to You. |
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Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from profesor Sunday, November 27, 2005 - 09:30 (Agree/Disagree?) inteción se escribe con c (de casa) y lleva acento, mijito rico. (reply to this comment)
| from Joe H Tuesday, August 12, 2003 - 19:42 (Agree/Disagree?) Okay 1984, you're on. I'll drop the quibbling about spelling and grammar and focus on semantics to prove your complete lack of knowledge thereof. Since I had no idea what you were talking about, I went browsing through the archives to find our initial discussion. These phrases of yours stood out: "repeating in capital letters did a lot for his opinion, his thesis still remains unreffutable. " and then when I confronted you about whether it was a fact, a thesis, or an opinion, you replied: "It is an opinion, a thesis, and a fact. Why? it´s an opinion because it is my personal subjective idea of the matter. It´s a thesis because we have a problematic situation ( did He get money or not?) and we have the answer to our problematic situation: the fact: Yes, he has got some money! " Are these words truly synonymous? Are your definitions even accurate (never mind the fact that they conflict each other)? Why don't we get into semantics and crack open our big dusty friend the dictionary? - Thesis - an unproved statement put forward as a premise in an argument Opinion - a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty Fact - an event known to have happened or something known to have existed No one has proven that Ricky received money, it is merely hearsay. From this it is painfully clear that your word choices not only cause your argument to be riddled with fallacies, but they also reflect very poorly on you and the institution which you claim has given you a degree. Please familiarize yourself with basic vocabulary before you lecture me or anyone else on semantics. (reply to this comment)
| From 1984 Thursday, August 14, 2003, 18:44
    (Agree/Disagree?) "...Okay 1984, you're on. I'll drop the quibbling about spelling and grammar and focus on semantics to prove your complete lack of knowledge thereof. Since I had no idea what you were talking about, I went browsing through the archives to find our initial discussion..." According to your own words (not mine) you "have no idea of what i was talking about", so i would be wasting my time here trying to argue with you, and of course, it would not be fair on my part to argue about topics that you do not know very well (again, your words, not mine); however, you are stating about my "... complete lack of knowledge...". Joeh, i think that if you re-read what i wrote you will agree with me in terms of that the main point deals with the difference between FORM and CONTENT, and as you likely have seen i tend to put my emphasis when i read or talk on what the author or the speaker sais rather than HOW it sais it. I won´t deal with my article because i think i was clear enough in order to state my point, it talks for it self. Now, with respect to your coment, i can clearly see that you are trying to avoid talking about the article, and stead, you have chosen to talk about things that i have written about "Ricky". joe, it is kind of difficult for me to deal with that since all my ideas with respect to the matter i have written them already, however, i would like to deal this time with the STRUCTURE and FORM (your favorite) and content of what i have stated, so, let´s go to the coment: "It is an opinion, a thesis, and a fact. Why? it´s an opinion because it is my personal subjective idea of the matter. It´s a thesis because we have a problematic situation ( did He get money or not?) and we have the answer to our problematic situation: the fact: Yes, he has got some money! " AGAIN, i do not have to explain the above, it talks for it self. if you analize your very own definitions you will find out Joe that my coment it has an intrinsic logic, i don´t see any intrinsic contradiction in what i have stated, furthermore, i have found in a very good dictionary another definition of thesis which can perfectly complement yours: THESIS: an idea, opinion or theory that is used to explain something (Mac millan English Dictionary,pub in 2002, page 1465) and with respect to your: "...No one has proven that Ricky received money.." that was not the point, in my article i was not stressing that, in fact, i didn´t even mention that, so i don´t see your point. i was not even talking about ricky, so i presume that you have chosen the "Ricky matter" ´couse you "have no idea of what i was talking about", which is not a very cleaver strategy in order to avoid my main point. now, with respect to your: "... your word choices not only cause your argument to be riddled with fallacies, but they also reflect very poorly on you and the institution which you claim has given you a degree. Please familiarize yourself with basic vocabulary before you lecture me or anyone else on semantics..." My word choices with respect to what argument? the article? my coments on Ricky? i think i have answered for both, and in both there is no intrinsic contradiction, on the contrary it has its own logic when it comes to the structure of ideas. with respect to your: "...reflect very poorly on you and the institution which you claim has given you a degree..." i have not claim anything on behalf on any institution, i talk for my self, in fact Joe, you have proven to avoid the Linguistic discussion i was putting in the article, and stead you have desided to bring out a completely diferent topic, so since you are the one who is avoiding the topic, i don´t see that this situation "reflect very poorly on me and the institution which has given me a degree..." on the contrary joe, it´s excactly the oposite. another thing Joe, it does not talk very well of your politeness when you, in stead of staying in the academical discussion, appeal to the personal discredit; I AM NOT THE TOPIC OF CONFLICT, THE TOPIC IN WHICH WE ARE HAVING AN ACADEMICAL DISCUSSION IS "form" and "meaning", just that. keep it in mind. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Joe H Thursday, August 14, 2003, 19:38 (Agree/Disagree?) Look buddy, you came out of nowhere claiming that I was the person "quien [te] solicitó re escribir estas líneas ". I didn't know which "lineas" you were talking about so I looked them up. But never mind your idiotic comments about Ricky, I don't even care whether he got money or not, I'm committed to stamping out ignorance and stupidity, that's why I took issue with your comments. But since you still think you expressed yourself correctly, let's give up trying to help you and move on to the topic of your article. Of course semantics are important, I never said that they aren't. Most people on here choose their words fairly well (with you as the obvious exception), and their grammar and spelling is the only major problem. However, I feel that the "how" is also very important, maybe not as important, but when it distracts from the "what," it gets very irritating. That being said, I haven't bashed anybody's grammar and spelling for quite some time, so I don't know why you're bringing this up. If you wanted to come out of nowhere and insult me in front of everybody than you should have expected some of the same in return. (reply to this comment) |
| | From 1984 Saturday, September 06, 2003, 02:33 (Agree/Disagree?) you came out of nowhere claiming that I was the person "quien [te] solicitó re escribir estas líneas ". joe, joe, joe, it seems that we have another proplem related to content (meaning) here. why? because of the following: I did not claim YOU were the person who asked me to rewrite this lines, as you unfortunatelly misunderstood. what i wrote was this: "Me permito escribir a JoeH en nombre de 1984, un excelente amigo mío, quien me solicitó re escribir estas líneas..." as any Spanish speaker can see, it sais anything but what you understood, just in case, what i wrote was the follwing: "I allow myself to write to JoeH on behalf of 1984 who is an excelent friend of mine who has asked me to rewrite this lines..." as a result of your unfortunate misunderstanding of irony (stilistic recourse) you have written several bitter lines against me as a person and about a whole culture which is not yours and is hard for you to understand beceuse of the lack of knowledge (in terms of content)you have shown with respect to a language you have claimed to know well enough.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Joe H Sunday, September 07, 2003, 15:27 (Agree/Disagree?) Yeah, I realized that a few days later, oops! But in my defense, seeing that 1984 is not a real name "en nombre de 1984" could have meant that you had adopted a nom de plum, just as easily as it could have meant that you were writing on behalf of another person. But that's not why I wrote "several bitter lines against you," I was annoyed by your obvious lack of knowledge of semantics, but this debate has gotten tired, so lets move on with our lives. Ta ta (reply to this comment) |
| | From 1984 Tuesday, September 09, 2003, 16:22 (Agree/Disagree?) I think you are right Joe, at least in two statements you have uttered above: 1. "Yeah, I realized that a few days later, oops!" 2. "... this debate has gotten tired..." and for the most part i have also gotten tired with this endless linguistic arguementation... however, "in my defense" (if you allow me to use your phrase) who has unfortunately shown "an obvious lack of knowledge of semantics" it has not been me as shown by your own "oops". words talk for themselves. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Spat Tuesday, September 09, 2003, 16:50 (Agree/Disagree?) In defense of Joe H I can state the following; Even thought I have on numerous occasions found myself in the receiving end of his never ending grammar “instructions”. I find his passion for the language and its correct usage commendable. I also feel that the times he does make an observation his intention is education and not humiliation. That being said, I did find Joe’s Spanish to be deplorable, so being that we all have our troubles in different languages. Joe, could you occasionally give us a break? (reply to this comment) |
| | From 1984 Thursday, August 14, 2003, 22:31 (Agree/Disagree?) JoeH, the only one who has insulted here is you, specially those lines concerning Perú and Peruvians, and with respect to spelling, i´m sure my English is much better than your very impolite Spanish. In terms of "form" your spelling is very poor as I have shown in your note below, and in terms of "content", well Joe, i don´t even have to mention it, the lack of respect you show for other cultures talks for it self. On my part that is the end on this polemic, i have better things to spend my time in, specially people and dear ones who have an honest interest in me. After reading your different notes about different things i have come to the conclusion that you are a very lonely person, it seems that you do not have friends, poor thing. however, peace to you.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Joe H Monday, August 25, 2003, 17:44 (Agree/Disagree?) Back when my family first left the group and started going to public school, we would occasionally taunt each other with "Well, you don't have any friends!" Nice to see that you're on the same maturity level. I have plenty of friends nowadays, most of whom are people I don't have to verbally pummel every five minutes for their extreme stupidity. Ta ta.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Peruano orgulloso de su patria. Wednesday, August 13, 2003, 22:34
    (Agree/Disagree?) JoeH. It's funny how you came out with the-'' our dusty old friend the dictionary'' stuff, when some one states an opinion is doesn't really matter the words or terms they use, but the opinion. We give names to things, what for you it is an apple for me it is manzana and for a chines it's something else so what's your point besides kissing ricky's ass, opinions, boy, not words or mare dictionary terms, you have such a child attitude, how can you tell some one that who is trying his or her best to talk to you in a lenguage which it isn't theirs that their words reflect poorly in the institution in which they studied, you're so arrogant, i'm taking the time to write you cause i've read some of your articules, you should have a better attitude with others, specially someone who grew up passing the kan around at stops lights, and don't blame your parents for it you big mother f... (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From 1984 Thursday, August 14, 2003, 19:09
    (Agree/Disagree?) Joe, Joe, i have found some grammatical mistakes in your little and very kind and friendly note, if you don´t mind i would like to point them out. let´s start with with ortografía acentual: according to Joe:terminos, ingles, asi, Vayanse, quedense, mas, Peru, estan, opinion. HOW we should write them: término, inglés, así, váyanse, quédense, más, Perú, están, opinión. Again Joe, the way you refer to Peruvians only tells the lack of consideration and impoliteness (to say the least) that you show for other cultures, though i am not a Peruvian myself, i would like to say that THEY have a very nice and rich ancient culture, so beautifuly expressed for Pablo Neruda in his "Alturas de Machu Pichu", so i do not think is fair to say : "quedense en los barrios mas cutres de Peru, ya que el ojo del culo del mundo es donde mejor estan." (your words) I have the conviction that Perú, in stead of being "el ojo ...", is one of the nicest places in South America, and their people are very proud of their ancient Inca culture, they were a civilization, of course, you woud not think like that since that in your part of the world the native Americans were all killed by people who thought like you. Joe, you´re not in the cult any longer, you should start changeing that way of thinking about other´s culture, it remains me so much of Berg, are you sure you´re out, i mean in your mind and heart?(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From Joe H Thursday, August 14, 2003, 19:47 (Agree/Disagree?) Ahora te vas a fijar en acentos? Un poco hipocrita no? Estoy seguro que Peru es un pais muy lindo. He conocido gente de alla, y Mario Vargas Llosa es uno de mis autores preferidos. Dicho eso, un barrio cutre es un barrio cutre, y me imagino que Lima los tiene de sobra, asi que quedaros ahi, y dejadme en paz. Y antes de acusarnos de haber matado a todos los indigenas, date cuenta de que los espanoles han sido entre los peores conquistadores, y mataron a muchos mas que los norteamericanos. Asi que si te gustan tanto los indios, deja de hablar idiomas europeos y vete a la puta selva a tomar por culo! (Gracias por la oportunidad de expresar mi ira en espanol, hace falta de vez en cuando)(reply to this comment) |
| | From 1984 Thursday, August 14, 2003, 22:58 (Agree/Disagree?) According to JoeH: Peru, pais, alla, quedaros ,ahi, espanoles, Asi, "How" we should write them:Perú, país, ahí, españoles, así. quedaos, ´cosue your using the second person singular, not the plural one. "what"(level of content) you have written:"puta selva a tomar por culo!" how can some one with such an education as you can express in those terms to the beautiful selva peruana, i can only come to one conclusion, and here i´m going to use my little knowledge in psychoanalysis: 1.you don´t know Perú, and you have not been to Perú and its Selva, otherwise you would not express your self in those impolite terms to it. 2. you don´t like Spanish culture, other wise you would not have stated what you have with respect to Spanish Conquistadores. 3. you are showing a lack of knowledge with respect to la conquista, el conquistador who has come to the South got mix with the native Southamericans (as i like to call them, in stead of your impolite and very political incorrect:"indios") 4. in conclusion Joe, i think that i have done much more in getting to know your culture than you have done in getting to know mine, i have respected yours, you have not respect mine, very sad. reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From Nancy Wednesday, August 13, 2003, 22:13
    (Agree/Disagree?) Hey, lay off Joe already! I never thought I'd being saying this, but he, like MGP, has grown on me a bit. I'm in a terrible mood anyway, but why does this site become such a hostile place? It's almost stressful now. It's really sad that when people are being sincere and saying their peace, they get attacked. It has a chilling effect on other people. I've heard from a couple people that they won't post because of it. That's no good. There should be a line some where. There should be a place on this site that people can vent their pain, their anger, their sadness and receive some support. Isn't that what people really need anyway? My younger brother just experienced a terrible motorcycle accident. He's 24 and lost his leg. That is a tragedy, especially given the terrible experiences he went through in the Family. I spoke to my other brother yesterday and he said the same thing that it's sad our brother has to endure this now after all the physical and psychological abuse he suffered in the Family. He suffered the most out of all of us. He ran away in the middle of the night from Mexico with a little money he'd hid in his shoe. He was 13! When he left, he already had scars on his body from beatings when he didn't "make his quota." I remember standing between this guy in the Family and my 11 year old brother when I was 16 to keep him from beating him anymore. And now, my little brother is in a hospital bed with broken arms, a broken wrist, a portion of his tongue bit off, broken ribs, an arm with the bone exposed and no right leg. It makes me question my faith. When will the suffering of these people young people ever stop? Who will ever care for them and protect them and take away all the emotional and physical pain? And Cherish just died, but only a hand full of people know. It truly breaks my heart. These people are not throw away. They matter, yet it seems like when their childhoods are over, their labor exploited to its full extent, their innocence stolen, then they are just discarded! It is a great injustice that begs to be righted, somehow. Where are our so called "loving" parents when their children are struggling to survive or laying in hospital beds or laying in their beds as grown adults crying themselves to sleep or taking guns to their heads? Where are they? Does their "loving, Christian" organization issue a statement? Do they even acknowledge that another of their children has lost his fight to make his way in the world? My brother has almost no education. He has no health insurance. He has nothing in the world, not even a whole body. Who is going to take care of him? Who is going to pay his medical bills, his rehab or buy his prosthetic? The government? If he'd been allowed to attend school rather than being out on the streets of Mexico begging money for years during his childhood, then maybe he would have an education to fall back on now that his body can no longer do manual labor. Where are the Family members my little brother supported while he was a child bringing in almost 50% of his small home's income at only 12 years of age? Where are they when he needs them? What's more, at 30, I should be able to help him, have some reserves to show for all my years of work, rather than just $103,000 of student loans. Yet, I have nothing and had to borrow the money for the plane ticket to see him in the hospital. So many things trace back to our childhoods. The effects of the Family in our and so many lives are devastating. It effects us years after we left. It's not easy to lose ones childhood, have no education and to expect to make up for it in just 10 years. It took seven just to get an education. All I'm saying is that this is wrong. It's wrong, just plain wrong. These people, our very own siblings, are forgotten and discarded. That is wrong. The Family is trying to save the world, when their own children are dying. Isn't there a Bible verse about seeing to ones own house first? The may claim to have won millions of souls, but their own children they could not and would not save. What is wrong with our parents? They seem not to have the maternal instincts of animals. A bear will attack you if she thinks her cub is in danger, yet our mothers sttod by while we were beaten, molested, deprived food, forbidden to speak, locked in rooms and tied to beds. What in God's name is wrong with our parents?(reply to this comment) |
| | From katrim4 Monday, August 18, 2003, 17:34 (Agree/Disagree?) Nancy, I wonder if I know you? So many details you give of your time in Mexico sound like someone I know. But I was kind of young so I may be thinking of the wrong person. I think our families lived together at the Ramada home in Monterrey. It is so sad to hear about your brother. If I'm thinking of the right family here, I remember him as being a really nice kid. He definitely did not deserve any of this. My thoughts are with you.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | From Nancy Tuesday, August 19, 2003, 15:26 (Agree/Disagree?) I just found it. I must have missed it earlier. That makes me happy that she is getting remarried. I like her husband, as well. Good people deserve a bit of happiness. Thanks for the regards to my brother. He's hanging on. If you hear from Christina, tell her to email me. I was in Texas this weekend. I would have loved to have spoken to her. I don't post my email address here. But, Jules can forward email to me. Take care! (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From mex Wednesday, August 13, 2003, 23:21
    (Agree/Disagree?) "It's really sad that when people are being sincere and saying their peace, they get attacked. It has a chilling effect on other people. I've heard from a couple people that they won't post because of it. That's no good." "There should be a line some where. There should be a place on this site that people can vent their pain, their anger, their sadness and receive some support. Isn't that what people really need anyway?" WTF? Is this the same Nancythat was attacking Ne Oublie on another thread for "saying their peace"? I am sorry about your brothers I have many myself, I think you have every right to be a bitch. (and i mean that in a good way, bitch)(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From Cultinvator Friday, August 15, 2003, 06:01
    (Agree/Disagree?) It sometimes takes a bit of movingonangering to pick up on some of Joe H's habbits. Joe H needs attention, if you haven't noticed. And so I'm writting to clarify the obvious. He is not interested in any grammar, that's just a joke they put out because he felt left out in his family affair of moving on participation. So Joe H prides himself on giving anyone a hard time. He doesn't give a shit about politcs, or culture so long as you contradict him, you've just become his best friend. I like 1984 for his perseverance, but Joe H is just another lost soul up in the Northwest who just got over some dissapointing news down south, let's give him a break and continue the trend of nitpicking, which is what he's good at. Bien dicho 1984, good for you Joe for not giving up on the mudslinginging... it seems like your demand is high these days. Don't ignore him... I don't know what he'd spend his otherwise pussychasing time with. Trends like this only work on cyberspace... he'd probably end up in the pacific ocean with some bad scratches otherwise. (reply to this comment) |
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