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Getting Real : Faith No More

Jesus = Hoax

from Free-Thinker - Monday, May 30, 2005
accessed 2242 times

The Romans were very anal about record keeping, and in fact invented our modern methods of record keeping and filing.

There exists no record of a
crucifixion of anyone named or called Jesus of Nazareth (the town of Nazareth,
in fact, did not exist during the Roman period), Jesus bar Joseph, or either
the Aramaic or Hebrew equivalents of those names. Oh, several hundred Jews
named Jesus were executed by the Romans, for all sorts of alleged crimes,
but "Jesus" (or "Joshua" or "Yeshua") was as common a name among Jews of
that time period as it is among Hispanics today.

Heaven and Hell are totally made up. The idea of an afterlife in either a
Heaven or a Hell is completely foreign to Jewish people today, and certainly
not part of the Judaism of Roman times either.

Jesus is not the Jewish messiah. The Jewish messiah was to be a political
leader who would restore the nation of Israel. Today many modern Jews
believe the establishment of Israel itself is the promise of the messiah.
If Jesus had lived, then certainly Jews would have recognized him as the
messiah. But he never lived in the first place. "Oh," some will say, "It
was prophesied that the Jews would reject Jesus as messiah." You can stand
any scripture on it's head to prove your point, but the fact is that the
Jesus story was written to fulfill the prophesy.

"What about the writings of Josephus?" Josephus was a Roman "Uncle Tom."
He'd write anything to please his masters. The fact that he writes what
he does about Jesus just shows that he was a xtian all along. Much scholarship
has shown though that Josephus was just making it up as he went, and basically
repeating the mythology as he was told it (

What about God? What about sin?

What about being brainwashed? What about being societal controls? That's
what xtianity is all about anyway: societal control. It's about made up
standards of behavior, enforced by the threat of torture in a supposed
afterlife. But more than that, it's about patriarchy and capitalism.
It's about owning things: land, houses, slaves, and women. It's about
controlling your possessions (control a woman's sexuality and you control
her mind as well).

Xtianity is all negative. The only reason a sane person would ever become
a xtian is to escape hell. There is nothing at all in xtianity that is attractive.
It's all about self-deprecation, poor self image, and codependency. It's all about
blaming others for your own mistakes, or for your circumstances. Further, to sell
xtianity evangelists spend all their time and energy demonizing the competition.
Instead of telling us what's great about being a xtian, they spend all their time
telling us what's terrible about being anything else. That's because xtianity has
nothing to offer you in reality. It's all about what might happen to you when you
die, so you end up living in preparation for death.

Sin is an invention created to make us need a savior. Who are we being saved from?
Jesus' father-god. If he didn't exist we wouldn't be needing salvation. But the
father-god of Jesus as depicted in the Bible is much more like Satan that like a
loving father. In fact, I believe that Satan and god are the same being. That would
explain an awful lot about the Go'uld named Yahweh, and his equally Go'uld like son.

Xtianity (the fundamentalist variety) is also the greatest threat to our democracy,
and to the world, ever. Fundy's want to make the United States a Christian theocracy
(like Iran only using the Bible, not the Koran). To this end, they have made up
wholesale lies about the founding fathers, the founding documents, and even our
national symbols (which I discuss elsewhere). The folks at Theocracy Watch have
done a much better job than I could have at researching this. I suggest you wander
over there and check it all out. But this all stands to reason. Why wouldn't a group
of power/money hungry testosterone driven pigs use lies, lies and more lies (the technique
Hitler used in that if you tell a lie often enough people will begin to believe it
(overused today by right wing radio hosts)), to bring about the takeover of a country?
After all their own religion is based on the biggest lie of them all.

Reader's comments on this article

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from Wikipedia Geek
Sunday, August 05, 2007 - 11:03


Even a free thinker like yourself should be careful not to believe everything they read on the internet. Would it kill you to doublecheck your facts with before writing an article?
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from SeanSwede
Sunday, August 05, 2007 - 05:39

Thats right tellim`!
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from ice daemon
Tuesday, January 16, 2007 - 17:33

rock on free thinker! if only there were more mofo's like u who had the guts to challenge all the shite that people these days believe in!!
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from steam
Monday, August 14, 2006 - 15:33

The above post and some of the replies have a lot in common. In that they state as fact many things that are either unknowable or at the least highly legitamitly debatable. I am not a Christian, but find some of the statements in the post to be way out of line with reality, many of them demonstrably so. However the narrowmindedness of some of the responders, shows how the poster may have come to those conclusions from interacting with people like that.
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from exister99
Monday, August 14, 2006 - 13:14

Brilliant! We should talk. I'm in Austin, TX. Email me:
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from skurtu1
Monday, August 14, 2006 - 10:15

Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5(Agree/Disagree?)
I have to comment on this thread. First off, free thinker certainly doesn't want anyone feeling sorry for him. I believe he is sincerely seeking true spirituality, which is certainly not christian theology. As I've read the threads here I can't help but also hear an echo of the brainwashing that all here were subjected to while being raised or living with TF. I've often asked the question, "If I was born to a Muslim or Buddhist family wouldn't I believe that my system of beliefs are the supreme beliefs?" Everyone here has been raised to believe that christianity is the one true religion, but, Karl Marx said that "Religion is the opiate of society". There is some truth in that. Centuries of christianity have left in its wake millions of people abused & victimized by so called christians, and that includes ex family members & 2nd generationers. Wake up & take the risk of jumping off the cliff into the unknown & be willing to question whether christianity is true. We are so quick to disclaim other religions as false due to our own brainwashing, but what if you are wrong. If God is real I think he can handle your questions & your doubts. It has been questions throughout history that have led to change, but the family taught us not to question & instilled a fear of eternity in hell if we questioned & doubted. Take the challenge & question your faith & belief system. Learn to be tolerant of those that don't believe as you do. Don't be guilty of mimicing the same family ideals of intolerance & fear of questioning. I think if you take a sincere journey into the unknow with an open mind you will come out stronger in your faith or having a whole different faith.
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From solemn
Monday, August 14, 2006, 11:21

Oddly enough after leaving TF I tried to "rediscover" Christianity. I approached it with an open mind but found that I had to close my mind if I wanted to believe. I have found that the greatest impediments to Christianity are the bible, by virtue of its endless contradictions and discrepancies, and Christians because I have yet to meet a more disagreeable, unhappy, selfish, and untrustworthy group of people.(reply to this comment
from GG
Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 04:33

I feel sorry for you really.
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From onemrjones
Monday, August 14, 2006, 02:09

I see how it is very easy to feel sorry for someone who is as godless as "free-thinker" is. The truth about that is, that "free-thinker leans upon his own understanding of spirtual matters rather than actually for himself seek God out for answers in His Word the Bible.Because he has not sought God out as we are all to do with our time here on earth , he would rather in his frustration put everything about God down for a lack of understanding. For this action(s) of his , no one should waste time pittying him, but rather employ prayer to a righteous God that we who do believe are quite confident will hear and answer our prayer(s) for free-thinker and those who follow him likewise as a result of his letter. Free-thinker is only free to think what he understands , but not that which he does not. He definetly does not understand Christianity at all, because his mind is yet carnal. Have ye not heard, "you must be born again"? Lean not upon your own understanding. For until you do dig (seek God) for understanding other than your worldly misconceptions your eyes shall not be alumined, period. The source you seem to quote your information from truly is no source at all compared to God as source. Only you can have a change of mind and heart that will benefit you free-thinker into an eternity of bliss verses one of hell.It is a matter of choice and free-thinker has made a choice just the wrong one. Choose life!(reply to this comment
From Shut up
Monday, August 14, 2006, 09:12

You ignorant fuck.(reply to this comment
From onemrjones
Monday, August 14, 2006, 01:59

I see how it is very easy to feel sorry for someone who is as godless as "free-thinker" is. The truth about that is, that "free-thinker leans upon his own understanding of spirtual matters rather than actually for himself seek God out for answers in His Word the Bible.Because he has not sought God out as we are all to do with our time here on earth , he would rather in his frustration put everything about God down for a lack of understanding. For this action(s) of his , no one should waste time pittying him, but rather employ prayer to a righteous God that we who do believe are quite confident will hear and answer our prayer(s) for free-thinker and those who follow him likewise as a result of his letter. Free-thinker is only free to think what he understands , but not that which he does not. He definetly does not understand Christianity at all, because his mind is yet carnal. Have ye not heard, "you must be bor again"? Lean not upon your own understanding. For until you do dig (seek God) for understanding other than your worldly misconceptions your eyes shall nort be alumined, period. The source you seem to quote your information from truly is no source at all compared to God as source. Only you can have a change of mind and heart that will benefit you free-thinker into an eternity of bliss verses one of hell.It is a matter of choice and free-thinker has made a choice just the wrong one. Choose life!(reply to this comment
from Arneth
Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 04:26

You're forgetting that very few first century Roman writings actually exist in the first place relating to Palestine. The few that do only relate to geography and some Jewish customs. The Romans were meticulous, but the Jews were even more so, in fact they were the primary culture to emphasize accurate handing down of oral traditions. The Gospel accounts fit everything we know about the time period, social conditions and politics of the region. The sects described are those of the first century. Herod the Great actually existed, as did Herod Antipas. The geography (apart from the noticeable absence of mention to Sepphoris) is spot-on. Nazareth most certainly existed during the Roman period. I can't believe you just go searching the Internet and swallowing wholesale the first debunking page you come across. Try doing some real historical scholarship for a change.
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from exister99
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 - 21:04


If you feel the need to hear directly from the Lord click here:
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from smn in TX
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 - 19:49

Where in TX do you live, Free thinker?
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from one who knows
Wednesday, August 03, 2005 - 17:07


I agree.
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From hashke
Tuesday, August 30, 2005, 14:48


Do we beleive because we dont understand what the after life is? Do we beleive because we need to beleive in something? Is it just a human need, like a nessesity?

Or do we beleive because a greater power exsists?With greater power I dont mean christ,god,berg,zerby................"all those fam. villins" etc.

Did any of you people ever get that feeling that what we did for a good part of our lives was totally in vain?I actually tryed to beleive in what my dad and mom so lovingly spoon fed me for a good !/4 of my life,was all bullshit.How can anyone be so irrisponsible to raise their kids in "non" neutral enviroment.

Can I take them to court for that? (pun intended)

hit me

peace (reply to this comment

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