Getting On : Party On
About the "Does any one else hate Xmas poll" It sucks! | from sarafina - Wednesday, December 08, 2004 accessed 2337 times There isn't anywhere for me to vote on that poll. I personally went complete opposite when I left, because I missed so many Christmases and holidays in "the family" I'm now determined to make up for then all by going all out on every Holiday and Birthday. I love them! I treasure them! I look forward to every single one and do all I can to max them out and get the most fun out of each one! At Christmas me and all in my family do all we can to make sure it is the most commercial it can get! I buy the huge 7' tree and deck it out. I put up all kinds of decorations and lights so everyone knows where I live. We buy tons of presents and make sure they are wrapped all pretty. I cook every traditional dish that should be on a commercial advertised Christmas dinner. Ham, Turkey, Pies, Panatone’, Fruit whatever you desire. Playing all your favorite carols Like "Rudolf the red nose rain deer", "Santa' Claus is coming.." Mommy's kissing Santa" "Deck the halls.." or even some good ol Christmas songs from Mr. Hanky and the South Park Gang will be sure to bring a tear to your eye. Then I hang our stockings up (yes everyone must have a stocking) on the eve and sit around drinking eggnog or cider watching all my favorite Christmas movies. (Which I've already begun watching the week before) Nightmare before Christmas (Gotta love that creative boy Jack and that saucy red head Sally), It's a wonderful life, The Grinch (who just can't cancel his 5 o'clock appointment for dinner w/ himself), White Christmas (who can forget the sister act), The Christmas story, The Lion The witch and the wardrobe (tis years new addition complete w/ ghouls, white witches, wolves, beavers and dwarfs that cry and stomp their feet) The next morning we all run out in our pj's and sit around the tree w/ hot coco, we dump out or stuffed stockings and tear open presents! Then spend the rest of the day trying things on, eating and drinking and lounging around wondering what we'll get next year! It's really quite a hoot, you should try it sometime. I don't think of it as a religious Holliday at all. It is a ME and a YOU Holiday. To do whatever you want, to eat whatever you want, have as much fun you want with who you want and most important Presents, Presents, PRESENTS for all. Come to my house for Xmas and I'll cure you of that humbug spirit. I personally would love to hear some of your own family holidays traditions and food favorites. Happy Holidays Everyone! |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from vix Friday, December 14, 2007 - 10:09 (Agree/Disagree?) Something to get you all into a festive mood (You must watch all three parts): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sq3elEfD_RA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NnmpgX5ZG8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W4N2XxG87U&feature=related Enjoy! (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | from MM Sunday, December 19, 2004 - 20:07 (Agree/Disagree?) -Hey ViC, Does this mean ur inviting MM to ur house for X-MaS hmmm, U know wht that mean, NeW wAlk... hehe!! jusT PulliN ur 9th toE XOXO ViC, for u and da girls. & forget not my present, CuZ I wanT 1 2. (reply to this comment)
| from Haunted Wednesday, December 15, 2004 - 09:37 (Agree/Disagree?) All I have to say is that Peepers had it right on his first guess: "Presents! We get Presents!!" Party time people! (reply to this comment)
| from moon beam Monday, December 13, 2004 - 08:08 (Agree/Disagree?) I agree, I've got by, by not acrediting Christmas to Christianity, Santa folks, thats what it's about!!! Just put up our tree and saw "It's a wonderful life" last night. I used to love it when my brothers and sisters were young and then when my son was small, laying out the milk, mince pie and carrot (for rudolf the raindeer) and waiting till he'd gone to sleep, then munching on a little bit of carrot and drinking the milk to see the delight on his face when he came down in the morning to open his presents. Once I forgot to eat the mince pie and when my son queried this apparent insult from father christmas, I had to explain that he must be on a diet!!HO HO HO It's true that missing so many chrismases as a kid, I now revert back to my childish self and enjoy the christmas holidays. I love cooking the traditional dinner, pulling crackers, wearing silly hats and playing board games with family and friends, manouvering that special someone under some misstletoe, everything but eggnog, I never "got" the whole eggnog thing. Tis the season to be jolly trala la la la, la la la, la peace on earth, good will to everyone Have a merry christmas and winter Solstice!! (reply to this comment)
| from Saturday, December 11, 2004 - 16:05 (Agree/Disagree?) I struggle with the Holidays. But the poll did suck, there was not an option that applied well for me. Christmas music brings up real mixed feelings, of euphoria on one hand and impending disillusionment and deadness on the other. (reply to this comment)
| from frmrjoyish Saturday, December 11, 2004 - 06:43 (Agree/Disagree?) I love the holidays! When else to we get to eat alot, drink alot, and shop alot without feeling guilty? Not to brag but I make the best turkey I've ever tasted and I make a killer rice and sausage stuffing that beats the pants off the cornbread stuff any day. I love old christmas movies but I draw the line at "It's a Wonderful Life" though. That movie is too sappy for me! Even though "White Christmas" was crammed down my throat by the cult it's still one of my favorites. Oh, and I say "Merry Christmas" not Happy Holidays! It's Christmas! Screw political correctness! (reply to this comment)
| from Jerseygirl Friday, December 10, 2004 - 15:33 (Agree/Disagree?) It is certainly very difficult to ignore or hate the holidays when you have kids around. Both myself and my amazing partner become total saps about it--we do the whole cutting down our own tree and everything. The more lights the better for the kids enjoyment. And that doesn't mean it has to look cheesy. I have to say that while I usually pride myself in being a cynic most of the year, this is one time when I have trouble not getting a little merry over the alcohol, overeating and parties with friends and family. And the best part of it all is that NOBODY is bothering me about getting up at the crack of dawn to go out for "christmas push" 30 fucking days in a row!!! The only pushing going on at the crack of dawn in my house is the fun kind--yahoo!! I'm a materialistic systemite who can say "xmas" without worrying that the devil is snickering while he takes the christ out of it. And I agree with Sarafina--people who can't seem to get out of themselves and enjoy it need to get over to a new party. (reply to this comment)
| from Joe H Friday, December 10, 2004 - 10:57 (Agree/Disagree?) I reconcile the Christmas season with the fact that I only worship Mammon and Bacchus by shopping and drinking (I'm hungover as we speak). But seriously, you can spend time with family and friends and be generous any time of year, and you don't have to sing stupid songs or wear hideous sweaters while doing it either. If you find winter SO unbearable that you have to engage in all manner of idiocy to make it fun, go fucking hibernate or something so the rest of us can walk through the store without sweating! And I treat panhandlers with bells the same way I treat regular panhandlers -- ignoring them while stifling the urge to beat them with so many sticks, which is odd considering I'm not at all violent person. My hat's off to Target for finally banning these ne'er-do-wells. Bah! Humbug! http://www.slate.com/id/2110817/ (reply to this comment)
| From sarafina Friday, December 10, 2004, 11:55 (Agree/Disagree?) Well well..so predictable. It took you long enough. I was waiting for you to bust in on our fun and post something dejecting in a lame attempt to be noticed as someone eccentric and unique . In my opinion it's usually people who are either to poor or to cheap to spend all the extra money on Christmas that usually try and disguise their lack of holiday participation with the fact they hate Christmas. Sounds like a family ploy, they didn't have money to spend on present for all of us so they just told us Christmas trees and presents were bad and of the Devil to distract us from celebrating a baby in a stable.Well, once again Hail Satan! His version sounds much funner. (Yes.. I'm aware it's not a correct word but I like it.) I know I can "spend time with family and friends and be generous any time of year" and excuse me I don't have to wear "hideous sweaters while doing it either" It just seems easier to get friends together on holidays since they usually DON"T have to work! It always make's partying lots more fun when you know your getting paid for it and not going to get introuble for not showing up. You sound like my dad on Fathers day who always complains that he's a father every day not just on fathers day. The point he's missing is that is a designated day to celebrate what a great dad he's been all year round. So say whatever you want, I actually don't believe you don't enjoy Christmas. So go bum someone else out or go vote on that poll, and leave us to our merriness.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Joe H Friday, December 10, 2004, 13:41
    (Agree/Disagree?) Why did reading this turn me on? Is it the fact that your ire is higher (hey! I like that, it rhymes!) than the Costa Rican girl at that party last night who spent the entire night following me around to tell me what an annoying asshole I am (I see right through you, Gabi, but no, I don't want to marry you and have your poor-Spanish-speaking children)? Is it because I'm flattered that you broke out of your normally quiet shell to write two and a half paragraphs at me? Is it that you jumped on my "Hail Satan!" bandwagon, which my stupid coworkers are stubbornly refusing to do? Is it that your syntactical errors were barely noticeable and you used "funner" with impunity? Or is that you peeled away my many many layers of irony and conceit and found my dirty little secret? Yes, I secretly LOVE the holidays. Not everything about them, obviously, but I adore the eggnog and the chocolate (sweet, precious chocolate!) and the presents (despite the fact that they don't fit or are otherwise utterly useless. Money, give me money! I am a material girl!), and the few carols that don't suck, and getting paid to sit on my ass stuffing my face in the company of family. I apologize to all you non-salaried people for gloating. So I propose we do what men always foolishingly do with things they love: pick it apart and try to make it better. Some ideas: 1. Lose the jewish baby in the manger. I mean, I can see maybe celebrating this if you're jewish, but come on, we're mostly of european descent. Let's get back to the festival's roman and germanic roots. If we call it Yule or Saturnalia we eliminate the whole controversy of calling it X-mas or Christmas (it's not a really a mass, now, is it? Plus, no one pronounces that 't' so for all I know we could be celebrating my brother Chris' ever-increasing mass). Plus, we could eat pigs and fuck like bunny rabbits (maybe schedule this feast on a different day from the family-oriented one). If we wanted to get really traditional, we could do this for a whole week! Oh, and the Druids did a lot more than just kiss under the mistletoe, by the way. 2. Gift-giving. Let's drastically simplify this bullshit. Just throw shiny things at your party guests a la mardi gras and be done with it. No more scratching your head from November 15 to December 23rd trying to figure out what cousin Bob could POSSIBLY want. I barely even know the guy. The economy may suffer, but I work in the health-care industry, not the sell-stupid-people-stupid-shit industry, so I don't care. 3. Beat people with sticks who put up their decorations before Thanksgiving. I know you're excited, but rules are rules! Boycott stores who play cheesy music prematurely (Nordstrom waits till the day after Thanksgiving. Why can't they all be like you, dear Nordstrom? I'll get to the issue of your over-priced, styleless clothes and gay salesboys in another rant). 4. Ban all the Jesus-themed songs, except the really cool ones like Oh Holy Night and King Wenceslas. Hunt down tape-nessing Familymites with guns! 5. Make Halloween last longer, then push back Thanksgiving and Christmas so we can celebrate something during the rest of winter. January and February are bleak too, you know. 6. Stop making Festivus jokes. This is mostly directed at me. My boss was the only one who thought it was funny, which is good, 'cause I don't think he likes me much anymore after that disaster that happened while I was on vacation that he thinks was my fault. Seinfeld has been off the air for quite some time now -- move on. And don't pronounce it Festivious either. This means you, Timhotep. On that note, smack yourself three times in the forehead before you even so much as THINK about doing a Mr Hankey impersonation. It's as annoying as it is unfunny. 7. I just typed a seven here because I like seeing it uncrossed, which I was told was the way "Dad" liked to write his sevens. Rot in hell, Berg. 8. Icicle lights, ugly knit sweaters with reindeer and snowflakes, and the Trans-Siberian orchestra, you have to go! 9. Read my essay about not saying I love you with spam: http://www.movingon.org/article.asp?sID=3&Cat=39&ID=1675 (If Jesus is shamelessly self-promoting himself this month, why can't I?) Hell, read ALL of my articles. You'll edify your mind, and waste some of your employer's time, and isn't that the real meaning of Christmas? Read neezy's latest article, which is fucking hilarious and puts all my sardonic photo commentaries to shame (but you had better material to work with, neez) There is no #10 because I'm cool and rebellious like that, and I really need to get some work done. Redactedly, Joe(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | from banal_commentator Friday, December 10, 2004 - 10:51 (Agree/Disagree?) Just had to add one more joyous little tidbit......This is the first C'mas in my life that I've had a tweetie!!! Yeeeaaaaaaa, I am so happy for myself and wondered how I managed to pull this off as most men are repelled by my caustic jokes, and manic fits of narcissism followed by my self-loathing. Anyway, it is tweet to have a tweetie and twistmas. To prolong my good cheer, I suggest we all talk about our favourite chirstmas songs. Mine is probably "Let it snow" (reply to this comment)
| from exister Friday, December 10, 2004 - 10:28
    (Agree/Disagree?) The Family only started ruining Christmas for me. Spending a Christmas alone in the ghetto and being married to a psychopath pretty much sealed the deal. Think about it though. This whole "don't be a grinch" business is just another tool of social conformity. The only thing that is real about Christmas is the fact that it is the Winter Solstice. Other than that it is all a bunch of made up hooey, which can only be perpetuated through pervasive social enforcement like calling people grinches. Fight the power, and fuck all Holidays! (but let's still get them off from work) Merry Whatever! (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from Nick Friday, December 10, 2004 - 09:29
    (Agree/Disagree?) Yeah, I agree. You have 3 choices in that poll. 1: I don't like Christmas cuz I am a prissy little bitch. 2: I don't like Christmas cuz I am a super prissy little bitch. 3: I don't like Christmas cuz I am a super duper prissy little bitch. I personally like Christmas because I can get drunk and chase after chicks in little red Santa outfits and then make them call me St Nick all night……. (reply to this comment)
| from Wolf Friday, December 10, 2004 - 09:17 (Agree/Disagree?) Yeah, why should we let TF ruin Christmas / x-mas for us? (reply to this comment)
| from banal_commentator Friday, December 10, 2004 - 08:38 (Agree/Disagree?) Agreed!!! That is a BS poll. I love Christmas. It's my favourite time of year. I love everything about it: the decorations, presents, friends, family, food, carols. It thrills my soul to this day, it always has and always will. Even as a child, that miserable cult couldn't strip the luster and add their perversions to corrupt C'mas for me. Don't associate C'mas with that cult fools, it is a wonderful part of western heritage. (reply to this comment)
| from Negro Friday, December 10, 2004 - 07:23 (Agree/Disagree?) I agree with you entirely! Whoever wrote that poll obviously has issues regarding Christmas. It doesn’t matter to me that I’m not a believer; at Christmas time I still want a manger scene, tree etc… Its part of who I am. Besides, I like the warm fuzzy felling I get when decorating my house while humming to myself. Damn that does it! I’m gonna go buy me some decorations this instant! (reply to this comment)
| from Vicky Friday, December 10, 2004 - 01:25
    (Agree/Disagree?) I approach the subject from a slightly different perspective - I must be one of the few ex-family who had the luxury of enjoying a traditional Christmas with my relatives every year while in TF, so for me it is a time for reconnecting with the innocence and happiness of childhood. I LOVE IT! I have the tree up on Dec 1st (although I was late this year, shock horror!!!) and all the soppy Christmas albums come out, as well as the children’s collection of seasonal films. The children and I spend a lot of time making decorations and cards and this is a very important part of Christmas for me - I want them to build up a treasure chest of happy memories of comfortable, cosy 'togetherness' that they can carry with them throughout their lives. For me, Christmas is all about rediscovering the 'magic', indulging the child within me and assuaging my need for escape from the 'grown-up' world. I seem to feel the hope and contentedness building up within me throughout the season, culminating in a renewed appreciation for life and the conviction that yes, life is worth living and dreams are worth dreaming. I only have to walk through the living room and catch a glimpse of the tree, lit up and resplendent in all its gold and red, to feel my spirits lift. My nostalgia regarding the Yuletide season is such that although I am an atheist I absolutely refuse to call it Xmas – There is no feeling in that word - and although anything even remotely related to religion normally brings on the nausea, I still love listening to Christmas carols and hymns. I must confess, I sometimes sense the voice of my sensible side muttering disapprovingly in the background - she seems to feel acute embarrassment on behalf of her childish sister and withering disdain at the thought that a grown woman can allow herself to be so easily overcome by sentimentality and emotionalism. But, I DON'T CARE!!!! I have learned to ignore her completely and carry on with my enjoyment of the season, because if it makes me happy I am going to go for it, and all the way! SO THERE!!! : ) (reply to this comment)
| | | From kats Wednesday, December 15, 2004, 19:33 (Agree/Disagree?) we were also at ouer granperents every christmas, i defernetly get verry childish at christmas and want everything and the partridge in a pear tree!!!!! i know i overdo it but it is the one time of year that u can get away with acting like a kid! but thats the fun in it. but i do wish i belived in santa as a kid couse i could have gotten so much more out of him then than now!! ;-)(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | From sarafina Friday, December 10, 2004, 10:07 (Agree/Disagree?) Ha! I'm like that too, I'm the biggest kid at Christmas. This year my sis calls me up on Nov. 15th and asked if I want to go Christmas tree hunting. I was like ..today? She says ..well yes..Dad just called and says they already have theirs up. The difference is our Dad lives in Duluth,MN where you can walk outside and cut down your own tree. Here in Ca. the earliest you can find a tree is the day after thanksgiving. So needles to say we never got a tree that day. But how did you get so lucky Vicky that you were able to have Christmas with your relatives on Christmas? As far as I can remember we never had a tree, we weren't allowed to visit relatives(except on a few rare occasions) the only present we ever got were from my Grandparents who would send a box every year that was first gone through and ransacked for anything cool or fun and the leftovers given to us which consisted of nothing more then some goodwill items. Yet I remember it was the only thing I looked forward to at Christmas. Other then that Christmas was a huge outreach day. I remember having to go postering or caroling in the cold all day while watching people running around buying all kinds of last minute presents.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Vicky Friday, December 10, 2004, 10:36 (Agree/Disagree?) First of all, I wasn't born in TF, so I had a few Christmases before my mom joined. Secondly, there were certain benefits to growing up in Scandinavia, I guess - It was always slightly more 'progressive' than other areas. I did spend some of my childhood years living either in very small homes or otherwise remarkably 'friendly' combos where a bit of fraternization with the 'enemy' wasn't considered too wicked. I must also confess that my parents were NASes for a period of about a year or two or something, so undoubtedly that put me in a privileged position. And finally, my grandfather was a doctor and had his own private practice, so I presume that by the time things had tightened up enough that it might have been considered really out-of-it for us to visit my grandparents, it was decided that keeping them friendly would be better for the Lord's Work.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Ne Oublie Sunday, December 12, 2004, 01:28 (Agree/Disagree?) Well, the Bible did refer to them as 'kings' - so I suppose that works. What's disappointing about this article is that they didn't mention Kylie as being the angel... not to mention no close-up picture of her. In any case, I think it's stupid and petty for the Vatican to be complaining about a Nativity scene being displayed - no matter who the 'actors' - particularly in this day and age where the PC brigade are making it all but illegal to even say the word Christmas!(reply to this comment) |
| | From Vicky Sunday, December 12, 2004, 02:05 (Agree/Disagree?) Actually, I thought it was deliciously irreverent and a great antidote to the religious origins of this 'Christian' season. I think it's a brilliant commentary on the importance of celebrity in today's society, and I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of good old Bush and Tony being chosen as 'wise men.' I happen to think that Prince Philip is hilarious and quite the witty character, so I think he deserves to be in the line up. ; )(reply to this comment) |
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