Getting On : Faith
Children of Catholic Priests | from Childrenofpriests - Monday, May 22, 2006 accessed 1066 times A new web site has been started called ChildrenOfPriests.org This website is dedicated to the tens of thousands of lives affected by the fatherhood of Catholic Priests. The life of the child and mother are profoundly changed by coming into this secret, often denied subculture of the Roman Catholic faith. There are numerous accounts of priests leaving the priesthood after fathering a child. Many of these men married their wives and have completed the familial bond. Countless others remained in the priesthood. Some denying their parental responsibilities, and others living a life of duality... serving the church and attempting a familial life in secrecy The purpose of this message is to solicit articles and helpful advice for inclusion on the web site. What kinds of articles are needed? Everything! These don't have to be in-depth articles, but anything that shares your experience or relates your thoughts and insights on this subject and its related |