Getting Real : Tea for Two
Bedlam in the Belfry | from Tea - Wednesday, July 24, 2002 accessed 1470 times Bedlam in the Belfry Doesn’t anyone read anymore? They don’t read books. I know that. They don’t read newspapers either. But you knew that too, I suppose. Only Nutrition Facts required by the FDA. Fuck them. Symbols. Fractured symbols. Fractured symbols of people. Fractured symbols of jaded people. Fractured symbols of jaded people that used to be happy. Or so they all claimed to be. But now look at them now. Fractured symbols of jaded people that used to be happy But who aren’t happy anymore. I warned them. But no! They had to go off like everyone else. She did call them. True. But they answered. They obliged. They went. They followed. She did to them what she wished. It was what they secretly wished for too. Hell was worth the ride. At least they’ll spend eternity with happy memories. We hope. People are so stupid. They knew she didn’t love them. That she could never love anyone. She could only love herself. Yet they wanted her. The men. They craved her. The Women. Oh, the women! Such passion and devotion. At least the men came once or twice then died. But the women. Those luscious, lustful women. They broke the off-button. Or they never had one to begin with. And they broke everything else too for that matter: The beds. The lamps. The chairs. The sinks. The drawers. The windows. Ouch! Watch the windows! The glass. Pick it up! Oh, no! Down. Put it down. Now! (Too late.) The pain! Ah! She grinned and begged for more. They all did. More. More. More. Curtains up. Circus pulls in. All hell breaks loose. Bedlam in the courtyard. Bedlam in the backyard. Bedlam in the bedroom. Bedlam in the belfry. Mayhem! Pure and simple. Well, not quite so simple. But… [Insert knowing smile here.] Everyone’s running around everywhere. Everywhere else, that is. I saw the sexy, witchy, authoritarian types With jet-black hair streaked with purple, blue or red, With whips, chains, and straps Preying on the smaller, slender, helpless Blonde-baby-eyed bimbos As they waited to be preyed on themselves. But the blondes– No girl is all that dumb— They knew what was coming for them. And they wanted it. Just like you want it. Just like every girl wants it. Really. You could see the desire in their eyes. The witchy ones you’d like ‘Cause you knew that you’d have to Fight Cry And die For what you wanted. Oh, they’d make sure of that. But at least they’d give it to you. And the other girls— Well, you wanted to protect them, you said. But we knew you better than that. Hell’s not about protection. It’s about the fucked and the damned! So cut the crap and fuck them, If you haven’t already. Or they will off you If they haven’t already And go down on each other (again), If they haven’t already. And you’ll foot the bill. And no! You’re not “just visiting” either. Not anymore. But we don’t mind, we say. We’ve never had a problem with paying the fiddler. We’ve just never liked him. That’s all. Is that so bad? But now. My, oh my! She ain’t no fiddle And she ain’t no fiddler. She’s a whole new dream. And we’ve bought into her just like an IPO. We’ve sold our mothers, our wives, our daughters, And our souls to her. In the end, it was all about sex, really. In the end it’s always all about sex. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from visitor Monday, July 29, 2002 - 17:47 (Agree/Disagree?) Absolutely stunning! I stumbled upon this site...I'm not sure about all this abuse talk I'm reading about, but this prose was a masterpiece. You know, people like you get expensive scholarships to prestigious universities for writing like that! (reply to this comment)
| | | from dave Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 17:38 (Agree/Disagree?) Man, I knew you were good, but I had no idea you were THIS good. Smashing! (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | from Joe Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 14:10 (Agree/Disagree?) very bizarre and thought provoking, thanks for not writing typical sappy, Jewel-esque poetry like so many women do (sorry for the assumption if you happen to be male) Honestly, did anyone read that piece of crap "Night without armor" (oooh such a clever pun)? I picked it up out of morbid curiosity and because I felt my intellect hadn't been insulted enough that day, and stumbled across poetic gems such as "God is in my underwear, won't you come out and play?" Atrocious! (reply to this comment)
| | | | | From Alf Thursday, July 25, 2002, 12:23 (Agree/Disagree?) Yes, ive always considered precious precious Jewel as a poetic mentor of sorts and there's alot of jealousy by people who simply dont have the gift she does. She's a very special person. I'm working on several poems right now and a song too (inspired by Jewel). I'll publish it in ask alf if the kids ask nicely or even just to show another one of the lord's gifts to me, his 2nd in command here on earth.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | from Albatross Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 12:11 (Agree/Disagree?) Ah....beautiful that one. And the last line is the truest of them all. Daniel (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from Free_Dom_Fighter Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 07:30 (Agree/Disagree?) Hey Tea, glad this is finally posted...been waiting with bated breath...you're good, dude. Impressed indeed! Like I told you, I love twistedness in all its divine, spiritual forms. :-) (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | from EyesWideShut Wednesday, July 24, 2002 - 05:32 (Agree/Disagree?) This really stands out. I've never read a piece that feels similar to this. Verrry interesting. Well done! (reply to this comment)
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