Getting Real : Tea for Two
Crap | from Tea - Thursday, October 10, 2002 accessed 1129 times Crap I don’t know about you, but me— I hate my job! And I get the impression that the job hates me too. The more I try to not think about it the more I do. A hate-hate relationship, really. But why do we do it? Oh, don’t answer. It’s depressing. But we do it for money. We do it for status. We do it for fame. We do it for fortune. We do it for family. We do it for friends. We do it for self. We do it for country. We do it for God. We do it for sex. We do it for love. We do it to do it. We do it ‘cause we don’t know what else to do. We do it ‘cause we don’t want to be the only ones caught standing still when the music stops. We do it ‘cause we figure that it’s better to do something than it is to hang around doing nothing. We do it ‘cause we told ourselves that it’s something we’ve always wanted to do. We do it because we didn’t know we were doing it. We do it ‘cause we’ve run out of reasons why not. We do it ‘cause we never had any reasons in the first place. And, oh! I nearly forgot: we do it ‘cause, damn, everyone else is doing it. And yes we do it ‘cause it’s really a hell of a lot easier than doing the alternative. And pray tell me just what the alternative is? We don’t know, of course. Never have. But it’s still true, we think. We do it for power. We do it for prestige. We do it ‘cause they all said we couldn’t. We do it to prove we can. We did it for fun. Now, we do it for survival. We do it ‘cause we’re afraid of the reverse: it doing us. We do it ‘cause we’re afraid to admit that it is doing us and that it has been for quite some time now. We do it ‘cause they told us to do it. We said that we were going to be different from them, and that we weren’t going to do it. We were going to change the world, we said. And the very fact that they had to tell us that we had to do it made it all that much worse. But we all grew up and got jobs. We needed it, so we did it. Yep. Just like that. Here we all go. So there. Crap. |