Getting On : Party On
The 30-Second Test - May, 2006 | from AndyH - Tuesday, May 30, 2006 accessed 1896 times This is hilarious, I found it on the family's page. http://www.thefamily.org/work/article.php3?id=966 By Kevin "I don't believe in an unseen God! Why would He be so arrogant as to hide Himself, then expect us to believe in His love, while allowing things like war and hate?" I had come with some other members of the Family International to the annual Zurich [Switzerland] Street Parade, where half a million people from all over the world get high on music, drugs, and weird clothes. This fellow wanted to be upset at God, but he also knew there had to be more to life than a mundane existence. He popped more Ecstasy, then blurted, "If there is no afterlife, then all I've strived to achieve will be gone, including all I've learned and experienced! Such a waste of energy! There's got to be something out there, something that all of this is building up to, but I don't believe it's Heaven. If you can prove that God is real, I'll take Him. But how can you prove His existence, or that He is love, as you say? Can you prove it by this imperfect world that He supposedly created, or by the missing body of some dead Jew? You can't prove God!" "I will prove Him to you," I said, "but you've got to put away all of your own ideas about Him for the next 30 seconds. You're going to ask Him to come into your heart and fill your life with His love. If after that He doesn't change you, if you don't experience His love, then you will have wasted 30 seconds. But what if He is real and He does make a difference? What if He turns your life around? You have everything to gain and only 30 seconds to lose. Don't you want to give it a try?" He thought for a moment, then said, "Okay, I'll try it!" I prayed with him for Jesus to prove Himself by filling his heart with His Spirit of love, and as he finished his prayer, a tear rolled down his cheek. He hugged me and said that he knew God was real because he felt love like he had never known before. Before he disappeared into the crowd again, he gave me his e-mail address and said that he wanted God to stay with him forever." DUH! Why do you think they call it the love drug? |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from spike5150 Thursday, October 25, 2007 - 19:05 (Agree/Disagree?) The most pills I ever sold at a rave was 200 and I still never had any complaints of religous experiences. (reply to this comment)
| from smashingrrl Wednesday, July 19, 2006 - 23:00 (Agree/Disagree?) God I miss E. But the question is, why does god make you so damn thirsty and not give up a friggin back rub when you're rolling. That's why I know there's no god even on E. If someone loves you, they're rubbing your back or flashing pretty lights in your face. (reply to this comment)
| from loch Friday, July 14, 2006 - 10:26 (Agree/Disagree?) Thats E-love for you right there! (reply to this comment)
| from Nick Friday, June 02, 2006 - 08:51 (Agree/Disagree?) Here is a pic I found on there site of Sam. http://www.thefamily.org/work/enlarge.php3?photoid=218&total=5&countryID=27&id=0 That pick is YEARS old as I know sam has been out for ages. I wonder if he knows they are using his pic's. (reply to this comment)
| From ThinkingDavinci Saturday, June 03, 2006, 15:49 (Agree/Disagree?) Holy Christ Nick! Do you mean to tell me I'm still being used by the cult years after I left??!! Omigod!!! Such erroneous implications. And I was so good looking too...... Maybe that's why they keep my picture around, their gene pool has weakened, personal hygeine is failing & bad nutrition is eating away at their bones. They also missed the Sonicare revolution in favor of "who's got the Funk" revolution & are losing all their teeth. Shocking. Damn! Drop me a line some time!!(reply to this comment) |
| | from Nick Friday, June 02, 2006 - 08:09 (Agree/Disagree?) The whole way he describes the guy "popping another X" makes me doubt his story. He makes it sound like the dude was popping these pills and getting an immediate high while he was talking to him. Like the immediate affect of coke. The whole thing sounds made up. Even if it is true, I feel sorry for the dude that gave him the email addy. Poor dude is gonna wake up tomorrow, all sober and hung-over. Will open his email to see a weird email from a religious nutter that he met the night before and think to himself "Man I gotta stop getting so stupid and loveing everyone when I party!" LOL, poor fucker... (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | From AndyH Thursday, July 20, 2006, 13:16 (Agree/Disagree?) Hey, I come from a long line of alcholics, it's my heritage. You've got it backwards, if I ever drop E when I'm sober, I won't touch alcohol, but when I go out drinking and I start to get tired or too trashed, I always end up doing coke to perk up and prolong the party, and then of course sooner or later someone brings out the beans, and the night ends about noon the next day with me puking and hating my damn alcohol impaired judgement. I'm probably gonna be in you neck of the woods around november, we should hang out. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | from steam Friday, June 02, 2006 - 07:53 (Agree/Disagree?) Damn now you have me looking at other bizzare link on that site Here is one from "Superman" http://www.thefamily.org/work/article.php3?id=883 To the Rescue! - May, 2005 From James The Mottos for Success calendars are a hit here. One woman who runs a very fancy shop says that many a quote has saved the day. She keeps it on the front desk of her shop, and so many customers have commented on it that she started taking orders for me to fill and giving people my phone number. Now I get lots of calls asking, "Are you the man with the Mottos ?" and, "Can you deliver right away?" So I hop on my bicycle and, like Superman, go to the rescue! This is also funny because most of these quotes are just plagairised, but Zerby took credit for the sappy content. (reply to this comment)
| from Rain Child Friday, June 02, 2006 - 05:14 (Agree/Disagree?) Reminds me of my first "E". My girlfriend was driving me home as the sun was rising, and I felt an energy I'd never had before. I felt immortal. "Now I know how the angels feel!" I was saying, meaning, that the angels never sleep, and I felt I would never need sleep again. (That was before my first come-down.) Oh, thanks for the lovely memory. Now that I'm a mother I don't expect ever to experience that again. At least I'm not in danger of being seduced into a cult because I can feel 'eternal life'. (reply to this comment)
| From Rain Child Friday, June 02, 2006, 05:53 (Agree/Disagree?) Writing that got me thinking abouut the experience of discovering I was going to be a mother, and how things like partying and drugs were forevermore out of the question, just like that, because it wasn't about me anymore. It was about another little life that was dependent on me not to screw up. My turn-around was every bit as miraculous as those adults who 'found Jesus', and the thought that entered my head was, It doesn't take Jesus to get you off drugs but it may take drugs to get you onto Jesus.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | from Haunted Thursday, June 01, 2006 - 14:26 (Agree/Disagree?) Obviously this kid has never had a complete stranger on X come up to him and start telling him how much they love him..... It's called Seratonin dude, not god's love - lol (reply to this comment)
| from Haunted Thursday, June 01, 2006 - 13:34
    (Agree/Disagree?) Um, is it just me or can you get high on weird clothes now? "I'll have some of what she's wearing"..... (reply to this comment)
| from Conqueror of Uranus Thursday, June 01, 2006 - 12:42 (Agree/Disagree?) A conversation of a friend of mine(X-Fam, I'll call him Joe) with his mother(Fam-member). Joe's mom: I know God exists beacause he manifested himself to me. Joe: huh? JM: On the same day that I first met the Family, I had taken some acid, and as they were talking to me I saw a vision of an angel crying and demons attacking it. That was the moment that I knew God was trying to reach out to me. J: Mom, I've seen worse stuff than that while on acid..... I think thats why they call it a hallucinogenic. JM: It doesn't matter, God can use anything as a tool to show himself to people. J: So, you admit that taking drugs was a good thing for you? JM: That's not what I mean and you know that! I'm trying to tell you that, although God used a bad trip to speak to me, you have been raised better than that. J: (sarcastically) But mom, I don't need drugs. I get high on Jesus. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | From wouldn't she, now? Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 18:35 (Agree/Disagree?) [edit] Sure you're not underestimating Mommy's capacity for smack-talk? Here's one of her doozies from the Houston Chronicle: "Indeed, Family members appear to be as wholesomely mainstream as they contend. Seated beneath an umbrella by an azure swimming pool on the well-kept grounds of The Family compound near Cleveland, Christie Richards, her husband, Ben, and Kay Spain are a pleasant, articulate trio. About 25 of those are children, ranging from babies to adolescents. Nine of those children are Christie Richards’. All are well-dressed and well-mannered. None appears to have been abused. Richards, 40, joined The Children of God 22 years ago. She embraced Berg’s teachings and she “flirty fished” with the rest of the young women in the group. She says she no longer does it, though she has no quarrel with the morality of her past. “We were hippies and we came from the “free love” generation,” she said. “A lot of people were exploring their sexuality in the late 1960s and early 1970s and we were too.” Under Berg’s tutelage, The Children of God was libertine. For more than a decade, members practiced prostitution outside the cult and open sex within. It was not all they did. Members “witnessed” and passed out religious tracts on street corners and sought donations. They sold religious posters. They formed musical groups and produced and sold a number of music videos for children. But “flirty fishing” won “friends” for the group and was a vital part of the economy of the communal homes. It became a refined technique and Berg and his lover, Maria, published a “how to” manual on the best way to hook and keep a fish. At the same time, sex was not only for recruiting purposes. He wrote of “sharing love-up time” between members and having group sex. Female members also were required to keep records of their “fish,” vital information about the men including their age, occupation, receptiveness to being approached, likes and dislikes and what was received from them. This information, say ex-members, was computerized and a profile for the best potential “fish” was worked out. Statistics produced within the group and published for members only in April of 1988 showed 971,489 “Flirty Fishing” witness contacts (attempted seductions) in 10 years; 222,280 “fish loved” (sexual encounters) and 105,706 “souls won.” “We made mistakes then and we’re different now, but “flirty fishing” was a way of showing love” said Richards. “It was a sacrificial way of reaching out to people. People needed something and we gave it to them. It was a way of showing God’s love. “But it’s also something we stopped totally in 1987.” That was the year of a great “Reformation and Revolution” in the group. It also was the year after a female member in Japan reportedly died of AIDS-related pneumonia. Richards and Spain agreed that AIDS was a deciding factor in The Family’s curtailment of prostitution. At the same time The Family had come under scrutiny in many Third World countries and in South America, where it had become the only cult officially banned in Argentina. The “reformation” was extreme, though possibly not as complete as described by Family members. A January 1990, letter from Maria, Berg’s second in command, ordered female members to require their “fish” to wear condoms. It also contained a section on “which outsiders to still have sex with!” and told them to restrict their outside sexual activities to men in the “well-known” category. Much of Berg’s more lurid literature was ordered destroyed in 1987, however, among it was “The Davidito Letter.” “The Davidito Letter,” published among The Children of God’s mailings in 1978, was an account by group member Sara Davidito of her child-rearing practices with the 3-year-old son of Berg’s lover, Maria. The boy reportedly was fathered by a waiter in Tenerife during a “flirty fishing” union in the Canary Islands. In it she writes of and is pictured having oral sex with the child. There are pictures of the child masturbating and being placed in a copulatory position with a small girl. The nurse writes of the boy sitting by while three couples, including his mother, have group sex. She describes giving him “swigs of wine” so he would “get happy,” then climbing into bed with him and asking if he was “in the mood.” It goes on to describe the little boy at a later date attempting intercourse with a female playmate on a staircase. Richards’ husband said he had never seen the letter until a reporter showed him a copy and having seen it, “It’s not something I’d want to try to defend. I couldn’t tolerate this sort of thing.” Christie Richards said she had seen the publication, but that it was not widely disseminated within the group and not regarded as a guideline for rearing children. “I remember the letter,” said Richards. “Granted, it was extreme. But it was never distributed that widely and a lot of people, like my husband, may never have seen it. To me, it seemed pretty far out. I heard of some people taking this as a green light for sex with children, but those were individual cases. “It was never meant as something we had to follow and I know a lot of people disregarded it. “The fact is, we’ve gotten older and we’re a much more conservative group now. And we’re very concerned about being totally legal. We absolutely do nothing illegal now.”"(reply to this comment) |
| | From AndyH Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 23:52
    (Agree/Disagree?) I was going to remain aloof, but since Anna started it.... Ooooh! You know how to cut and paste! I'm really impressed! I remember when that article came out, I was on the cover, sitting in class raising my hand eagerly, "teacher, brainwash me next!" It would be great to have a copy of that, oh well. You got me! My parents were in a cult! Oh the shame, the shaaaaaaame! It must be embarrassing to look back on the silly things you said for TF and how hard you tried to make them sound believable, I cringe whenever I see a video of myself doing horribly choregraphic dance moves and belting out some cheesy crap, but my total failure to smile will always hold testament to the real me. For the record my parents are out of TF, and very much oppose it, as well as all organized religion. So if you were trying to get under my skin, you'll have to try a different approach, like make fun of my receding hairline. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | from Lets sing about heaven.... Thursday, June 01, 2006 - 11:41 (Agree/Disagree?) Fascinating, a religious experience while on drugs? This, my friends, is unheard of. If this is possible then heaven is real. This song made me believe. I will include the chords so that you can believe with musical accompaniment. (Twangy country rifts, and the sullen sounds of Singing Sam) (Verse 1) G Am Well there’s no room in heaven for strangers C D G Cuz every one there will be known Am You may travel this world without a companion C D G But heavens where no ones alone (Chorus) C G C So dream of a time when there’ll be no more heartache G C No tears and no looong looonely niiiights G C We’ll walk on those streets and no strangers we’ll meet G D G Cuz heaven’s where no ones alone (Verse 2) Am Well I tell you sometimes I’m so lonesome C D G I feel I can’t go on no more Am Then I remember That Jesus he also got lonely C D G And it comforts my heart that’s so small (Chorus) C G C So dream of a time when there’ll be no more heartache G C No tears and no loooong looonely niiiiights G C We’ll walk on those streets and no strangers we’ll meet G D G Cuz heaven’s where no ones alone (Twanityg twang beeeeeir Bieeeeeer) (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From AndyH is hungover now Friday, June 02, 2006, 10:22 (Agree/Disagree?) An effort to say something embarrassing??! You know that I am an incredibly self conscious and vain person, why on earth would I sacrifice all my pride to entertain you? I am already kicking myself for last nights follies, if this is one I avoided I am damn glad. It was a night of painful conversation, dancing in the chasm between life and death, unravelling the mysteries of the universe. I would also like to take this moment to note that my alcoholism cannot be that bad, if I still wax articulate and sensible while drunk. Well I must go. I have much to do. *writes list of people to apologize to about last night(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | from I wonder...? Thursday, June 01, 2006 - 10:07 (Agree/Disagree?) I wonder how many of the people who joined the Family were under the influence of drugs at the time? (reply to this comment)
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